02x02 - Initiations

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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02x02 - Initiations

Post by bunniefuu »

First officer's personal log,
stardate 49005.3.

I have been granted the use of
a shuttlecraft to perform the pakra,

a solitary ritual commemorating
the anniversary of my father's death.


I pray on this day of memories
to speak to my father,

the one whom the wind called Kolopak.

Though I am far from his bones,

perhaps there is a spirit in these
unnamed skies who will find him

and honour him with my song.


There. You see?

We should teach them the price
of trespassing in our space.

- I'll go.
- Let Kar do it this time.

He's not ready.

He demands a chance
to earn his name.

Do you believe he could do this?

Did you know you were ready
for your first mission, Haliz?

Tell him.

Tell him today is the day
he will finally be called Ogla.

Computer, report.

The shuttlecraft
has sustained phaser fire.


A Kazon spacecraft
closing at 195, mark 6.

Computer, open a channel
to the Kazon vessel.

This is Commander Chakotay
of the Federation.

- Why have you fired on me?
- You are in Kazon-Ogla space.

I wasn't aware of that.
I have no hostile intentions.

- I'll leave.
- No one violating Ogla space leaves.

Son, my starship
is only a few light years away.

I am not your son, Federation.
I am your executioner.

Chakotay to Kazon vessel.
Listen carefully.

I do not want a fight.

Stand down
or I'll be forced to return fire.

I've established a direct weapons lock
on your engine core.

This is my final warning. If you don't
stand down, I will destroy your ship.

All right, if that's
the way you want to play it.

Chakotay to Kazon vessel.
Do you read me?

Computer, are there any lifesigns?

Affirmative. One lifesign.

Kazon ship, your engine core is critical.

You have less than 30 seconds
to evacuate. Do you read me?

If you have an escape pod,
you must eject now.

Establish a transporter lock
on the life-form.

Acknowledged. Targeting scanners.

- Prepare to beam him aboard.
- Scanners locked.


Chakotay to Voyager.

Chakotay to Voyager.

Computer, damage report.

Long-range communications, sensor
array and aft shields are off-line.


Welcome aboard.

I don't feel that I'm not contributing
as chef and morale officer...

You're making significant contributions.

Well, if you insist, but...

How would Lieutenant Ayala handle the
separation from his kids without you?

He misses his boys terribly.
I wish I could do more for him.

- And your meals are getting to be...
- Yes?

Almost certainly a highlight
of every day.

Oh, Captain!

You always know
how to touch one's heart. Thank you.

When I signed on, I promised you that...

I promised you
that I would stand by your side

through this quadrant's dangers,

as guide, strategist,
explorer, adventurer...


I feel... under-utilised.

I can swashbuckle
with the best of them.

You weren't invited to
the defence simulations?

- No.
- Captain, you are needed.

On my way.
I'll see to it you're invited next time.

And now,
please join me on the bridge.

Yes, sir... ma'am... Captain.

Commander Chakotay
has still not returned.

- Have you tried hailing him?
- No response.

- When did we last hear from him?
- More than six hours ago.

According to this, he's not far.
We'll have to get him.

I want all away teams back on board.

Mr Paris, plot a course for Chakotay's
last known coordinates.

What am I doing here?

- You're welcome.
- What?

You thank me for saving your life,
I say, "You're welcome".

I accept your surrender. Look!

I promise you, we'll find a Kazon ship
and hand you over to them.

- You should've let me die.
- I don't k*ll children.

Warning. Alien vessel
approaching at 022, mark 8.

- What's your name, son?
- What?

- Your name.
- Why do you want to know my name?

I want to let them know you're on board.

I'm called Kar.

Computer, open a channel.

Kazon vessel, I have a young man
on board you might know.

He goes by the name of Kar.
I'd say he's about 13.

I'd like to arrange for his transfer
before I return to my ship.

Computer, confirm channel is open.

Transmission has been received.

Talk to them. Tell them you're OK.

Warning. Kazon vessel has engaged
a tractor beam.

- Full reverse.
- Unable to comply.

Tractor force exceeds
available engine power.

They're pulling us in.

k*ll me.


Why are you so eager
for me to k*ll you?

Because there are worse things
than being k*lled by your enemy.

If you check your long-range sensors,
you'll find a big ship out there.

By now it's on its way to find me.

Kar, I told Razik you weren't ready.

I know why I'm here,
but why are they doing this to you?

I was ready, Haliz, ready to k*ll or die.
I felt the flames touch my skin.

Go back in, Kar.

It was this fool, this Federation,

who doesn't have the courage
to k*ll his enemies.

He pulled me out with that transporter
we've heard about.

Like the Nistrim and the Relora
before you, you come into our space,

showing off your uniforms, displaying
the markings of your Federation,

with no respect,
as if you own this part of space.

But it belongs to us!

I tried to k*ll him, Haliz.

I want to see Razik.

Tell Razik I demand to see him.

Who's Razik?

Tell Razik that Federation Commander
Chakotay demands to see him.

- What are you doing?
- Razik is obviously your leader.

If he's strong enough to command,
he's wise enough to listen to reason.

You see this?
This is debris from a Nistrim frigate.

Razik destroyed it,
k*lling more than 100 in a single sh*t.

Before that, his name was only Ra.

Now he is called Jal Razik.

And this tunic
belonged to a Relora warrior.

He was k*lled by the bare hands
of another Ogla called only Hali.

Now that man is called Jal Haliz,
one of our greatest fighters.

And this bracelet belonged to the man
who k*lled my brother...

my brother, Jal Kanal, who earned his
Ogla name by dying bravely in battle.

But I... I will never earn my name,
in life or in death,

and I have you to thank for that.

We're approaching Chakotay's
last known coordinates.

All stop. Full sensor scan, Mr Kim.

I'm picking up floating debris - duranium,
magnesite and electroceramics.

Also heavy traces of carbon residue.

Bridge to engineering. Prepare to
receive debris samples for analysis.

Transport complete.

Captain, an ion trail is
leading away from this location.

Chakotay's shuttle?

The radiation is not consistent
with Federation propulsion systems.

So someone blew up Chakotay's
shuttle and then took off?

That's speculation, Mr Paris.

But that trail's the only clue we have
to Chakotay's whereabouts.

- Laying in a course.
- Engage.

Hello, Kar.

I never thought
I would see you like this.

It was not my fault.
It was his technology.

Don't make excuses, Kar.
An Ogla has no room for excuses.

No. No excuses.

I forgive you. Know that in your heart.

No. Please.

You will eat at my right hand tonight.

Why did you save him? It's a very
ineffective way of waging w*r.

- I'm not at w*r with you.
- I wish I could say the same.

We don't know this part of space.

If a map had identified this
as Kazon-Ogla territory,

I wouldn't have been here.

Unfortunately, our territorial claims
change every day.

Maps do not serve us well.

You did him a great disservice,
you know.

If he had k*lled me, my uniform
would have made a fine trophy.

Your uniform may yet decorate our wall.

You may not think you're at w*r with us,
Commander Chakotay,

but you are a thr*at to us.

The Kazon fought for their
independence from uniforms like yours.

Uniforms maybe, but not like mine.

Your uniforms, your laws,
your technology.

You are not welcome here.

Get him something to eat.
The execution is tonight.


Most of the debris
is composed of a polyduranide alloy,

which isn't used in
Federation spacecraft.

- Chakotay's shuttle wasn't destroyed?
- This ship was Kazon.

You get them involved young.

As soon as they're old enough
to protect their younger siblings.

So they brought you here
to see your first human?

Take a good look.
You won't see any hate in my eyes.

I'm a gentle man from a gentle people
who wish you no harm.

- That's enough!
- I know you'd like them to hate me,

but their first impression will be good.

You are here to learn
what it means to be a Kazon male.

You all know Kar. You've learned
to fight together, haven't you?

Kar was sent to k*ll this man
to earn his Ogla name.

But Kar failed and will
not earn his name even in death.

Who would be willing to k*ll the human?

So much for first impressions,

I'm proud of you.
Each will get your chance someday.

But that's not what we're here for today.

We are here to learn
the price of failure in battle.

- Take it.
- What for?

To k*ll Kar,
as you should have done in battle.

You want me to k*ll a child
in front of other children? What for?

It will teach these little boys
an important lesson.

And after you do that,
you'll be free to go.

You may think I want
your friend Kar to die

but you'd be wrong.

I've seen too many Ogla die
at the hands of our enemies.

That is why you must learn
there are no second chances in battle.

That is why Kar must die.

If I refuse?

I'll be needing my shuttle back.

Do you really think
you can escape us in that?

That's a chance I'm willing to take.
What about you?

Let the coward run. Prepare his shuttle.

Wanna come?

There doesn't seem
to be much of a future for you here.

He'd rather die than run
like a Calogan dog with you.

If I stay here, I'll die without a name.
Only cowards die without a name.

You won't find your name
running after the Federation.

Maybe not, but that's a chance
I'm willing to take.

I'll show you how to disable
the weapons systems.

- Will Razik be all right?
- Don't worry. He's only stunned.

They got those weapons
back on-line quickly.

- Computer, prepare to go to warp.
- No!

- We should try to outmanoeuvre them.
- You're the boss.

Initiate evasive pattern Theta 2.
Full impulse.

I can give you their shield frequencies.
We can hit them back.

You may want you to die violently,
but I'd like to get out without bloodshed.

- You'd rather die a wrinkled old man?
- Sounds about right.

- Computer, damage report.
- Aft shields at 63%.

We won't make it like this. Computer,
scan for an M-Class atmosphere.

There is an M-Class moon
at bearing 108, mark 18.

Distance, 1.9 million kilometres.

That's Tarok, where the Ogla
conduct training exercises.

Anybody training there now?

Computer, lay in a course to the moon.

Evasive pattern Omega 1,
maximum impulse.

Warning. Hull breach is imminent.

Prepare for transport.
Two to beam to the surface.

Transport is not recommended.
The moon is out of safety range.

- The ion trail is dissipating.
- All stop.

I'm picking up debris again. More
duranium, magnesite, carbon residue.

It's the remnants of another ship.

prepare to receive another sample.

- Acknowledged.
- Transport under way.

Torres to bridge. Sample received.

Let me know
when you've got something.

I've got something right now.
It's a piece of Chakotay's shuttle.


It worked?

Transport wasn't recommended.
It wasn't impossible.

I hope Razik thinks
we didn't survive the expl*si*n.

Then maybe you'll get your name
for dying in battle.

In battle? That wasn't a battle!

We didn't even sh**t back.
And now I'm stranded here with you.

Yes, you're stranded here with me,
and I'm stranded here with you

because, for some reason that
escapes me, I keep saving your life.

If you want to hate me for that, fine.

But keep it to yourself.

- You don't...
- To yourself!

First thing we've got to do is find
some shelter. Any suggestions?

I think we're finally beginning
to understand each other.

- You don't know what you're doing.
- What did I just say?

Get down.

- What the hell was that?
- A proton beam.

They're hidden everywhere, along with
biomagnetic traps and disruptor snares.

I told you, the Ogla train on this moon.
I was here myself last year with Razik.

- So you know your way around.
- I know you're in my territory.

If you want to live to become
that wrinkled old man, do what I say.

It looks like you just saved my life.
Twice more and we'll be even.

I analysed the shuttle debris,

and I found no evidence
of human remains.

Then it's possible Chakotay
wasn't k*lled in the expl*si*n.

That's great news. Thank you.

My pleasure. Now, would you mind
transporting this junk to the cargo bay?

- It's cluttering up my lab.
- Of course.

If Commander Chakotay
wasn't in the shuttle, where is he?

We've been able to extrapolate
his course prior to the expl*si*n.

He was heading for an M-Class moon
in this system.

We found
residual energy displacement

that isn't consistent with the expl*si*n.

He transported to that moon?

We tried to scan,
but there is radiothermic interference.

- Radiothermic?
- From subterranean energy sources,

concealed weapons systems -

phaser banks, force fields,
proton dischargers...

Kazon. When they captured me,
I saw how they concealed the weaponry.

I believe you call them booby traps.

Then this moon is
some kind of Kazon fortification?

Or it may be a training site.

For the Kazon, live amm*nit*on
is a very effective teaching tool.

In the absence of evidence
to the contrary,

I believe Chakotay
made it to that moon.

Mr Kim, determine the location
he would have beamed to.

- Lieutenant, we'll lead the away team.
- As you wish.

But we will not be able to communicate
with the ship.

I'm working on a dampening field.

- It'll take several hours.
- I don't wanna wait but keep trying.

Neelix and Kes are Kazon experts.
Kes, come with us.

Neelix, you want more to do?
Well, now is your chance.

I want you on the bridge
in case we run into any Kazon ships.

Don't worry. You can count on me
to keep those nefarious Kazon at bay.


What are you doing?

I'm setting my tricorder
to emit a homing signal

so my people will know
where to look.

- They'll think you're dead.
- I'm betting they haven't given up on me.

Maybe I should k*ll you
and steal your technology for my people.

- Then they'd have to give me my name.
- You just won't give up, will you?

I will earn my name, Federation.

Not Federation. Chakotay.
That's my name.

Did you have to earn it?

- No, not exactly.
- Then your name means nothing.

My name was a gift from my tribe.

I cherish it every day of my life.

Just as I cherish
the Federation uniform.

I should respect you
because of that uniform?

Your name, my uniform -
not much difference.

We both have to earn them.

What did you have to do to earn it?

Study. Years of study.

Learning about science
and ships and navigation.

You don't prove your battle skills?

No. We were prepared
to defend ourselves in battle.

They prepared us very well.

We had to pass many difficult tests
before we could wear the uniform.

You're saying that my name and
your uniform mean the same thing.

- But you're wrong.
- Why?

What's so different about us,
except that I save your life

and you thr*aten to k*ll me?

I must protect my territory.
Territory is power.

Let me tell you, I have no interest
in your territory or anybody else's.

My people taught me
a man does not own land.

He doesn't own anything
but the courage and loyalty in his heart.

That's where my power comes from.

I think we could use some sleep,
don't you?

Kazon raider approaching
at bearing 288, mark 9.

On screen. Open a channel.

I'm Lieutenant Tom Paris
of the starship Voyager.

Jal Razik, first maje of the Kazon-Ogla.
I will speak to your captain.

I'm in command.
You can speak to me.

You are trespassing in Ogla space.
Why do you orbit our moon?

Just stopped to make a few repairs.

That is a lie. You are looking
for Commander Chakotay.

- Now, how would you know about that?
- Quite simply. We k*lled him.

- Under what circumstances?
- He kidnapped a young man.

It became necessary
to destroy his ship.

No doubt you found the remains.
So I suggest you depart immediately.

- Thanks for the advice.
- What a most unusual offer,

a Kazon-Ogla maje

allowing a trespasser
to leave his space unharmed?

What would the other Kazons
say about this new merciful attitude?

Don't tempt me, Talaxian.
I would just as soon open fire.

- Would you?
- Neelix.

No, I don't think so.

That would attract every rival Kazon
sect to your secret training base.

I know your ships, Maje.

I even sold a few Plaxan sensors
to the Ogla a few years back.

You've read the same lifesigns
on that moon that we have.

Perhaps one of those lifesigns
belongs to your captain.

If you've detected the weaponry
deployed, know this -

with one command, I can cause
that weaponry to self-destruct,

destroying the surface of the moon
and everyone on it.

Neither of us wants that, do we?

Think of the cost of replacing
the weapons. Awfully hard to come by.

And it would make you vulnerable
to your enemies.

We'll leave when
we've retrieved our crewmen,

all of them,
including Chakotay, if he's alive.

And your man will be returned to you.

Looks like they're intending
to enter the atmosphere.

I need communication
with the surface, and soon.

I still can't get
the dampening field working.

I can't even give you an estimate.

- Shall we take Voyager down?
- I've run a soil analysis.

The surface won't support a landing.

The Captain will be greeted
by unexpected visitors.

At least we bought her some time.

Good morning.

- How did you sleep?
- Fine.


- You seemed a little restless to me.
- What do you mean?

- Skulking around, throwing things.
- You were awake?

You think I'd sleep around an Ogla
warrior who wants to k*ll me?

Why didn't you go through with it?

- I am a coward.
- I don't believe that.

I don't believe you do either.

Maybe you're beginning
to realise I'm not your enemy,

and only a fool would k*ll a friend.

If you are my friend,
then you're my only one.

What happens to me now?
Where do I go?

Would any other Kazon sect
accept you?

I would be a govern, an outcast.

Each Kazon sect I meet
would cut one digit off, send me away.

- How many Kazon sects are there?
- Changes every day.

- Yesterday there were 18.
- You could come with us.

- To dress in a uniform?
- You wouldn't have to wear a uniform.

And the closer you get to your home,
the farther I would be from mine.

If only you had k*lled me.

Captain, four life-forms approaching.
40 metres.

They appear to be Kazon.

Put your weapons away.
We've come to help.

Help us? With what?

We learned of the plight
of your missing crewman.

We've come to offer our assistance
in finding him.

- That's very kind of you.
- You're on dangerous ground.

There are concealed weapons

We will lead you through them.

Very well.

Tell me about the other uniforms,
the ones the Kazon fought.

The Trabe. The Kazon shared their
homeworld, if you can call it sharing.

They had everything, we had nothing,

until we took it from them
in the revolt 26 years ago.

What is it?

People coming this way,
humans and Kazon.

What are we going to do?

The only way back to the Ogla for you
is earning your name.

- So that's what you'll have to do.
- But how?

You're gonna have to k*ll me.

The signal seems to be coming
from some caves 40 metres ahead.

Your technology amazes us. It would
have taken us weeks to track them.

- We'll have to discuss an alliance.
- I would welcome your friendship.

I'm reading elevated
radiothermic levels here.

The Ocampa female is correct.
This is a dangerous place.

We lose many trainees here.
Perhaps we should proceed alone.

- They can't be far now.
- Thanks, but we'll stick together.

- Voyager to away team.
- We're here.

Captain, are you all right?
We had a run-in...

We have the assistance of the Ogla.

I was gonna tell you to expect that.

- Lock onto Commander Chakotay.
- Stand by.

- Voyager to Chakotay. Do you read?
- I'm fine, Paris.

- Stand by for us to beam you out.
- Belay that, Voyager. Stand by.

- The away team's 50 metres away.
- Right, but don't...

Alert sickbay to prepare
for a Code White resuscitation.

- Did you say Code White?
- Correct.

I don't have time to explain now.
Chakotay out.

It's OK. They can revive me
even if I'm brain dead for two minutes.

Why are you doing this?

It's my fault you don't have your name.
I can't leave you behind like this.

- Chakotay to away team.
- Good to hear your voice.

Proceed with caution. I've
been taken prisoner by a young Kazon.

He's threatening to k*ll me.

- This way. It's safer.
- I would beg to differ.

Based on these readings, that way
would seem the logical choice.

I apologise for my comrade.
He's trying to mislead you.

So, your technology
is not always an ally.

Sometimes it betrays you. Pity.

I'm afraid you would not score well
in our training exercises.

- Away team to Voyager.
- That panel is a micro-generator.

- We could disable it.
- We could remodulate the phasers.

Make it fast.

I've been waiting for you, Razik.

So, the Federation commander
is your prisoner.

- I only came with him so I could k*ll him.
- So you could earn your name.

That's what I've been hoping for, Razik.
But you taught me well.

I know what you're going to say.
You've said it so many times before.

"In battle,
there are no second chances.”

But you are not my enemy. He is.

My name is Jal Karden, Kazon-Ogla.

You are first maje now, Haliz.
My life is yours.

k*ll me if you wish.

Or let me live and I will follow you into
battle whenever you command.

Jal Karden.


The Federation does not belong here.

If we meet again, I will k*ll you.

I understand.

Janeway to Voyager. Five to beam up.


I pray on this day of memories
to speak to my father,

the one whom the wind called Kolopak.

Father, if you can hear me
among these unnamed stars,

I ask you to continue to watch over me
as you've always done.

I ask you also to watch
over a boy called Karden,

who has a difficult path to travel.

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