04x10 - Random Thoughts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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04x10 - Random Thoughts

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's Log, Stardate 51367.2.

We've spent the last three days
on the Mari homeworld.

It's been a while
since we've had the opportunity

to make new friends

and the crew seems to be making
the most of our stay.


Tom. You've been doing
a little shopping.

It's a present for B'Elanna.

What is it?

Well, it's sort of personal.

Of course.
Say no more.

I'm on my way

for a little romantic
rendezvous myself.


are you wearing cologne?


Talchok musk.

Very enticing scent,
don't you think?

Well, uh, it certainly is...


I'm going to see Talli again.

Ooh, that was fast work.

Where're you taking her?

Well, actually, I haven't
gotten that far yet.

I'm going to visit her shop,

under the pretext of buying
some produce for the ship,

and then I thought I'd just
sort of segue smoothly

into some dinner and dancing.

Sounds like a good strategy.

You really think so?

I mean...you used to be
quite the ladies' man.

"Used to be"?

Well, I mean,
you're involved now,

so, of course,
you won't be availing yourself

of all the beautiful,

and very open-minded Mari women.

Neelix, are you trying
to depress me?

I just...

I haven't been with anyone
since Kes

and I'm feeling a little rusty.

I...I could use some advice.

The best advice I can give you
is to just be yourself.


Be myself.

Actually...that's the
second-best piece of advice.

What's the first?

Go a little easier on the musk.

I'm sorry, Mr. Guill,
but that's my final offer.

Actually, Captain,
I sense you'd be willing

to raise your price
to 300 renns.

Lieutenant Torres needs
this resonator coil to upgrade

communications systems.


Wait a minute.

I sense you'd be willing to...

settle for 250.

You must have read my mind.


I'm sorry.

Are you hurt?

No, no, I'm fine.

I just wish people would
look where they're going.

It's been a pleasure
doing business with you.

I'll finish up here.

Why don't you go get Neelix?

All right.

This is some
of the loveliest fruit

I've- I've seen in a long time.

Actually, it's been

one of our worst
waterplum seasons in years.

I don't think you'll
find them very sweet.

Mmm. Mmm.

Oh, how wonderfully tart.

Mmm. They'll make
excellent preserves.



Why do you want me

to tug on your whiskers?

Excu-excuse me?

That is what you're thinking,
isn't it--

that you'd like me
to tug on your whiskers?

Well, as a m-matter of fact...

I'd love to.

Do you have time
to wait until I close?

Yes, I think
I can rearrange my schedule.

I guess you could say
I'm becoming obsolete.

ln what sense?

There's virtually no crime
left in our society.

It took many years,

but just walk
through our streets.

Look around.

v*olence no longer exists.


I'm one of the last officers
still working

for the Constabulary.

And no doubt one of the best.

I'm curious to know more

about your
crime-prevention methods.

Under one condition:

I want to see Voyager--
learn about your methods.

I'm about to perform
my daily security rounds.

Join me.

They are routine
but informative.


The transport site is this way.

You prefer speaking aloud.

Why is that?

I've grown accustomed
to it over the years.

There are very few
telepaths in Starfleet.

Whatever you prefer.


ready to leave?

Uh, no, uh, you go ahead.

I haven't finished
examining the produce.

Help! Help!

Somebody help me, please!

Stop him!

Help me!

This will teach you to watch
where you're going, you idiot!

You idiot!

Somebody get a doctor!

Why? Why were you
b*ating that man?

I don't know.

It's a puzzling concept--

shutting someone
away as punishment.

Do you find that it
rehabilitates the prisoner?

The brig is primarily used

as a means of ensuring
the safety of others.

ln what sense?

For example,
if we find ourselves

with a hostile alien
in our custody,

we may need
to confine the individual

until we can locate
the proper authorities.

I see.

And on rare occasions,
we have been forced

to incarcerate a crew member

who has committed
a serious infraction.

I'm surprised
that one of your people

could be capable of doing
something serious enough

to warrant imprisonment.

It's extremely rare.

ln any case,
the brig has been occupied

for less than one percent
of our journey.

Forgive me, Tuvok,
but it seems...


If all species were

as enlightened
as yours and mine,

there would be no need
for prisons.

Bridge to Commander Tuvok.

Go ahead, Ensign.

Chief Examiner Nimira's
been recalled to the surface.

There's been some sort of att*ck
in the marketplace.

I've never seen
so much blood before.

It's all right.

I heard about someone
getting beaten once

when I was a little girl.

It's all over now.

I had nightmares for weeks.

It's okay.
It's all right.

He was confused.

He said he didn't realize
what he'd done.

I don't understand
why nobody tried to help him.

People were shocked.

v*olence is
almost unheard of here.

But when it does occur,

we like
to investigate thoroughly.

Can we help?

Yes. I would

like you, Mr. Neelix
and, uh, Lieutenant Torres

to answer some questions.

Well, you have
our complete cooperation.

Chief Examiner,
are you suspicious

of my colleagues
for some reason?

No, Lieutenant.

I'm simply conducting
an investigation.

Follow me.

Please have a seat.

I will be monitoring
your thoughts telepathically

during the interview.

This transcription device

will log
your engramatic activity,

so I can review
your statement later.

Let me get this straight.

Not only are you going
to read my mind,

you're going
to record my thoughts.


I guess it'd be pretty tough
to keep a secret from you, hmm?

How long had you been
in the marketplace

when the att*ck occurred?

One hour--
maybe a little longer.

And exactly where
were you standing?

Directly across the square.

From where you were, did you
have a clear view of the att*ck?

Uh, not at first.

We just heard yelling.

Then, as we got closer,

we saw what was happening.

What exactly brought you

to the market
in the first place?

Captain Janeway and I

had an appointment
with Mr. Guill.

For what purpose?

We'd met him the day before.

He said he could get
a spare resonator coil for us.

I see.

And the two men involved
in the altercation--

had you seen either of them

I'd never seen the victim...

but the attacker...

I think he was the same man
who bumped into B'Elanna.

Bumped into her?

Are you certain?

Yes. They collided accidentally.

When exactly did this happen?

Just as we'd settled
on the price.

He seemed to be
in quite a hurry.

Do you recall what you
were thinking at the time?

What I was thinking?

What does it matter?


try to remember.

It may be important.

I didn't think about it much

and no one was hurt,
and I was busy

trying to sort out the coins.

I'm not used
to handling currency.

What was I thinking?

I was thinking how I could bake
a delicious pie

with those waterplums.

Are you sure that's all,
Mr. Neelix?

Yes, of course.

What else would I
be thinking about?

I suppose I was
a little annoyed.

Can you be more specific?

All right.

I guess I was thinking
my foot hurt.

I mean, the idiot stepped
right on it.

Did you call him an idiot?

Of course not.

But you thought it?

I guess so.

Did you also think
about retaliating?

It was an accident.

But you said he hurt you.

It didn't occur to you
to hurt him back?

I'd never do that.

But you thought about it.

How am I supposed to remember?

Yes or no,
did you think about hurting him?

Yes or no?

Well, maybe for a split second.


I mean, he should
have been watching

where he was going,

but I realized
that he didn't do it on purpose

so I shook it off

and I left.


What does it matter
what I was thinking?

Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres,
you are under arrest.

On what charge?

Aggravated violent thought
resulting in grave bodily harm.

Are you saying it's a crime
to think about v*olence?


That's ridiculous.

I assure you,
it's quite necessary.

We were once a society
plagued by v*olence.

When we prohibited
hostile thought,

crime began to drop immediately.

Over the past three generations,
it's all but disappeared.

So you believe
that it's all right

to tell people what they
can and cannot think?

It's an irrefutable fact

that violent thoughts
from others

can lead to violent actions.

Even if B'Elanna had
a violent thought,

it was Frane
who att*cked that man.

Which he only did
because he telepathically

received that thought
from B'Elanna.

His mind was contaminated
by the image,

and it resulted
in a loss of control.

He may have committed
the physical act,

but it was instigated by you.

Where we come from,

people are responsible
for their own actions.

And here,
people are responsible

for their own thoughts.

I'm sure you can understand
how that's necessary for a race

of telepaths.

Yes, I can.


I'll accept that your people

can be influenced
by the thoughts of others,

but there were dozens
of people in that square.

How can you be certain
it came from B'Elanna?

The Mari no longer have
violent thoughts.

It's unlikely any of them
could have been responsible.

Besides, the evidence
against B'Elanna is clear.

She thought about
committing a hostile act.

I'd like to review
that evidence myself,

if you don't mind.


But I'm afraid
you'll be disappointed.

What happens to B'Elanna now?

We have an enlightened
penal system here.

Unlike some, we don't lock
people away to punish them.

You'll be released...

once you've undergone
the engramatic purge.

The what?

It's a medical

procedure that will
identify and remove

the offending images
from your mind.


Once identified,

the images can be removed
from Frane's mind as well.

Memory extraction...

that's a dangerous procedure.

There is a risk
of neurological damage,

but it's necessary
for us to treat Frane.

Will you at least
delay the procedure

until we've had a chance
to review the evidence?

Will you?

It'll take us about a day
to reconfigure our instruments.

That's all the time
I can give you.

That's all the time
I'll need.


we've got to get
B'Elanna out of there.

You know the rules, Tom.

We can't pick and choose

which laws we'll respect
and which we won't.

Nobody can be expected
to control their thoughts.

Tell that to the Mari.

Are you just going to let them
put her through this process?

I'm doing everything
I can to stop it.

Neelix is going to file
a diplomatic protest

and Tuvok and I will be going
over the witness statements.

Maybe we can poke a few holes
in the Chief Examiner's case.

And if you can't?

Then let's hope
the Doctor can figure out

how to reverse
an engramatic purge.

All away personnel
have been notified

to return to the ship
as soon as possible.

So much for R&R.

Chakotay, we've got to talk.

Have a seat.


I'm sure the Captain
wouldn't object.

What's on your mind?

While Tuvok and the Captain
are reviewing the evidence,

B'Elanna's sitting
in a Mari jail cell

for some sort of lobotomy.

We can't let that happen.

What did you have in mind?

Break her out.

And risk an all-out
confrontation with the Mari?

They're a bunch of pacifists.

They're no match for us.

You're probably right,

but before we start resorting
to extreme measures,

don't you think we should give
the Captain a chance

to find a legal solution?

By the time that happens,
it may be too late.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you come up
with a rescue plan--

one that minimizes
the possibility of v*olence--

and I'll review it.

You're just trying
to keep me busy, aren't you?

Can you blame me?

I'm serious about this,

So am I.
If your plan is sound,

and the Captain doesn't have
any luck on her end,

I'll recommend we attempt
the rescue.


I'll get right on it.


I may have let you sit
in the Captain's chair,

but remember,
she's still the boss.

Then you don't accept
the Chief Examiner's conclusion?

I'm not dismissing it,

but I'm not going
to accept it blindly either.

I've spent a great deal of time

with Nimira
over the past few days.

She clearly is
a very skilled investigator.

I'm sure she is.

And this isn't the first time

Lieutenant Torres'
violent proclivities

have created problems.

No argument there.

But I have a hard time buying

that one fleeting thought
makes her responsible

for a vicious att*ck.

From what I've learned,
crime here is a result

of exposure
to violent thought,

much as it was on Vulcan

before my people learned
to control their emotions.

ln my opinion,
the Mari should be

applauded for their efforts.

Oh, I'm sure their intentions
are admirable, but, uh...

I'm not about to let them
scramble B'Elanna's brain

without a fight.

But we must prepare ourselves
for the probability

that she will turn out
to be culpable

for the crime.

Maybe so...

and then again...

maybe not.

Take a look at this.

I don't mean to accuse
your friend Nimira

of being less than thorough,

but don't you find that
just the least bit curious?

"New evidence"?

It concerns the attacker,
Mr. Frane.

According to your own
security records,

he was arrested on
four previous occasions

for harboring violent thoughts.

You classified him

as an"habitual perpetrator
of hostile images."


But those thoughts
were purged each time.

He spent years
in neurogenic restructuring.

The records also
say he was cured.

Still, it is possible
that Frane had a relapse...

that he alone is responsible

for his actions
at the marketplace.

Possible, but unlikely.

Our engramatic scans of Frane

show that Lieutenant
Torres's thought

was prevalent in his mind
during the att*ck.

And you are certain

no other violent
thoughts were present?

I'm beginning to feel

like I'm the one
being investigated.

I am simply exploring
all logical options.

As a fellow
law enforcement officer,

you should understand that.

I do.

And I'm willing to share
my findings with you.

But if you're trying to prove

your crewmate's innocence,
you're too late.

The case is closed.

Do you think
that this is easy for me?

I don't want to harm B'Elanna,
but I don't have a choice.

That thought has
to be contained.

Otherwise, we risk
further v*olence, maybe even

a citywide panic.

You told me your people
spent centuries

learning how to control
their violent impulses.

I know we haven't achieved
your level of discipline,

but we're trying.

I thought you'd understand.

I am not judging your culture.

ln fact, I admire it.

I have enjoyed
your company in particular,

but I cannot abandon
my responsibility to B'Elanna.

I must continue
my own investigation.

Go right ahead.

But I intend to proceed
with the engramatic purge.


I don't like it.
Never have.

It's bad for negotiations,

it's bad for relationships

and it's certainly
been bad for B'Elanna.

The fault was her own.

What are you talking about?

She was careless
with her thoughts.

The result was v*olence.

B'Elanna's not used
to being around telepaths.

That doesn't make her guilty.

Then her crime was ignorance--

a common affliction
among your crew.

What's that supposed to mean?

You make contact
with alien species

without sufficient understanding
of their nature.

As a result, Voyager's directive
to"seek out new civilizations"

often ends in conflict.

What you call"ignorance,"
we call"exploration..."

and sometimes it means
taking a few risks.

But it's certainly better
than assimilating

everything in your path.

Your goal is to share knowledge.

Assimilation is the perfect
means of attaining that goal.


Good morning, Miss Tembit.

Your usual selection?

Yes, please.


Oh, I'm- I'm so sorry.


Watch what you're doing!

She's dead.

I can't believe she's dead.

I know this is difficult
for you, Mr. Neelix,

but try to recount for me
everything that happened.

Seven and I were packing
to return to the ship.

We heard a scream.

I went running...

The old lady was just
standing over Talli's body,

holding the bloody Kn*fe
in her hand.

I didn't even get a chance
to say good-bye.

Did the old woman say anything?

Not that I remember.

She was as shocked and confused
as anyone else.

Do you think this
is somehow connected

with the other att*ck?

I'm not certain,

but it strikes me
as more than coincidence

that two violent altercations
have occurred within two days,

in a city which purports

to have eliminated
virtually all crime.

Bridge to Commander Tuvok.

Tuvok here.

Chief Examiner Nimira
wants to see you.

She's requesting permission
to transport aboard.

Permission granted.

Have her escorted
to the briefing room.

Tuvok out.

We will continue later.


She was a wonderful young woman.

Whoever's responsible
for her death-- find them,

and see that they're
brought to justice.

I will do my best, Mr. Neelix.

Thanks for seeing me.

I heard what happened.

Do you have any idea what
caused this latest att*ck?

I just finished interviewing
the old woman.


She att*cked the victim

in response to the
same violent thought

that motivated
the previous b*ating.

B'Elanna's thought?

But both she and Frane
are in custody.

How could the thought
have been passed to anyone else?

I don't know.

That's why I'm here.

I need your help.

Then you shall have it.

Thank you.

I don't know why that thought
is still contaminating people,

but I have got
to put a stop to it.

I've never dealt
with a m*rder before,

but you've had experience
with homicide investigations?

I have.

I thought I would start
by tracing

the old woman's whereabouts
for the past few days

to see where she might have
encountered the thought.

A wise choice.

ln the meantime, I would like

to interview B'Elanna
more extensively.

Perhaps a fresh perspective

might uncover facts
you hadn't considered.

I'll arrange it immediately.

I'm not sure I like
the idea of a mind-meld

any better
than an engramatic purge.

It will be a limited meld.

I will focus exclusively
on your memories

of the events
surrounding the crime.

It poses no danger.

Are you ready?

Your mind to my mind.

Your thoughts to my thoughts.

Recall your encounter
with Mr. Frane.

He bumped into you.

What happened next?

I guess that's
when I had the thought

about hitting him.

And after that?

Guill came over
and asked if I was hurt.

And what were you thinking
at that moment?


I'm sensing something
more to the encounter

than what you've told me.

Try to recall.

It may be important.

Well, he was just holding me
by the shoulders.

You said he'd been
reading your mind

during the negotiation.

Was he still doing it?

I don't know.

You experienced
negative feelings about him.

He gave me the creeps.

ln what sense?

He...wanted something.

Something terrible.

What the hell?

Why didn't I
remember that before?

You may be recalling

an unconscious thought
you had at the time

or an intuition.

Perhaps I should ask Mr. Guill.

Mr. Guill.

I'm Commander Tuvok,

Voyager's Chief of Security.

My children get upset
when I'm late for supper.

If you're here to do business,

we could make an appointment
for tomorrow.

I'm here to talk to you
about the att*ck.

Why me?

My crewmate, Lieutenant Torres

has been charged with the crime.

I believe
you're acquainted with her.

Lieutenant Torres, yes.

She was arrested?

The Chief Examiner believes
it was her violent thought,

which prompted the b*ating.

She seemed like such
a pleasant young woman.

Apparently, she was
almost knocked over

while doing business with you.

Do you recall that?


A man accidentally
ran into her and...

You're not like the others
from your ship, are you?

You're a telepath.

That is correct.

Why are you so curious
about what happened?

I am conducting my own
investigation of the crime.

I see.

For a moment, I thought you had
another reason for asking.

with violent thoughts as well.

Terrible images,
but they're hidden

deep within your mind.

I am in control of those images.

All members of the Vulcan race
learn to inhibit emotions.

If my unconscious thoughts
are disturbing you,

I will attempt to suppress
them further.

No, please.

Don't trouble yourself.

I can't see them clearly enough
to be affected.

I sense that you are fascinated
with my unconscious thoughts.

That you would like to see
more of them if you could.


I was just thinking
maybe I could help you.

Help me?

ln learning how to deal
with these...

dark impulses.

No, thank you.

I have sufficient means
of controlling them.

I'm sure you do.

Any other questions?


Then, if you'll excuse me,

I really can't be late
for the table.

Do you have the money?

3, 000 renns.

I have something
exciting for you tonight.

Why are you following us?

I was thinking
about what you said...

your interest
in my unconscious thoughts.

Perhaps we could
help each other.

How would we do that?

By telepathically exchanging
violent images.

That is
what you want, isn't it?

To see what's
buried in my unconscious?

Who is he?


Why should I trust you?

Because you know
we are very much alike.

Perhaps I was mistaken.


Maybe we can be of use
to each other.

But you'll have
to get rid of this.

Come back later, Malin.

If I'm right,
I'll have thoughts to share

that are darker
than anything you can imagine.




show me.

I'll need a few moments
to recover.

I'm surprised
you're so easily tired.

Your telepathic abilities
are strong.

It is not often that I
exercise those skills.

There must be violent thoughts
to be had from your shipmates,

whether they want
to share them or not.

After all, they
couldn't stop a telepath

from probing their minds,
could they?

Is that how you acquire
your merchandise?

Sometimes I buy.

Sometimes I find
a person like you

who's willing to share,

and, yes, when the opportunity
presents itself,

I take what I need.

Which is what you did
to Lieutenant Torres.

Frane took her thought,
not me.

So, you know Mr. Frane.

Only casually.

Well enough
to be in business with him?

Why do you ask?

I am interested in the thought
he acquired from B'Elanna--

her violent tendencies
have always fascinated me,

yet I've never succeeded
in probing her mind.

If you could help me purchase
that thought...

It's impossible.

Frane's already had it purged.


I was certain you possessed it.


Didn't you extract the thought
from B'Elanna as well,

just after she collided
with Frane?


I reevaluated B'Elanna's
memories of the incident.

She remembers that
you probed her mind.

She remembers incorrectly.


or perhaps you did
extract that image,

which would explain

why that same thought
is still in circulation--

why it prompted
a m*rder this morning.


It's time you gave me
what you promised.

The only person you'll be
sharing thoughts with tonight

is the Chief Examiner.

Where are you going?

Stand aside.

Tuvok's taking me into custody.


Still no sign of him.

Try a multiphasic bio-scan.

We're being hailed, Captain.

It's Nimira.

On screen.

Chief Examiner, have you
had any luck locating Tuvok?

I'm afraid not.

I'd like to send a search party.

I can't allow that.

Why not?

We can't risk further violations
of our laws.

That's ridiculous.


I really don't think

we pose a serious thr*at.

There's nothing more to discuss.

Lieutenant Torres will be purged
then returned to you.

Captain, you can't
let them do that.

The decision's been made.
I'm sorry.

Let go of me!

B'Elanna, please...

try to relax.

Oh, you have got to be kidding!

Sedate her.

No. Wait!


You won't escape punishment
for your crimes.


You are responsible for a death.

I never meant that to happen.

The old woman begged me
for that thought.

I had to help her.


You are justifying m*rder.


Malin, hold him still.


show me.

You're holding back.

I haven't seen
the best of it yet, have I?


Then show me.

If I show you,
will you let me go?


Come closer.

Don't be alarmed.

This will allow you to see
the deepest recesses of my mind.

My mind...to your mind

and my thoughts...

to your thoughts.



This is the side of you
I wanted to know.


We are locked
in a Vulcan mind-meld.

You don't understand
the truth of v*olence.

Its darkness...

its power!


lncrease the electrochemical

but be very careful
with the synaptic potentials.

One miscalculation
and we could permanently damage

her cerebral cortex.

Communications Center
to Chief Examiner Nimira.


Captain Janeway insists
on speaking with you.

She says it's extremely urgent.

Relay her signal.

What is it, Captain?

It's imperative
that you discontinue

Lieutenant Torres' engramatic
extraction immediately.

Commander Tuvok
has found new evidence,

which proves her innocence.

I hope this interruption
is justified.

Suspending an engramatic purge
once it's begun

is highly irregular.

Then let's not waste
any more time.


I have discovered

that Guill and Frane
are responsible

for the b*ating
in the marketplace,

and consequently,
for Talli's m*rder.

Guill, the merchant?

That is correct.

What possible involvement
could he have?

It was Frane who acted
on the violent thought.

That is not in dispute.

Lieutenant Torres' thought

was not transferred

I don't understand.

When Guill first met
Lieutenant Torres,

he sensed strong, violent
tendencies within her,

a potential for mental imagery
which interested him.

ln order to exploit
that potential,

he conspired with Frane
to provoke B'Elanna.

They wanted to trigger
a violent thought,

so they could telepathically
draw it from her mind.

I can't believe that.

It is precisely what happened.

they underestimated

the intensity of the thought.

It was more powerful

than anything either of them
had ever experienced.

As a result, Frane lost control
and att*cked the victim.

Why would peaceful men
like Guill and Frane

want to subject themselves
to such hostile images?

My investigation has uncovered

a rather disturbing side
of Mari society--

a black market if you will,

in which many of your citizens
trade in illicit mental imagery.

Guill is a very prominent figure
in this underground,

or was, until I brought him
into custody.

Why would any of my people

want to indulge
in that kind of behavior?

Apparently, outlawing
violent thought

hasn't made it go away.

All you've done is force people
to share it in back alleys.

It seems you have
a somewhat more...

serious problem than the random
thoughts of a single alien.

Even if I believed you,

I'm not sure anyone else would.

Then I suggest you interrogate
Guill yourselves.

His engramatic record

will undoubtedly confirm
what I've told you.

Where is he now?

We have him confined

in our brig.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Chief Examiner Nimira
has taken custody of Mr. Guill.

Whether his arrest
will lead to reforms

in the Mari justice system
is anyone's guess.

ln the meantime, the Doctor
is treating Lieutenant Torres

and Commander Tuvok.

Fortunately, the Mari
didn't get very far

with the procedure.

You can return to duty,

though perhaps with one
or two fewer violent engrams

in that fiery head of yours.

It's all right, Doc.

There are plenty more
where those came from.

Duly warned.

Thanks for getting me
out of there.

I was merely pursuing the truth.

So if I was responsible
for passing that thought,

you would have let them
lobotomize me?

It is incumbent upon us
to respect the laws

of the societies we visit.


you still a fan
of the Mari legal system?

My views have been
somewhat modified.

Then you're not
going to lecture me

about losing my temper?

If you must know,
investigating this case

has given me a new respect
for your inner struggle.


Burdened as you are

by your primitive
Klingon psyche,

it is a wonder
you are able to keep

your violent thoughts
under control

as much as you do.

Thanks...I think.

You're welcome.

Of course, there are
various Vulcan techniques

which could help you
increase your self-control.

You don't say.

Come in.

I must speak with you.

Of course.
Have a seat.

I prefer to stand.

I keep forgetting.

You once encouraged me

to express my opinions

if I had something relevant
to say.

Go right ahead.

You wish to return this vessel
to the Alpha Quadrant,

and yet you are following
Starfleet protocol

regarding first contact.

The two objectives
are incompatible.

How so?

Your philosophy of exploration

exposes Voyager
to constant risk.

If you maintain a direct course,

to Earth and avoid
all extraneous contact

with alien species,

it will increase
your chances of survival.

Well, that would make
a dull ride home.


We seek out new races
because we want to,

not because
we're following protocols.

We have an insatiable curiosity
about the universe.

Your Chief Engineer and Security
Officer were nearly lost today.

That is unacceptable.

To you, maybe,
but not to me or my crew.

Our experience with the Mari
gave us an insight

into a culture
we've never encountered.

But that is irrelevant.

It's how we gain knowledge.

Then we are in disagreement.

Good. I dread the day

when everyone on this ship
agrees with me.

I thank you for your opinion,

but our mission
is not going to change.

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