02x14 - Alliances

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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02x14 - Alliances

Post by bunniefuu »


- Report!
- The Kazon have retreated.

- We must have hurt them.
- Not as bad as they hurt us.

- All engines are off-line.
- Shields and weapons arrays are down.

- We're sitting ducks!
- Engineering, what's your status?

We had to shut down the warp engines
to avoid a breach.

The impulse engines are gone, too.

I can give you thrusters but I've
got a lot of casualties to tend to.

Lieutenant! It's Kurt Bendera.
He's hurt pretty bad.

His console exploded.
Caught him in the face.

We've got to get him to sickbay.

- Torres to sickbay.
- I hope this is urgent.

- We have our hands full.
- I'm sending up an emergency.

- One of my people is severely b*rned.
- We'll do what we can.

Captain, there's a hull
breach on deck 4.

Repair crews on the way.

Casualties on all decks.
No fatalities so far.

Request permission
to help Torres in engineering.

- Maybe I can get propulsion running.
- Go ahead.

The navigational deflector
has sustained massive damage.

We must repair it
to achieve more than thruster power.

Get it repaired. I want an analysis
of the damage we've sustained.

He's not responding.
75 milligrams of impedrezene.

That might stimulate his heart
but it may be too late.

- It had no effect.
- Cortical stimulator.

I'm sorry. He was too badly injured.

He saved my life once,
near the Cardassian border.

Come in.

Crewman Bendera is dead.
The Doctor couldn't do anything.

I'm sorry, Chakotay.
I know you were friends.

- Will you arrange a memorial service?
- I'll get right on it.

- Was there something else?
- Yes.

We're in a situation
where the rules have changed.

Maybe, if we're going to survive
out here, we have to change, too.

What do you mean?

When we first started our trip home,

you decided to treat Voyager as
a Starfleet ship following Starfleet rules.

Starfleet works well
in the Alpha Quadrant.

But out here... maybe we should be
thinking more like the Maquis.

The Maquis had to survive
on their own.

We were up against
insurmountable odds.

We had to create our own success
because nobody would help us.

Sound like anybody you know?

We can't abandon our principles
just because we're out of hailing range.

This was the fourth att*ck
in two weeks.

We've lost three crew members.
A dozen more are seriously injured.

We'll be lucky
to get warp drive on-line again.

And the Kazon will be back.

We can't afford
to keep doing business as usual.

A lot of us can say we are alive today
because of Kurt Bendera.

There was never a better man
to have at your side,

never anyone more willing
to take on the tough jobs.

I first met him in a mining community
on Telfas Prime.

Some miners objected to my humour

and decided to break a few of my bones.

There were four of them and one of me

and I was taking a b*ating.

Suddenly this man came from nowhere

and evened things up.

We stood back to back

and the others decided

my humour wasn't so bad after all.

I thanked the man.

He grinned and said, "I like a good fight."

He was my friend from that moment on.

And he kept fighting the good fight

right up to the end.

I'll miss him.


Captain, can I ask you something?

A lot of people think

we won't make it out of here alive.

What do you have to say about that?

What do you have to say about that?

I assure you, you can speak freely.

I'd give the Kazon what they want.

Give them the replicators
and the transporters.

- That would be a violation of the...
- I know about the Prime Directive.

But the Federation
is 70,000 light years away.

What does it matter
what these people do to each other?

I appreciate your concerns,
but let me make it absolutely clear.

I'll destroy this ship before I turn
any part of it over to the Kazon.

So that's how the Maquis
would do it, hm?

It's OK. I know Hogan's upset.
He and Bendera were close.

- That's not why he thinks what he does.
- I've made my position clear on that.

You have. But the crew haven't been
able to voice their opinions.

This isn't a democracy.
I can't run this ship by consensus.

The Maquis feel
the Federation abandoned them.

You're willing to die for
Federation principles, but they're not.

- You support that man's position?
- No.

But isn't there something
in between your position and his?

Deck 3.

Maybe there's room for flexibility
in interpreting Starfleet's protocols.

They weren't intended
for these situations.

- They haven't let us down.
- Maybe this is the first example.

Maybe we have to ask ourselves if
Starfleet principles are applicable here.

Computer, hold turbolift.

If you have a specific suggestion,
please feel free to make it.

Make a deal. An alliance.

- With the Kazon?
- With one or two of their factions.

If we had the Ogla and the Relora as
our allies, the others wouldn't touch us.

They're not trustworthy.
I can't imagine making a deal with them.

Maybe that's because your imagination
is limited by Starfleet protocols.

You're responsible for making decisions
in the best interest of your crew.

I think you have to ask yourself
if you're doing that.

Come in.

Captain, this is unexpected.

- I've been in your quarters before.
- Indeed.

But so rarely that I can remember
each instance.

Vulcan spice tea, hot.

It was always
when you were particularly troubled.

Right as usual. Thank you.

Chakotay has proposed that we make
an alliance with the Kazon.

We wouldn't give them
weapons or technology

but we would pledge to support them
if they were att*cked.

- I'm sure that made you uncomfortable.
- How can I consider it?

I can't just walk away
from Starfleet precepts.

You don't deal with outlaws or involve
yourself in the politics of other cultures.

It goes against everything I believe,
everything experience has taught me.

- Quite right.
- Do I hear a "however" coming?

You are perceptive, Captain. I believe
Chakotay's suggestion has merit.

Help me understand that.

When I was young,
a great visionary named Spock

recommended an alliance between
the Federation and the Klingons.

This produced a major dispute.
The Klingons were outlaws.

They employed v*olence and brutality
to build their empire.

I spoke out against such a coalition.

But the alliance was forged,
and it brought a stability

that had not existed for 200 years.

Spock's suggestion,
so controversial at first,

proved to be the cornerstone of peace.

There are some differences here.

By allying ourselves to one faction,
we'd be giving it more power.

That would affect the internal politics
of all the Kazon.

I understand your concern,

but it would be a temporary arrangement,
as we're on our way out of this quadrant.

In the meantime, it might bring stability
to the region and security for us.

Once we're gone,
they'll go back to their infighting.

Perhaps. But temporary stability
can bring an appreciation for peace.

This flower is a rare hybrid.

As far as I know,
it exists nowhere else in the galaxy.

I created it by grafting a cutting
from a South American orchid

onto a Vulcan favinit plant.

I doubted the graft would take,
and indeed, the plant was sickly at first.

However, after a few weeks, both
plants adapted to their new condition,

and, in fact, became stronger
than either had been alone.

after much consideration,

I've decided to seek an alliance
with one of the Kazon factions.

- You can't be serious. This goes...
- Ensign.

I'll discuss my reasoning
at a more appropriate time.

But this meeting is not to debate the
decision, but to decide how to pursue it.

- If I may?
- Yes, Mr Neelix.

We're not far from a planet
known as Sobras,

where there's a settlement inhabited
by a faction called the Pommar.

My acquaintance there owes me some
favours. Some rather large favours.

- Perhaps I could sound him out.
- Is he authorised to speak for his maje?

Not exactly, but he does
have the maje's ear.

This would be informal but it might
give us a reading on the possibility

without the risk of confrontation.

Good idea. Proceed, Mr Neelix.

Why don't we just form an alliance
with Seska?

That's a good idea.

You're got to be kidding.

Seska has been trying to forge
an alliance among the Kazon.

If we went through Seska we could
ally ourselves with the Nistrim.

- I think it's a bad idea.
- You can't have it both ways.

If you want to get in the mud
with the Kazon, you might get dirty.

Fine. I'll talk with Seska.

No. You've been through
too much with her.

Mr Neelix, prepare to take your shuttle
to Sobras. I'll make contact with Seska.


Captain's log,
stardate 49337 .4.

After sending a message to Seska
and the Nistrim Maje Culluh,

we have received a quick response.

Captain Janeway.
Commander Chakotay.

We were surprised to hear from you.

- Will you meet with us?
- Your proposal is interesting.

I've discussed it with Seska

and she says you would not make
this gesture unless you were sincere.

- I will talk with you.
- I suggest we rendezvous.

- We'll transmit coordinates to you.
- We'll choose the coordinates.

- Fine. Transmit them to us.
- We'll meet in approximately 20 hours.

I must say, Captain,
I look forward to this opportunity.

Hello, my friends.
Please, don't let me interrupt.

I was hoping to find my good friend
Jal Tersa here. Has he been in tonight?

Thank you.

Tersa, my friend.

It's dangerous sneaking up on a man.

I'd never sneak up on you but you were
so engrossed in... whatever that is.

A puzzle.
What brings you here, Talaxian?

- Perhaps I could help.
- The dancer showed it to me.

By moving two rods, this dodecahedron
can become a icosahedron.

She said she'd spend the night
with the man who could solve it.

A splendid motivation, to be sure.

I just might be able
to make your night a memorable one.

- You know how to solve this?
- I might. If you'll hear me out first.

My fortunes have changed
since we last met.

I've become a person of influence
aboard a starship known as Voyager.

You must think us very isolated.

Everyone knows that.
That's why you were allowed in.

- Especially after last time.
- Just a simple misunderstanding.

Tersa, I know you have the ear of
your first maje, as I do of our Captain.

- We could be quite useful to them.
- Goon.

My Captain wants to talk to your maje
to discuss a possible alliance.

Do you think he'd have any interest?

An alliance? Between the Pommar
and the Federations?

An interesting thought, isn't it?

- You're coming with us.
- Explain to them we're friends!

I don't know who he is. Some lunatic
who sat down and started babbling.

I guess you'll be
spending the night alone.

You've made a good choice.

The Nistrim will be a potent ally.

Will the Nistrim also be
an honourable ally?

Will you adhere to the conditions
we establish?

Tell the Kazon factions that Voyager
has formed a coalition with you

and will be an ally
to any Nistrim ship or outpost.

We'll provide emergency supplies
when needed - food, medicine, clothing.

We will not provide
any of our technology or weaponry.


Just one other detail.
An exchange of crew members.

- An exchange?
- Yes.

You'll agree that our alliance
should represent a genuine partnership.

- Perhaps you should define that.
- It's obvious.

Federation crew on my ship,
Nistrim crew on yours.

Maje, I think that's a detail
we could work out later.

I can assure you that
I would never agree to that.

It's a natural extension
of your own proposal.

- We don't have to decide now.
- I will determine what we decide.

Yes, Maje.

I won't have a woman
dictate terms to me.

Culluh, I found the idea of an alliance
with you distasteful.

I was willing to explore the possibility.

But now I see my instincts
were dead on.

- Talk to her. Tell her to be reasonable.
- This meeting is over.

Your maje will be outraged
by my imprisonment.

He won't look kindly on anyone
who's made such an error.

What are you charging me with?

- How long will I be held?
- Go.

I assume you'll let me confer
with counsel.

I can reward handsomely anyone
who shows me a bit of understanding.

Is that a baby?

My name is Neelix. I'm Talaxian.

I'm Mabus. My friends and I are Trabe.

- They hurt you.
- I wasn't walking quickly enough.

Let's get the bleeding stopped,
then I'll clean it.

- Why are they holding you?
- Because we're not Kazon.

Several have been taken for
questioning and none have come back.

- How long have you been here?
- Five days.

They att*cked us in space.
20 of our group d*ed.

We've lost another nine, including most
of the council. I'm the only one left.

The Kazon won't be satisfied
until you're all dead.

We've learned how to survive.

How many guards are at the entrance?

Two. I guess they assume this place
is so secure they don't need more.

- Why do you ask?
- We don't plan to let them k*ll us all.

We got a message to another Trabe
vessel before we were boarded.

Help is on the way.

Can we count on you?

Captain's log, supplemental.

We're going to rendezvous
with Mr Neelix.

I hope he had more luck with the Kazon
than we did.

We're approaching the coordinates.

- All stop.
- I don't see any trace of him.

There is no sign of his shuttle
within a two-light-year radius.

- The Kazon have him.
- We cannot jump to conclusions.

He may simply have been delayed.

We'll stay here for two hours. If he
hasn't shown up, we'll go to Sobras.

Lieutenant, could you fill us in a little?

There are all kinds of rumours
flying around about the Kazon.

The Captain's talk with Seska
fell apart pretty quickly.

Nothing's going to come of all this.

You were Seska's friend.
Couldn't you try to work things out?

No, I couldn't. Hogan, it's gone too far.

Seska isn't the person we thought
she was. I don't trust her any more.

Even if it means us getting home
in one piece?

Or do you agree with our Captain
that our technology is worth dying for?

Who are you to second guess her?

All you have to do
is fill the dilithium chamber.

She is trying to get us home and I don't
want to hear what you think of her.

- Is that clear?
- Perfectly.

The children are weak.
We'll have to carry them.

- We can use another pair of arms.
- You can count on me.

I can't promise we'll get out alive,
but if we stay here we'll die anyway.

I'd rather go out fighting, myself.

That one might be a problem. He could start
sh**ting at the first sign of trouble.

I'll keep an eye on him.

This may be it. Be ready.

Stay back.

Get back against the walls.

Now! Let's go! Come on!
Come on, everyone! Let's go!

Out! Let's go!

Come on. Nice work, my friends.
Let's go.

All right, we're going after him.
Set a course for Sobras, full impulse.

Tuvok, arm the phaser banks
and load the forward torpedo bays.

- Shields at full power.
- Yellow Alert, all hands at the ready.

- Captain.
- What is it?

Ships. Kazon ships
on long-range sensors. Closing fast.

- Confirmed, Captain.
- On screen.

It appears to be an armada
and their weapons are powered.

Red Alert.

Power all weapons systems and
stand ready. Mr Kim, hail the lead ship.

They're hailing us. I'll put it on screen.

Hello, Captain. I'd like you
to meet my good friend, Mabus.

We've just escaped
from the Kazon-Pommar.

- Why are you on a Kazon ship?
- They're Trabe vessels.

The Kazon stole everything
from the Trabe.

Mabus will tell you about it over dinner.

The food hasn't been very good
where we've been.

I look forward to it.

I was eight when it started.
I wasn't particularly aware of the Kazon.

They lived in restricted areas
that children weren't allowed to go near.

I didn't know they lived
in poverty and filth.

I didn't know they were persecuted
by the Trabe police.

I was told they were
violent and dangerous

and had to be kept isolated
so they wouldn't get loose and k*ll us.

Which is exactly what they did.

We brought it on ourselves.
The Trabe treated them like animals.

Fenced them in, encouraged them
to fight amongst themselves,

and sat by while they
turned into a violent, angry army.

When they realised we were
their enemy, we didn't stand a chance.

I was lucky. A friend's father took me
to a starship that managed to escape.

I can still remember.
It happened so fast.

One minute I was a happy child,
playing in a field,

the next an orphan, exiled in space.

It strikes me that in many ways
we're in the same predicament.

Separated from the lives we knew,
searching for home.

A goal you may well achieve, Captain.

But the Kazon won't allow us
to find a new homeworld.

Every time we try to settle somewhere,
they drive us away.

We're scattered like nomads,
with no home and little hope.

It happened 30 years ago,
and they're still punishing you?

Remarkable, isn't it?

Most of the Trabe who persecuted
the Kazon are dead or old men by now.

Most of us were children
when the uprising occurred,

and our children are innocent.

But the Kazon's desire for revenge
is as strong as ever.

How could you transmit to us secretly?

I'll worry about that. I'm very familiar
with communications protocols.

Now, will you let me talk to Seska?

- Not without proof you can be trusted.
- We knew each other for a long time.

She knows I can be trusted.
Let me talk to her.

I'll convey your message. Contact me
tomorrow and she might talk to you.

Before the uprising, the Trabe
were a highly evolved species.

They produced widely admired
artists and scholars

and their technology was among
the finest in the quadrant.

No one really knew about
how the Kazon were being treated.

Why not? Holding another culture
in sl*very wouldn't go unnoticed.

You have to understand
the Trabe were rich and powerful.

They manipulated information

and no one wanted to offend them
and lose opportunities for trade.

It seems they've learned their lesson.

Mabus acknowledged they were
responsible for what happened.

Still, it is not a good idea to form an
alliance with the enemies of the Kazon.

We risk uniting
all the factions against us.

They only thing they agree on
is that we are their common enemy.

It can't get much worse.

The Trabe have a lot of ships
and weapons.

This alliance would be better than none.

I'd rather not make an alliance at all

but that may be a luxury
we simply don't have.

My gut tells me we don't have
any friends among the Kazon.

As for the Trabe... I believe that people
have a capacity to change.

Starfleet has always dealt with
new species with openness and trust

until proven otherwise.

Captain, I wanted to thank you
for the use of your medical facilities.

- We have very few doctors.
- Everyone's in good condition.

Malnutrition is common
but it's easily alleviated.

- How much longer do you need?
- Less than an hour.

- Will you walk with me?
- Of course.

I've been thinking
about our conversation at dinner,

about the things we share.

We could be of mutual benefit
to each other.


What would you say to the possibility
of our joining forces?

We'd be a strong force if we did.

We could travel together
while it's advantageous.

We'll find our way out of Kazon territory
and you could find a new homeworld.

I have no objection, Captain, but it
would only benefit your group and mine.

Other Trabe wouldn't enjoy
the same protection.

I wonder if you might consider
a somewhat more bold plan.

Tell me.

The Voyager and the Trabe
would be strong.

Suppose we took advantage of that

and asked all the Kazon factions
to join us at the bargaining table.

- In order to achieve what?
- Peace.

We would represent
a stabilising force in the quadrant.

Bring the factions together.

Convince them that an end to v*olence
would be good for everyone.

Think about it. I believe it could work.

It's a message from Voyager.

They've formed an alliance
with the Trabe!

The Trabe?!

They're calling for a conference
of all first majes.

How could this have happened?

You let Voyager slip away,
right into the hands of the Trabe,

by insisting on that ridiculous
exchange of crews.

I could not let the negotiations
be dictated by that woman!

That's becoming a tired refrain.

- That attitude will be your undoing.
- Watch your tongue.

Or what? I'm carrying your child.

You wouldn't do anything
to jeopardise him.

We can still turn this to our advantage.

We have a crewman on Voyager
who will provide information to us.

There's long-term potential in that.
We mustn't lose sight of it.

You're not suggesting
we go to this conference?

That we run like a Calogan dog
when the Federations call?

Could you risk being the only maje who
doesn't attend? Of course you'll go.

And listen.
Nothing should be negotiated there,

not at the point of a Federation w*apon.

But you can learn a great deal.
Assess the mood of the other majes.

Find out the strength
of the Trabe convoy.

- You may be right.
- You can come out of this a hero.

You can use this conference
to unite the factions,

eradicate the Trabe once and for all,
and take Voyager as a trophy.

Captain's log,
stardate 49342.5.

Neelix has returned from Sobras,
where he learned something

that may require us to rethink our plans.

He was a Takrit, a band of mercenaries
that operates in this system.

What was he doing
when he was arrested?

He was making a sketch
of the conference site.

The Takrit are not known for their art.

- Who sent him?
- That's as much as I know.

Someone wants to sabotage
this conference.

- One of the majes.
- Wipe out your rivals all at once.

One of them will try to leave
before the meeting is finished.

You should consider not going.

No. If I can stabilise this quadrant
I won't walk away because of a rumour.

A rumour that must be
taken seriously nonetheless.


Commander, monitor all
the Kazon vessels carefully

and look for suspicious ship movement.

Keep us on a transporter lock
so we can beam out if we have to.

Tuvok, Neelix, you're with me.

I gave a lot of thought to the shape of
the table. I finally decided on a triangle.

Your group will sit on one side,
the majes on the other two.

Does that seem appropriate?

Have you heard anything more
about the matter we discussed?

Don't talk about that here!
It could mean my head!

Does the table shape
seem acceptable?

I am here with a powerful starship.

- Tell me everything you know.
- I am, I swear.

Thank you for making it possible
to have the conference here on Sobras.

My maje has rewarded me
for the prestige it affords him.

If there is any further way I can be
of service, please let me know.

He's frightened. He must believe
something's going to happen.

The first majes of the Kazon order.

Minnis of the Pommar.

Surat of the Mostral.

Loran of the Hobii.

Valek of the Oglamar.

And Culluh of the Nistrim.

Captain. We seem destined
to encounter each other.

This is Mabus, a governor of the Trabe.

Maje Culluh,
I am gratified to be meeting you like this.

I hope we'll be able to come to terms.

I never thought I'd see the day when
we would sit at a table with the Trabe.

- Times change, Maje.
- Perhaps.

Shall we?

Jal Minnis has provided food and drink
to make our discussions more pleasant.

We appreciate your coming. We hope
this will lead to a new climate of peace.

Peace? With the Trabe?
Forgive me if I'm a bit sceptical.

After decades of antagonism,
you're bound to be suspicious.

But surely everyone here
is tired of constant v*olence.

Aren't you really trying to get us
to relax our guard

so the Trabe can conquer us again?

How could we do that? We're scattered.

We just want a chance to find
a new homeworld and settle peacefully.

Excuse me.

I'm curious as to the nature of this
alliance you've struck with the Trabe.

Especially since you refused
my offer of a similar pact.

I found the goals of the Trabe
to be compatible with ours.

My organisation is devoted to
peaceful coexistence among people.

The Trabe want that.

The Trabe have always wanted
peace for themselves.

But we paid the price. They lived
in luxury and we lived in squalor.

I fear that this union
you've made with the Trabe

is an effort to force us to capitulate.

If so, we assure you
it is doomed to failure.

I won't pretend that our alliance wasn't
an attempt to make a show of strength.

we and the Trabe are vulnerable.

- Together we are stronger.
- Are you threatening us, Captain?

It is important that you understand
our determination, but it's not a thr*at.

It's an offer.
A negotiated peace among all of us

would provide a greater stability.
That could only benefit us all.

I can't speak for all of you, but I don't
think we can trust this proposal.

A woman and a Trabe.
How can we listen to them?

I find you nothing but a hypocrite,

allying yourselves to
the greatest villains in this quadrant.

If this is where your Federation values
have taken you, I want no part of it.

Gentlemen, allow me to confer
with my Federation colleagues.

Please have some refreshments
and let us continue soon.

Captain, would you please join me?

Captain, I really need
to talk to you now.

Get down.

What is this, Captain?

It's a trap. Take cover.

- Voyager, Red Alert.
- We're on it.

You've ruined what would have been
the greatest step toward peace.

Peace? A m*ssacre?

If I decimated the leadership it would
have taken them years to recover.

You planned this whole thing, and used
our goodwill to ensure your success.

There's no dealing with the Kazon.

- v*olence is all they understand.
- It's all you understand.

You're naive, Captain. You have
no understanding of this part of space.

What I tried to do
was as much for you as for us.

I'm not grateful,
and I want you off my ship.

Beam our former guest
back to his vessel.

- Don't do this. You'll need us.
- I don't think so.

The Kazon will seek revenge.
How can this one ship hope to survive?

Not by making deals with executioners.

Let us depart before the Kazon
can return to their ships.

Janeway to Paris, get us out of here.

We're more vulnerable now than ever.

We have to make sure
we're prepared for an att*ck.

I want continual diagnostics
on all systems.

I will schedule additional battle drills.

- What about our food supplies?
- We're in good shape.

- We shouldn't have to stop for weeks.
- Good.

What's the condition
of our propulsion systems?

We have enough antimatter.

We should have maximum performance
of warp and impulse engines.

There's just one more thing
I want to say.

I hope there's a lesson
for all of us in this.

Although some species here
have been peaceful,

others are governed
only by their own self-interests.

This region of space
doesn't have many rules.

But I believe we can learn something
from these events.

In a part of space
where there are few rules,

it's important that we hold fast
to our own.

When shifting allegiances are common,
we have to have something to rely on.

And we do. The principles and ideals
of the Federation.

As far as I'm concerned,
those are the best allies we could have.
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