04x18 - The k*lling Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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04x18 - The k*lling Game

Post by bunniefuu »

Prepare to meet your ancestors!

This battle is yours today,
but the House of Mokai will never yield.

Doh-cha scree! Move away, coward.
I want to make this k*ll.

You should have k*lled me before.

- I want to see the fear in your eyes.
- You'll see your own destruction.

You are resilient prey.

I'm no one's prey!

You are mine now and after death.

Sickbay, this is holodeck 2.
Janeway requires medical assistance.

She'll survive.

What about her neural interface?


Are you sure?

There were times when she seemed

aware of who she is.

Impossible. I was monitoring the crew

during the entire simulation.

She is who we program her to be.

Do I return her
to the Klingon simulation?

No. Bring her to holodeck 1.

I've found another program to try.

A conflict that took place on her planet.

It should prove stimulating.

Wrong, would it be wrong to kiss.

Seeing I feel like this.

Would it be wrong to try.

Wrong, would it be wrong to stay.

Here in your arms this way.

Under this starry sky.

If it is wrong...

Welcome to Le Coeur de Lion.

I am Katrine.

The first round is with my compliments

on one condition.

You leave the w*r outside.

More escargots for table nine.

Jacques, no lady tonight?

We'll have to see
what we can do about that.

Forgive my neglecting you.
Where were we?

Yes, my latest adventure in Paris.

I'm afraid I'll have to neglect you again.
Excuse me.

It must be right...

- That's him.
- Our new commandant?

He's been sent to oversee
the occupation of the city.

- His history?
- Served with Rommel and Schmidt.

He is a formidable m*llitary strategist.

- Notorious for his cruelty.
- Let's make him feel at home.

Send him a bottle of Chateau Latour.

- The '29?
- I hate to waste good wine.

- Give him the '36.
- As you wish.

And I have waited so long.

It must be right.

It can't be wrong.

Merci. Be generous
to Claude this evening.

Without him, my voice is empty.
Good evening.

- Sing.
- Tonight's performance is over.

- Return tomorrow.
- Now.

Remove your hand.

Obey me or I will hunt you down
and your bones will adorn my ship.

Sit down and play the game.

In this setting, we have no ships.

We are an ancient race of soldiers
intent upon conquering this world.

Play the game.

What's this? Mademoiselle de Neuf
will be happy to sing another song.

- Let her freshen up.
- It's late.

Freshen up.

Very well.

- Commandant Karr.
- You know me.

Your reputation proceeds you.

I'm Katrine.
Le Coeur de Lion is my establishment.

The first round is on the house
on one condition.

- You leave the w*r outside.
- I wish to speak with her alone.

- Charming gentleman.
- He is disoriented.

Your world is unfamiliar to him.

He'll soon be comfortable.
The arms of France are open to all.

I've heard otherwise.

There is opposition to
our presence here among your citizens.

The Resistance? In Paris perhaps.

But this is a small city, defenceless.
We've learned to be diplomatic.

We want to remain
on good terms with the victor of this w*r.

- Whoever that may be.
- Whoever that may be.

Your city may be defenceless,
but it's crucial to the w*r.

Any ground as*ault into Germany
must pass through this province.

The Resistance will come here.

If they do,
I'll tell them what I tell everyone.

Leave the w*r outside.


There's a problem
in the engineering section.

The warp plasma network is unstable.

- What's he talking about?
- It need not concern you.

- To the hunt.
- The hunt?

For the Resistance.

I shall take great pleasure
in tracking them down...

...and making the k*ll.

Au revoir,

How did we do?

Insufficient for a Saturday night.
1,247 francs and 81 Reichsmarks.

It should be enough
to extend the range of our radio.

I want you
to take a trip to the countryside.

A Monsieur Groleau has a cottage
just past the third bridge.

He's got vacuum tubes. Tell him we
need a high-frequency oscillator.

Don't go higher than 500 francs.

- We have more pressing needs.
- Such as?

expl*sives. We need a launcher
that can fire grenades.

- Planning on blowing up a t*nk?
- If necessary.

- We're not trying to build an army.
- Then maybe it's time we did.

Three more battalions are in the city

and a Panzer division
is eleven kilometres away.

When the Americans arrive,
I don't intend to be at a piano singing.

The Americans can't
approach this city without our help.

If they can't liberate us,
the as*ault into Germany could fail.

We need to relay information about
troop movements to Allied Command.

I'm tired of lighting the Nazis' cigarettes.
We should be assassinating these pigs.

When we start sh**ting,
we expose ourselves.

Right now no one suspects us.

I won't risk our operation because
you have a nervous trigger finger.

- That is your opinion.
- I'm the leader.

My opinion is the only one that counts,
so get the oscillator.

I think we're all feeling the strain.
It's been a hard four years.

But the Third Reich is feeling it, too.
We just have to hang on.

Word from the Americans
is going to come any day.


- Again?
- Again.

Why is she so adamant? What she's
proposing would put us all at risk.

Maybe that's her intention.

If you have suspicions,
let's hear them.

She's argumentative and
she's disobeyed your direct orders.

She's headstrong.

Her behaviour
has threatened our identities.

She's the only munitions expert
we have and she can carry a tune.

We need her. Let's keep our eye
on her. Have her followed.

If she is a n*zi infiltrator,
we'll have to eliminate her.

- Bonjour, madame.
- Bonjour.

Put it on my account.

Guten tag.

You! Halt!

Get off your vehicle.

- What are you transporting?
- Nothing but the very essentials of life.

- Proceed to your destination.
- That I will. That I most certainly will.

If the choice were mine,
you would already be dead.

It's 59 degrees in Dover
with low fog across the Channel.

Temperatures are expected to range
from a low of 45 degrees...

Damn, I'm missing it.

Recent intelligence shows
two German divisions here and here.

- How recent is this?
- 48 hours.

Old news.

You're listening
to the British Radio Network.

- This report will repeat in 45 seconds.
- 45 seconds.

Here's to English precision.

- We're closed.
- Morning delivery.

You're late. What happened?

A chat with
a member of the master race.

Sounds like they're increasing
their patrols.

Perhaps it's time
we chose another courier.

No need to worry.
I change my route every day.

I'm friendly with most of the Gestapo.
They just love my strudel.

Thank you
to Jazzy McNulty and his band.

Now the weather for today,
September 22, 1944,

In London, skies are grey
with a strong chance of afternoon rain.

Temperatures will range from
a low of 52 degrees to a high of 71.

The northern coast reports heavy rain,
strong winds and ocean swells.

Devonshire and Hertfordshire
report rain.

It's currently 59 degrees in Dover
with low fog across the Channel.

Temperatures will range from a low
of 45 degrees to a high of 63.

I am Reginald Smith
and you are listening...

Got it. Let's see the code key.

Every fifth letter, every third vowel.
Use the Sunday decryption sequence.

- A-H-C. From Allied High Command.
- It must be important.

All messages
regarding the w*r are important.

Do you have to be
so logical about everything?

In any covert battle, logic is a potent
w*apon. You might try it some time.

"American Fourth Infantry to inv*de
Sainte Claire, Tuesday, dawn."

That's two days from now.

"Require assistance.
Disable enemy communications."

The German radio
is at their headquarters.

That building is surrounded by guards.
We can't just plant a b*mb.

- Maybe I can help.
- How?

I'm upset.
I need to see my special friend.

Even if it means going to the office.

- Reconnaissance.
- I'll find the radio.

See where the guards are posted.
Get enough information to get us inside.

If you're caught,
you'll be tortured for information.

You don't know my friend. He'd never
do anything to harm his own child.

Encode a response to Allied Command.

Confirm that we've received
their message.

Tell them we're proceeding
according to plan.

Ever since my days at the university,
I've admired this painting.

And now it's mine.

Fellow officers might prefer gold, but
for me, the greatest prize of w*r is art.

Trophies of the hunt.
But was the hunt fair?

We entered this city with superior
fire power against a weakened prey.

Do you really deserve these prizes?

The German people
deserve Europe and everything in it.

- Why?
- Sir, you question our destiny?

Of course not,
but I want to hear it in your own words.

Tell me, why are we the master race?

Our blood is pure. Our people lived
and hunted on this land for 1,000 years

before the degenerate races brought
corruption. Europe must be purified.

You yourself, are you stronger
than these degenerate races?

- More cunning?
- Of course.

And if you were alone without an army,
would you continue the hunt?

If your prey were armed,
what then?

- I don't know what you're trying...
- You are superior to no one!

Never underestimate your prey
or disrespect its abilities.

If you do, you will become the hunted.

When the opposing army invades
this city, remember my words.


- Brigette.
- I'm sorry.

I know I'm not supposed to come here.

Don't blame him. I told him I was ill
and I had to see you.

I will leave you two alone.

Heil h*tler.

It's all right. The colonel
is in a strange mood today.

- What's wrong? Is it our child?
- I don't know. I was dizzy.

- I'll call the doctor.
- No. I feel better now.

Maybe I just needed to see you.

Why haven't you shown me
this place before?

I didn't want people to see you come
here. They make it difficult enough.

I don't care what they think.

- It's beautiful.
- Praxiteles.

Master sculptor of Ancient Greece.

There are only three like this
in all of Europe.

So many wonderful things.

The commandant would have us
continue this simulation until we rot.

It's pointless. We should begin the hunt.

He believes we must learn more about
our prey, but I have learned enough.

Ready your w*apon.

Avoid the cranium.

- This way.
- But the message.

There's no time.

Computer, exit holodeck.
We'll take them to the medical bay.

This neural interface
has been damaged.

It took a hit
when your b*llet grazed her skull.

- Install another.
- Not until I repair her injuries.

How long?

Two fractured vertebrae
and a punctured lung. An hour.

- Him?
- I stabilised his vital systems.

- He has fragments in his shoulder.
- I will treat him.

You might do a better job
repairing the lacerations.

Your last patient was brought back
with internal bleeding.

Your crew is fragile. They fall too easily.

What do you expect? They've been
stabbed, sh*t, beaten and phasered.

- They weren't designed for this.
- What happened?

Turanj hunted these prey.
Their injuries are severe.

You said your people
wouldn't cause head injuries.

The b*llet could have hit her brain.

You should put an end
to this blood sport.

- The simulations will continue.
- Activate the safety protocols.

- It will prevent life-threatening injuries.
- It will eliminate the challenge.

I have had 28 wounded and one fatality
in the past twelve hours.

- I can't keep up with that level of triage.
- You will keep up or they will die.

Their lives are in your hands.
Don't fail them.

When that one is ready,
place him in holodeck 2.

Let's see him with the Klingons.

- What about her?
- Send her back to holodeck 1.

I like her voice.


By cutting through the bulkheads
on decks 4, 5 and 6,

we've expanded both holodeck grids
by 5,000 square metres.


I can't give you any more. Not without
compromising primary systems.

- Then compromise them.
- Holodecks require a lot of energy.

I've already rerouted power.

Anything more and we'll start losing
propulsion, deflectors, even life-support.

I'll transfer power modules
from my vessel. Integrate them.

I want to expand the hole-projectors.

Replicate enough emitters for the task.

Yes, sir.

The holo-emitters in here are stable.
Let's start working on section 19.

But first, tell the guard
to escort you to engineering.

We need a type-3 isolinear emitter.

If he gives you any trouble, say I can't
complete the assignment without it.

We need an isolinear emitter
from engineering.

- Ensign, how did I get here?
- I transferred you using new emitters.

- I assume you've got a plan.
- Half a plan.

We've got to get the crew back. That
means disabling the neuro-interfaces.

The great hunters
are everywhere you turn.

I think I can tap into
the sickbay diagnostic console.

The only catch is...

Stand by with the emitter.
I'm almost done here.

The catch, Ensign?

Somebody's got to be in the holodeck
to engage control relays.

- We're short-handed.
- I know.

We've got a Borg on board, don't we?
Maybe we can put her to good use.

I've been studying Voyager's database,
looking for our next simulation.

There are many to choose from.
These people have a violent history.

I believe I've found a worthy prey.

The Borg.

When World w*r II is over, we will
recreate a battle known as Wolf 359.

- I look forward to it.
- I thought you might.

But if you continue to disobey me,
you will never see this hunt.

You nearly destroyed
two of my favourite prey.

- You were careless.
- I've become impatient.

We penetrated this vessel,
overcame their defences,

and in the moment of the k*ll,
you forced us to stop.

Now we play these incessant games.

It's time we took our trophies
and moved on.

Your lust for the k*ll has blinded you,
like many young hunters.

If you took the time to study your prey,
you might learn something.

- There is nothing to be learned.
- You're wrong.

Prey exposes us to another way of life
and makes us re-evaluate our own.

What will become of us when we have
hunted this territory to exhaustion?

We will travel to another part of space,
as we have always done.

A way of life
that hasn't changed for 1,000 years.

- Why should it?
- Species that don't change... die.

We've lost our way.

We've allowed our predatory instincts
to dominate us.

We disperse ourselves
throughout the quadrant.

We've become a solitary race, isolated.
We've spread ourselves too thin.

We're no longer a culture.
We have no identity.

In another 1,000 years, no one
will remember the name Hirogen.

Our people must come back together,
combine forces, rebuild our civilisation.

- What of the hunt?
- The hunt will always continue.

But in a new way. I intend to transform
this ship into a vast simulation,

populated with a varied
and endless supply of prey.

In time, this technology can be
duplicated for other Hirogen.

These holodecks will allow us to hold
onto our past, while we face the future.

Even if I were persuaded,
others wouldn't be.

Then you are with me?

I must continue my research.
I'll see you tomorrow on holodeck 1.

The Americans are due to inv*de.

Remain calm and stay quiet.
There's a Hirogen in the bio-lab.

He might hear us.
What's the last thing you remember?

An att*ck. The Hirogen vessels
breached our hull and boarded the ship.

I was in a phaser fight.
I was struck several times.

You have no memory
of the simulations in the holodeck?

The neural interface
must be circumventing your memory.

The transmitter links
your neocortex to the holodeck.

It makes you believe you're
a character within the program.

- Why am I in sickbay?
- You were wounded in a simulation.

It's my job to patch you all up
and send you back in.

Half the crew is under lock and key.
The rest are fighting on the holodeck.

It has been going on for 19 days.

Dozens of brutal battle scenarios.

You were a mess after the crusades.

- Will I be sent into another simulation?
- Yes, but this time with an advantage.

I have disabled the interface

by remodulating one of
your implants to emit a jamming signal.

Once they bring you to the holodeck,
the signal will activate.

- My objective?
- Find a control panel in the holodeck.

Engage the bridge access relays.

Kim and me
will deactivate the neural interfaces.

After the crew regains awareness,

you can mount
a resistance against the Hirogen.

- What simulation will I be entering?
- World w*r 1.

- Do you know about it?
- No.

Once the interface is disabled,

you will remember nothing
about your role.

Think of it as a new social setting.
Do your best to fit in.

This is the last neural interface. Finish
with her and help me replicate more.

I have to sedate you now.

That old black magic has me in its spell.

That old black magic
that you weave so well.

Those icy fingers
up and down my spine.

The same old witchcraft
when your eyes meet...

I must discontinue this activity.
I am not well.

If the entertainment
is over, I'll be going.

Stay right there, Commandant.
I'm sure she's fine. Let me talk to her.

- What's wrong?
- I require a glass of water.

I promised the commandant
you'd sing till midnight.

- I want to get information tonight.
- I am ill.

I don't care if you're dying.
Get back out there.

I won't.

- Maybe you're right about her.
- The evidence is increasing.

She was present
when our courier was sh*t.

Yet somehow she was unharmed.

And now, on the eve of our liberation,
she becomes uncooperative.

Leave this to me.

- Captain?
- At ease. What's the word?

There is no word,
at least not from the Resistance.

- Then we won't get any support.
- You may be underestimating them.

I've spent a summer in Sainte Claire.

You ate snails, fell in love with a local
girl and became an expert on the city?

- Well, yeah, pretty much like that.
- I see.

Believe me,
those people love their town.

They'll fight and die for it.
Don't count them out.

All right, but I won't
count them in either.

We continue as planned.
An as*ault from the north at first light.

So who was the mademoiselle?

Her name was Brigette.

Great gams. One hell of a temper.

Sounds like your kind of girl.

August 29, 1936, 12:17pm.

My train pulled out of Sainte Claire.
That's the last time I saw her.

We wrote every week for three years.

Then the w*r broke out
and I never heard from her again.

Sainte Claire's not a big place.
She shouldn't be too hard to find.

I'm counting on it.

You maintain position here,
20 metres from the front doors.

Arm yourself with a submachine g*n
and watch for trouble.

There's a 20-second break
in the guard rotation at 4:15am.

We'll enter the building
through the storm window.

I saw guards posted
at all three stairways.

You'll have to use the elevator shaft.

The command post
is at the end of the hall.

We'll plant the charges,
blow the transmitter. You'll remain here.

If we're caught, destroy
all evidence of the underground.

Our contact list, decryption codes,
everything. We leave in one hour.

This won't make much of a bang.
You forgot to connect the detonator.

- I will correct the error.
- It's lucky I found it.

- Are you having second thoughts?
- No.

- Good. I don't want any more mistakes.
- There won't be any.

Let's hope not.

We must stop meeting like this.

I scanned holodeck 1. Seven of Nine is
on the move. Are you ready in sickbay?

My Hirogen taskmaster
is in the bio-lab.

I'll have access to the medical console
for 20 minutes.

That'll give me time to get to the bridge.

- Good afternoon.
- What are you doing in here?

Trying to get the replicators
back on-line.

You prefer the emergency rations?

Personally, I'm getting tired
of synthetic protein.

You're supposed to be fine hunters.

Why don't you find us something
more tasty? Is something wrong?

An unauthorised transmission
was sent from this room.

- What kind of transmission?
- I don't know.

Maybe you can tell me.

I was trying to re-route power from
the main computer to the replicators.

Of course. I must have tripped
a communications subroutine.

Sorry. I didn't mean to worry you.

Your people have damaged
every system on this vessel.

Accidents are bound to happen.
If you don't mind, I'm due on the bridge.

- Show it to me.
- What?

I want to see this subroutine.

Show me what you were doing
when the accident occurred.

Forget it. I don't have time.

Do as I say.

All right.

But you'd better call the bridge.

Tell your superior I'm going to be late,

that I'm working
under your orders now, not his.

Go ahead. Make the call.
I don't want to take the blame for this.

Report to the bridge.


Set the charges here, here and there.

This looks like a message from
one of their reconnaissance teams.

These must be instructions
for troop deployments.

The Germans must be taking up
new positions outside the city.

It looks like they're mobilising more
troops than our sources expected.

They're moving armoured units
into the valley.

They know the Americans are coming.
We've got to warn them somehow.

What are you doing?

You haven't set the charges.
What is that?

It is a transmitter.
I'm attempting to disable it.

- You're sending the Nazis a message.
- No.

Step away or I'll k*ll you.

- What are you doing?
- Running a diagnostic.

You've accessed the neural interface.

I told you no more mistakes.
You've just made your last one.

- Seven?
- Captain.

Listen. A targ. Just beyond that ridge.

You would hunt down a beast
in the midst of our enemies?

There is no enemy as great as hunger.

Why am I being interrupted?

The Doctor disabled
their captain's interface.

- How?
- I don't know. I can't re-establish a link.

Remove her from the simulation.

- Hirogen hunters.
- Scans show 13 on this holodeck.

Need a hand, buddy?

- Miller, Fifth Armoured Infantry.
- Welcome to Sainte Claire.

Get me a*tillery unit Charlie One.

Take up positions along this street
and start laying down fire.

The Americans have arrived.

- You circumvented our control. How?
- Go to hell.


You owe me a postcard.

Distance 800 yards.
Correct for crosswinds. Fire at will.

Take cover, boys.
Charlie One isn't known for accuracy.

I can't access the ship's systems.

- You said this is n*zi headquarters?
- I did.

Then this building is being targeted.
Let's get out of here.

What happened?

An expl*si*n on holodeck 1. It blew out
the hologrid across three decks.

- Is the program still running?
- Yes.

- What is it?
- It looks like a bunker.

All units, listen up. We've just blown
the lid off a secret n*zi compound.

Converge on my position.
We're going in.

The breach opened the simulation.
Holographic soldiers moving to deck 5.

Shut down the holo-emitters
until we regain control.

I can't.
The program controls are off-line.

You wanted a w*r.
Looks like you've got one.
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