03x15 - Coda

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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03x15 - Coda

Post by bunniefuu »

Ooh! Uh, Captain,
do you have a minute?

Just about a minute.

I'm on my way
to the shuttle bay.

I thought last night
went well, didn't you?

Extremely well.

Everyone had a lot of fun.

I was thinking of making it
a regular feature--

say, uh, once a month?

It's certainly worth a try.

And, Captain, you were
especially good last night.

Thanks, Neelix.

It's been a while.

You'd never know.

Uh, Captain, um,
do you think, I mean,

uh, I-I-I-I was wondering...

What is it, Neelix?

Could you possibly
keep Mr. Tuvok busy

on the Bridge that evening?

I'm sure something
could be arranged.

Our secret, Neelix.

We never had this discussion.

Harry's clarinet solo was okay.

I could have done
without Tuvok's reading

of Vulcan poetry,
but the highlight of the evening

was definitely Kathryn Janeway
portraying "The Dying Swan."

I learned that dance
when I was six years old.

I assure you, it was the hit
of the beginning ballet class.

I don't doubt it.

If Neelix has
another talent night,

I hope you reprise it.

Oh, no. Not until certain
other people take their turn--

the ship's First
Officer, for instance.

Me? Get up in front of people
and perform?

I don't think so.

Come on, Chakotay, there
must be some talent you have

that people would enjoy.

Maybe I could stand
with an apple on my head

and you could phaser it off.

Sounds great.

If I miss, I get to be Captain.

Atmospheric turbulence--

we might be
in for a rough landing.

Funny, a minute ago,

there wasn't any indication
of rough weather.

I'm reading even more
severe storms near the surface.

Ion lightning.

Maybe we better try
the fifth planet instead.

Come back here
when things have cleared up.

I think we took a lightning hit.

Attitude control is out.

I'm switching to manual.

The navigational system's down.

Reverse engines!

Full thrusters!

Warning. Hydrazine gas leak.

Altitude, 12 kilometers.

Hull temperature, 4,000 degrees.

We have to reduce speed.

I'll try the emergency
antigrav thrusters.







Hydrazine gas levels
at 112 parts per million.

Begin evacuation procedures.

Hang on, Kathryn.

Breathe, damn it.

Don't you die on me now.

Come on, Kathryn-- breathe!

Listen to me, Kathryn.

You've got to breathe.

Breathe! Breathe!

Come on. Come on!




Don't ever do that to me again.


You went into shock.

You gave me quite a scare
there for a minute.

This should help
reduce your cranial swelling.

You should have a headache
for awhile.

I'll live with it.

We need to set up
a homing signal.

Hey, take it easy.

Oh... I'm all right.

Chakotay, we're going
to need the blankets...

...and the rations.

I can get them.

You set up the homing signal.


At least the storm
seems to be dying.


What were you looking at?

There are phaser burns
on the hull.

I don't think it was
lightning strikes that hit us.

I think we were sh*t down.

By whom?

I don't know.

I'm going back to see
if I can get

an energy signature
from the burns.

Chakotay, the homing signal--

we might be telling someone
just where to find us.

Disconnect it
while I scan the shuttle.


Can you tell anything?

The signatures are Vidiian.


I thought we'd moved
beyond their space.

If they sh*t us down,
you can be sure

they'll be coming for us.

We need to find a hiding place.

What is it?


50 meters from here.

They're coming this way.

Let's go.

There's another group
in this direction.

We're surrounded.

Let's take cover.

We'll have to fight.

Back off now.

We'll fire if we have to.

Back off!


Harry's clarinet solo was okay.

I could have done
without Tuvok's reading

of Vulcan poetry,
but the highlight of the evening

was definitely Kathryn Janeway
portraying "The Dying Swan."

I learned that dance
when I was six years old.

I assure you...

Wait a minute.

What's happening here?

You're right.

We have been here before.

Do you remember Vidiians?

Yes. They sh*t us down
and att*cked us.

We may have wandered

into some kind
of repeating time loop.

I'm going to scan
for temporal anomalies.

Whatever's going on,
let's change tactics this time.

Let's not try to land
on that planet.


I don't see any evidence
of temporal flux

or any kind of anomaly,
for that matter.

Or of Vidiian ships.

So far, so good.

Chakotay to Voyager

Chakotay to Voyager
Do you read us?

We're out of range.

I'd still like to figure
out what happened to us.

Send a subspace message

that we won't be
landing on the planet.

Tell them that we'll be looking

for evidence
of temporal anomalies.

I see a ship approaching
at high impulse.

It's on an intercept course.

Is it Vidiian?


I've got it.

It's a warship
loaded with weaponry.

It's closing fast.

Can we outrun it?

We can try.

They're 200,000 kilometers
away and gaining.

Setting evasive pattern
delta four.

They're powering weapons.

Shields up.

Stand by all phaser arrays.

Shields down to 84 percent.

Returning fire.

-Nice aim.
-It didn't stop them.

We've lost shields.

f*ring starboard array.

That one
hit the reactant injectors.

Shut them down.
They'll leak antimatter.

The magnetic fields are failing.

The gas-flow separators
are down.

Dump the core.

It's looking more and more
like we're in a time loop.

The question is:
How do we break it?

Let's retrace our steps--

get back to the part
of space we were in

before all this
started happening.


If we're experiencing
a temporal field,

a tachyon burst
might disperse it.


Let me guess--
it's a Vidiian ship.

Two Vidiian ships.

Still 20 million
kilometers away,

but headed right for us.

Sacajawea to Voyager

Do you read us?

You've just come into com range,

We're being pursued
by two Vidiian ships.

Set a course for our shuttle
and have weapons powered.

We also believe
we're experiencing

some kind of temporal
phenomenon, a time loop.

Make certain you scan
for anomalies.

Aye, Captain.
We're on our way.

If you're going to emit
that tachyon burst,

you'd better do it now.

In a couple of minutes,

those ships'll be
right on top of us.

Here goes.

I can't tell if it's
affecting anything.

The Vidiians are almost
within range.

Ready weapons.

What happened?

They just vanished.

But I'm picking up
a residual temporal signature.

Then those ships must've been
part of the time loop.

And the tachyon burst
disrupted it.

And not a minute too soon.

I was getting awfully tired
of talking about talent night.

Voyager to Sacajawea

We will rendezvous with you
in approximately four minutes.

Believe me, Tuvok,
we're looking forward to it.

Good to have you back, Captain.

Good to be here.

I'd still like to get
to the bottom

of whatever was happening
to us in that shuttle.

Did Voyager detect any evidence
of a temporal field?

To my knowledge, we did not.

Let's run a second level
temporal scan.

I'd feel better entering
this part of space

if I knew what caused
the phenomenon.

Phenomenon? I'm not sure
what you mean, Captain.

The time loop, or whatever
it was we ran into out there.

Time loop?

We told you.

Chakotay and I experienced
some kind of temporal loop.

It involved the Vidiians.

They'd att*ck and k*ll us

and then we'd be sitting
in the shuttle again.

Tell them.

We were on our way

to the second planet
of a binary system...

To collect
some nitrogenase compound,

but we encountered a storm
and we crashed.

And then we were att*cked
by the Vidiians,

but we managed to escape
and get back here.

You and the Commander
were checked by the Doctor

who treated your injuries

and you proceeded
here to the Bridge.

But I don't remember anything
about a repeating time loop.

You don't remember
how we kept ending up

back in the shuttle
talking about talent night?

Then I'm the only one who
recalls things differently.

Something strange
is going on here.

I'll have the Doctor examine me.

In the meantime, I still want
those temporal scans.

You heard the Captain.
Let's get moving.

I ran a micro-cellular scan
after you returned to the ship.

I have just analyzed
the results.

What did you find?

You have contracted a disease.

The Vidiian phage.

The phage.

What about Chakotay?

Is he infected, too?

No, Commander Chakotay shows
no signs of the disease.

How did I get it?

You said one of the Vidiians
grabbed you.

It may be that the virus
was transferred in that way.

But we've encountered Vidiians
like that before

and had physical contact
with them.

No one's ever gotten sick
that way.

I can't offer an explanation
at this point.

It may be that the phage virus
has mutated

to become more infectious.

I believe, however,
this explains

the hallucinations
you've described.

There is often concomitant
stress to the thalamus

in the early stages
of the disease.

It is known to cause
a kind of dementia

that produces hallucinations.

What's the prognosis?

I wish I could tell you,

For the moment, it would be best
if you remain in Sick Bay

under quarantine.

Of course.

The fact that the virus
has acted so quickly

raises the possibility

that others on the
crew may be infected.

But you studied the phage
in great detail.

Have you made any progress
in finding a cure?

I hadn't pursued the matter

since we seemed to have moved
beyond Vidiian space,

but I'll now redouble
my efforts.

In the meantime, I'd like
to give you a sedative.


I'll be running a series
of deep-level tissue scans.

I understand.


That should give you
a good night's sleep.

I'll erect a bio-force field

and I promise you, Captain,
I won't deactivate myself

until I have some answers
for you.


I know I'm in good hands.


Ah. You're awake.

How long have I been asleep?

Almost 40 hours.


I'm afraid this strain
of the phage

is particularly virulent.

It's spreading rapidly.

Have you...?

Is there any hope of a cure?

I regret to inform you
that I have been unsuccessful.

Then what's the next step?

I've given that a great deal
of thought.

The prospects
are unpleasant, Captain.

You face a lingering,
painful death

marked by increasing periods
of dementia

and eventual insanity.

I see.

I've come to the conclusion

that there's only one
humane course of action.

What's that?



It would be wrong to subject you

to such a prolonged
and painful death.

The crew would also
be adversely affected

if that were to happen.

Well, surely, there are other
options to explore, Doctor.

B'Elanna's DNA, for instance.

It's coded to produce
antibodies against the phage.

Klingon DNA might provide
a vaccine for the disease,

but not a cure.

I'm sorry, Captain.

The space within the force field
is filling with a neural toxin.

It is fast-acting and merciful.

Turn it off.

That's an order, Doctor!

Please relax
and take deep breaths.

It will be over
more quickly that way.

Computer, delete Emergency
Medical Hologram.

A security code is required
for that command.

Security code:

That code is not recognized.

I'm the Captain.
Delete the EMH.

A security code
is required for that command.

Don't do this.

It isn't right.


I know.

We're back.

That's it.

That must be the anomaly.

That's what's behind all this.

It's exerting
a gravitomagnetic force.

We've got to get away from it.
Divert all power to the engines.

Changing course.

We're still being drawn
toward it.

Reverse engines.
Full power.

Structural integrity
is weakening.

Reinforce the hull.


maybe we should go in.

-Listen to me.

Maybe we're doing this
all wrong.

Maybe the thing to do
is fly into it.

No, I don't believe that.
We've got to get away.

It's going to tear
the shuttle apart.

The hull is breaching.

Don't you die on me, Kathryn.

Chakotay, what's happening?

Start breathing!

Breathe, damn it.

Don't do this to me, Kathryn.

Come on, Kathryn-- breathe!

Can't you hear me?

Don't you die on me.

Come on, breathe.

Kathryn, listen to me.

You have to breathe.

Start breathing!

Come on! Come on!

No, Kathryn!

You can't die.

Chakotay, I'm here.

Voyager to Sacajawea

Do you read us?

Yes, Voyager

How far are you?

I have an emergency here.

We're in orbit, Commander.

We've located you,

but transporters
won't function in the storm.

A shuttle is on its way
to the surface now.

The Captain's dead.

We have to get her back
to Sick Bay.

The Doctor may still
be able to revive her.

The away team
should be with you in minutes.


I know you can't see me
or hear me.

I don't know what's going on.

But I am here, Chakotay.

I'm not dead.

we're going to get you back.

Ten milligrams cordrazine.

We'll use it in conjunction
with the cortical stimulator.


No pulse, no blood pressure.

Minimum electrical activity
in the mid-brain.

No measurable response
in the cerebral cortex.


Doctor, we're getting
a thready pulse.

Quickly. 75 milligrams

I'll begin
direct synaptic stimulation.

Pulse is weakening.

We're losing her again.

Cortical stimulator.


No vital signs,
no brain activity.


No change.


Don't question me.

Make a note in the log.

Death occurred at 0320 hours.

Cause-- massive
cerebrovascular collapse.


confirm Janeway voice pattern.

Kes, you're a telepath.

You've been able to sense things
others can't.

Kes, can you sense me?


please go to the science lab

and prepare
the autopsy protocols.

I'm here, Kes.

I'm staying with you
until you realize it.


Did you feel that, Kes?

It was me.

Kes to Commander Chakotay.

I need to talk to you
right away.

Maybe it was nothing,

but I had the strongest feeling

that the Captain was there
in the corridor with me.

It is possible

that in your distress
over the Captain's death,

you imagined that you
were aware of her.

It was more than that,
I'm sure of it.

In the past, Kes
has shown an ability

to detect an unseen presence.

I think we have to take
her seriously.

The Captain's consciousness

might have phase-shifted
out of our reality.

She could be in some kind
of alternate dimension

in subspace.

We have to find her somehow.

Harry and I can run
a full subspace sweep.

See if we can come up
with anything.

Get on it.
It's your top priority.

Neelix, help the crew
with this.

Keep their morale up
until we can get some answers.

Yes, sir.
Right away.

Commander, I suggest
I work with Kes.

I may be able to help her

increase the range
of her perceptions.

Good idea.

Tom, we'll take duty stations.

That's more like it.

I've reconfigured
the lateral sensor array

to scan subspace.

Don't forget
to run a magneton sweep.

The forward array
is ready to scan

for temporal phase shifting--

chroniton particles
or field flux.

I'm going to activate
the magneton scanner.

It might pick up
an anomalous presence.

Now what?


Who are you?

Are you responsible
for what's going on here?

You know who I am, Kathryn.

My father d*ed
over 15 years ago.

Yes. Drowned under
the polar ice cap

on Tau Ceti Prime.

It was devastating to you.

You may be an hallucination
or some kind of projection

of my own imagination,
but you are not my father.

Kathryn, Kathryn.

I raised you to be
a doubter and a skeptic,

to look at the world
with a scientist's eye,

but in this instance,
that won't work.

Why not? If you know
what's going on here, tell me.

Isn't it clear?

You're dead.

You d*ed in that shuttle crash.

No, no, no.

That's not possible.

I understand your confusion--

your refusal to accept
what's happened.

I went through the same thing
after my accident.

What do you mean?

I went back to you
and your mother and your sister

after I d*ed for a long time,

until I realized it was futile.

That's what happens
when death is unexpected.

One's consciousness
isn't prepared to let go.


Is that what you're calling me--

"Kathryn's consciousness"?

For want of a better word.

Some say "ghost" or "spirit."

We all heard the stories
and thought they were

the product
of vivid imaginations

or self-induced hysteria.

I'll admit, I was surprised
when I found they were true.

If you stayed with me
after you d*ed,

you should be able
to tell me what happened then.

You were so grief stricken,

you fell
into a terrible depression.

You spent months in bed
sleeping away your days,

rather than confronting
your feelings.

I'm not sure
what would have happened

if your sister hadn't forced you
into the real world again.

If you are an hallucination,
a part of me,

you'd know those things.

Kathryn, remember-- several
times after I d*ed, you woke up

thinking I was
in the room with you.

You told your sister
it felt absolutely real.

That's because it was real.

I was there
trying to convince you

to get on with your life.

Just for the sake of argument,
let's say you're right.

What's next?

That's up to you.

Eventually, you will cross over.

The only question is

how long it will take you
to give up this world.

Cross over to where?

I don't know what to call it.

Another state
of consciousness...

unlike anything we ever
could have imagined in life.

It's not a frightening
place, Kathryn.

It's full of joy
and indescribable wonder.

Kes sensed I was here.

They're looking for me.

People have felt the presence
of ghosts throughout the ages,

but the technology to find them
still hasn't been invented.

They won't give up easily.

But they will give up

They'll accept what's happened
and that's what you have to do.

Kes did it once.
She can do it again.

I'm going to help her.

If that's what you feel
you need to do, I understand.

Let us try one more time.

Open yourself
to the impressions around you,

the thoughts, the minds
that are on this ship.

All the minds
that are on this ship.

I hear them.

So many voices.

They are a turbulent storm

and you are the one who must
rise above the tempest

to a place that is quiet.

It's difficult.

You must lift yourself
from the confusion of the storm.

Soar into the quiet space
among the stars

where everything is still.

Yes, I'm in that place now.

Is there a voice
that you can hear--

a single voice isolated
in the stillness?

Kes, I'm here.

Focus on me, on my voice.

There are only two beings

in the void--
you and Captain Janeway.

Nothing else exists
that can interfere.

Can you hear her voice,
however faintly?

I'm trying.

Is there anything,

any presence
in the void with you?

I don't think so.
I can't hear anything.

Kes, keep trying.

You have to find me.

Now, I am with you,

moving through the quiet space,

my thoughts joined with yours,

extending the range
of the search.

Tuvok, surely you must know
I'm here.

We've shared so much.

I'm just not getting anything.

Nor am I.

I felt empty...


Maybe you're right.

What I sensed
wasn't the Captain.

It was me wanting to believe
she wasn't dead.

We've been trying
for three days without success,

nor have Lieutenant Torres
and Ensign Kim found

any indication
that the Captain is alive.

There is a point
at which we must accept

the inevitability of her death.

Thank you for helping.

I don't think I would have
accepted it if you hadn't

at least tried.

Good night.

Tactical Officer's Log,

My attempt to help Kes
detect the Captain's presence

has ended in failure.

I am forced to conclude
that we have, in fact,

lost Kathryn Janeway.

I would like the record to show

that I have lost
a good friend as well,

one whom I can never replace.

Oh, Tuvok.

They all love you, Kathryn.

It's going to be hard for them.

This can't be happening.

I don't believe it.

Because you don't want to.

Tomorrow, it will become easier.

My memorial service.

When I came to this ship,
I resented the fact

that Captain Janeway
was responsible

for our being stranded here
in the Delta Quadrant.

I didn't think that she made
the right decision

and I certainly didn't want
to serve under her command.

In the beginning,
I fought her.

Even when she made me
Chief Engineer, I...

I didn't trust her reasons.

I kept looking
for a hidden agenda.

I actually believed
that she'd set me up to fail.

Well, I couldn't
have been more wrong.

She saw...
she saw something in me

that I didn't see.

She saw a worthwhile person

where I saw a lost
and hostile misfit,

and because she had faith in me,

I began to have faith in myself

and when she d*ed,
the first thing I thought

was that I couldn't
do this without her,

that I needed her too badly--

her strength and her compassion,

but then I realized

that the gift that she gave me--
and gave a lot of us here--

was the knowledge
that we are better

and stronger than we think.

I wish I had said
these things to her.

I wish I had taken the time.

Would anyone else
like to say something?

I would, sir.

I know Captain Janeway
wouldn't want us

to be sitting around moping.

She'd want us to be
cheering each other up,

remembering the good times,
like the away mission

when we found all those
bushes of overripe fruit.

I must have eaten half a kilo.

My hands and mouth
were all purple

and the Captain...

the Captain came
and sat down next to me,

and her mouth
was all stained, too.

She put her arm
around my shoulder...

and she said...

she said...


these are the times
we have to remember."


it's... Sorry.

I know this hasn't been easy,

but I think we'll all
be better for it.

We will honor the Captain
one last time.

Release the pod.

Ensign Kim was right
when he said

the Captain wouldn't
want us to be sad.

Neelix has prepared some food

and it would be nice
if we could all get together

and share the good times
we had with Captain Janeway.

It's over, Kathryn.

There's nothing
left for you here.

Come with me.

What do I do to leave here?

Just decide.

The only thing that keeps you
is your refusal to leave.

You may be right in everything
you've said to me,

but I'm not ready to accept it.

I'm not ready to go.

My poor little bird.

You always made it
hard for yourself.

If there was a rocky path
and a smooth one, you chose

the rocky one every time.

If I stay,
maybe it'll be easier for them.

Maybe I could be
comforting somehow.

You're saying all the things
I told myself

when I refused to leave you.

I was hoping you wouldn't
have to go through that.

It's a horrible existence,

As time wears on,
you begin to see

how potent, how destructive
loneliness is.

You'll see the people you love
going on with their lives,

doing all the things
you used to share with them,

but you won't be
a part of it anymore.

You'll be forever
shut out of their existence.

It becomes agonizing.

I don't want that
to happen to you.

Maybe that's what it'll take
for me to make this decision.

I just know that
now I'm not ready.

What can I do to convince you?


I can't-- I won't--
abandon them.

We're too much
a part of each other.

Can't you see that?

We've been through
so much together.

I have to know what's
going to happen to them--

to see Kes continue
to grow and learn...

to know if Tom and B'Elanna
will ever stop

sparring with each other
and develop a real friendship.

You can only be
an observer of their lives,

never a participant.

I don't care.

I'd rather be here in spirit
than not at all.

A Captain doesn't abandon ship.

Every hour you stay here,

makes it that much
more difficult to leave.

Why are you pushing me?

I've made up my mind.

I'm staying here.

The cortical stimulator
is working.

I'm getting a weak pulse.

She's coming back.

I'll use cordrazine
along with the stimulator.

What was that?

What happened?

What do you mean?

I saw Tuvok and Chakotay
and the Doctor.


No, it was different.

As though...

as though I were
looking up at them.

An hallucination,
like the others.

It didn't feel like the others.

I didn't see myself.

I was looking up at them.

That's the real me, isn't it?

Lying on the ground
on that planet dying.

And this is the hallucination.

This isn't real.

More denial.

You're only making it
harder on yourself.

You're trying very hard
to convince me to come with you.

Why is that?

If what you're saying is true,

why not let me come
to the decision on my own?

I'm trying to spare you
unnecessary pain.

My father
would never act like this.

He always believed
I had to learn my own lessons,

make my own mistakes.

He never tried
to shield me from life.

Why would he try
to shield me from death?

You're not my father.

I could be imagining you,
but I don't think so.

You have such a specific agenda.

You're determined
that I go with you somewhere.

Who are you?

I'm trying to help you.

Stop fighting me.

Are you an alien being
of some kind?

Is that it?

Her eyes are open.

Vital signs are responding.

Blood pressure is 60/30.

But the entity
is still inhabiting

her cerebral cortex,

impeding your treatment.

Kathryn, hang on.

We're bringing you back.

Just fight a little longer.

Direct synaptic stimulation

might drive out
the alien presence.

I was right.

I heard Tuvok and Chakotay
and the Doctor.

You're an alien.

You've created all these
hallucinations, haven't you?

This is what my species does.

At the moment just before death,

one of us comes to help you
understand what's happening...

to make the crossing over
an occasion of joy.

And what is that?

Our matrix--

where your consciousness
will live.

I was being truthful

when I said it was
a place of wonder.

It can be
whatever you want it to be.

Then why didn't you tell me this
from the beginning?

Why pretend to be my father?

Usually people are comforted
to see their loved ones.

It makes the crossing over
a much less fearful occasion.

I've done this many times,

but I've never encountered
someone so resistant.

Something's happening.

The alien presence is
getting stronger again.

Fight it, Kathryn, fight it
just a little longer.

I'll have to try a thoron pulse.

My people are telling me
to fight.

They're trying to save me.

They're trying
out of desperation.

It's hopeless.

You're the one
who sounds desperate.

I don't get the feeling

you're trying to make
me comfortable.

You're only interested
in my agreeing to come with you.

Because it's inevitable.

And you don't strike me
as any kind of good Samaritan.

You're more like a vulture,

preying on people at
the moment of their death

when they're most vulnerable.

I've waited for you.
I've been patient.

But your patience
is wearing thin.

What's the real reason you
want me in that matrix?

Somehow I don't think
it has anything to do

with everlasting joy.

You must go with me.

If you could force me to go,
you'd have done it already.

You need me to agree,
don't you?

I have to go voluntarily.

Wouldn't that be better

than standing here
in this endless debate?

Let me tell you this.

We can stand here
for all eternity

and I will never
choose to go with you.

You're in a dangerous
profession, Captain.

You face death every day.

There'll be another time,

and I'll be waiting.

you'll come into my matrix

and you will nourish me
for a long, long time.

Go back to hell, coward.


I'm no longer detecting
the alien presence.

Vital signs are responding.

Blood pressure 110/65.


what happened?

Perhaps you can explain,

You and I were caught
in a magnetic storm

and crashed here.

You were badly injured.

The Doctor just arrived
on a shuttle with Tuvok

and began treating you.

As he was doing so,

we detected an alien presence
within your cerebral cortex.

It appeared to be preventing
our attempts to heal you.

Eventually, it was dislodged,

but there were a number of times
I thought we'd lost you.

But each time, you seemed
to fight back.

He kept telling me to let go,

but I wouldn't.


My fa...

The alien.

He wanted to take me
into another place.

Another place?

Some kind of afterlife?


but I can tell you this--

from what I saw,

it's certainly not where
I'd like to spend eternity.

Captain's Log, Stardate 50518.6.

The Doctor has examined me

and pronounced me
physically fit,

but I'll admit that it will
take a little longer

to work through the emotional
impact of my experience.

Come in.

I could have sworn I
heard the Doctor tell you

to take it easy
for a few days.

Taking it easy usually
makes me feel worse.

You shouldn't push yourself.

You've been through a lot.


To tell you the truth,

I'd rather stay busy
than dwell on what happened.

I can understand that.

I can't help thinking about it--
that alien, his matrix.

He was like the spider

who has to lure a fly
into his web.

Do you think it's possible

that each
of the near-death experiences

we've heard about are the result
of an alien inhabitation?

That's a little hard to believe.

I hope so.

I'd prefer to think
his species was unique

to the Delta Quadrant

and that I've seen
the last of him.

I'm sure that's the case.

After going head-to-head
with Kathryn Janeway,

he must have realized
he'd met his match.

Come on, Chakotay.

I cheated death.

That's worth a celebration,
don't you think?

A bottle of champagne...

moonlight sail on Lake George.

How does that sound?

Like something worth living for.
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