03x02 - The Search: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
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03x02 - The Search: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine...

Our mission is to take
the Defiant

into the Gamma Quadrant
and try to find

the leaders of the
Dominion, the Founders.

What the hell is wrong
with Starfleet?!

How could they do this to him?

This has been a long time
coming, Major.

Starfleet has never been
happy with the Constable.

I want him to stay
as much as you do

but he has to want to stay.

Ever since we've come
into the Gamma Quadrant...

I've had this feeling...
of being drawn somewhere

to a specific place--

the Omarion Nebula.

The last time I saw the Defiant,
she was dead in space

and surrounded
by Jem'Hadar ships.

Sisko? Bashir?

I don't know.

Welcome home.

And now the conclusion.

You really are just like me,
aren't you?


And you're saying,
this is where I'm from?

This is your home.

Ah, I wish I could remember it.

It's understandable
that you cannot.

You were still newly formed
when you left us.

Newly formed?

You mean, I was an infant?

An infant, yes.

Ah. I suspected as much.

Tell me, do I have
any family at all?

Of course.

I'd like to meet them,
if that's possible.

You already have.

We are all part
of the Great Link.

Is that all of us,
or are there others?

Odo, this isn't
a police investigation.

I'm aware of that, Major.

Well, then stop interrogating
these people.

This is the moment you've been
waiting for all your life.

Enjoy it.

He really is happy to be here.

Aren't you?

Yes, of course.

It's just that this
is all very sudden.

And you have many questions.



what exactly is this Great Link?

The Link is the very foundation
of our society.

It provides a meaning
to our existence.

It is the merging
of form and thought

the sharing of idea
and sensation.

Is something wrong?

I've... lived
a very solitary life.

That's unfortunate,
but necessary

as you'll learn in time.

But now, that part
of your life is over.

You're home.

What are you doing?

Take it.

But it's not time.

He isn't ready.

He's been gone too long.

He needs to remember,
if only for a moment.

Don't be afraid.


What have you done to him?

I allowed him
to experience the Link.


Yes, Major.

Are you all right?

What happened?

I'm not sure.

But I know one thing.

She's right.

I am... home.

Commander's Log, supplemental.

It's been six days since
we had to abandon the Defiant

after the Jem'Hadar attack.

We still don't know

what happened
to the rest of the crew.

Doctor Bashir and I have plotted
a course back to the Wormhole.

Whether the shuttle
can get us back there or not

is questionable at best.

Our engines are failing

our external sensors
are barely functioning

and life support systems
are at 20% and dropping.

But other than that,
we couldn't be in better shape.

I thought you were sleeping.

From the sound of things,
I wish I were.

It could be worse.

I believe you.

Do you think it's
some kind of tractor beam?

Could be.

I wish these sensors
were working.

Now what?

Whoa, hey, don't sh**t.

We surrender.

Chief, Dax.

I don't believe it.

We thought you'd been
captured by the Jem'Hadar.

Well, we had our doubts

about ever seeing you again,
either, Julian.

We've been searching
for you for days.

What about the others?

No sign of them yet

but we still have ships
out looking for them.

Meanwhile, our orders are

to get you back to DS9
as soon as possible.

There are big things
happening there, Benjamin.

I think you're in
for a surprise.

This is beautiful.

How long do they plan
on making us wait here?

We've only been here
a few hours.

Ha! I finally return home

and they still treat me
like an outsider.

Oh, believe me, you're not
the outsider here, I am.


I'm the one they
don't trust, not you.

How perceptive, Major.

If our history
has taught us anything

it's to avoid contact
with solids whenever possible.


Our name for mono-forms
like yourself

who will never know
the joys of the Great Link.

I don't intend to stay long.

There's a chance Sisko and
the others survived the attack.

I'm going to go back
to the shuttle

and try contacting them.

I'm sorry, I cannot allow you

to send any communications
from the planet's surface.

They could be traced back here.

We value our isolation.

Yes, of course.

Tell me, Odo, have you made
good use of the arboretum?

In what way?

By assuming the various shapes
surrounding you.

Why would I do that?

To become a thing
is to know a thing.

To assume its form is to begin
to understand its existence.

Understand it?

Living among the solids

has damaged you far worse
than I realized.

It has left you ignorant
of the gifts you possess.

Then teach me
what I need to know.

I'll do what I can.

But in the end,
this is another journey

you'll have to make on your own.

And when it is over

you'll be ready to take
your place in the Great Link.


I'd like to be alone,
if you don't mind.

All right.

But if you need me

I'll be in the shuttle
trying to contact Sisko.

Don't worry.

When I was in the resistance,
I learned to camouflage

subspace messages
using quantum interference.

I taught the method
to Commander Sisko.

If anyone intercepts the signal,
all they'll read

is elevated levels
of background radiation.

Good luck.

You, too.

Well, Commander,
it appears your mission

was an even greater
success than we hoped.

So I'm told.

Has the delegation
from the Founders

arrived on the station yet?

They're already meeting
with representatives

from the Federation Council

and a dozen other
Alpha Quadrant alliances.

We're hoping to have
a treaty signed

within a matter of days,
and we have you to thank for it.

Actually, it's Lieutenant Dax
and Chief O'Brien

who deserve most of the credit.

Well, we were lucky
the Jem'Hadar

handed us over to the Founders.

We just had to convince them
we were serious about peace.

Actually, it didn't take
that much convincing.

I suppose the only question is,
can we trust them?

It's a risk, I know

but both the Federation Council
and Starfleet Command

believe it's one worth taking.

By the way, Commander, one of
the Founders asked to see you

the moment you arrive
on the station.

Asked to see me?

If you're not too busy.

Well, I suppose I could
spare a few minutes.

Commander Sisko, come in.

I've looked forward
to meeting you.

I am Borath.

And you're one of the Founders?

That's correct.

You seem surprised.

Not really, only...

I hadn't realized till now

I've already met
one of your people.

You're referring
to Eris, of course.

Yes, she is one of us.

Though she couldn't
very well admit it

while you were pointing
a phaser at her.

I am glad to see
you're not holding one now.

Do I need one?

Oh, not at all.

You seem skeptical.

Can you blame me?

No, I realize

you have no reason
to trust the Dominion

but you must understand

that we were only trying
to defend ourselves.

From what?

We felt threatened

by your incursions
into the Gamma Quadrant.

And now?

Commander, you risked your life

to bring us a message
of peace and friendship.

We chose to accept your offer.

Would you have
rather we refused?


Good. Because
believe me, Commander

an alliance between the Dominion
and the Federation

will be beneficial
to both our people.

Doctor, welcome back.

Why, thank you, Garak.

It's good to be back.


Business keeping you busy?

Oh, the tailoring business
or the spy business?

I'm joking, of course.

Of course.

I've missed you.

I've been genuinely
concerned for your safety.

Lunch hasn't been
the same without you.

That's very kind of you
to say so, Garak.

Hopefully, things'll
start getting back

to normal around here.

Oh, I doubt that's going
to happen, Doctor.

I doubt that very much.

And why is that?

There's an old saying
on Cardassia:

"Enemies make
dangerous friends."

And I fear the Dominion

will make a very dangerous
friend indeed.

I take it you're referring
to the peace talks.

Exactly. I'm afraid
these treaty negotiations

are a mistake we're going
to live to regret.

Is that your opinion
or the opinion

of the Cardassian
Central Command?

The former, I assure you.

The Central Command is very
much in favor of this treaty

which, as far as I'm concerned,
only justifies my fears.

Well, I, for one

hope you're worrying
about nothing.

Subcommander T'Rul.

You all right?

I'm fine.

I had a minor disagreement
with some Starfleet

security officers.

They refused
to allow me to speak

with the Federation's
negotiating team.

Well, what did you want
to talk to them about?

I wanted to protest
the exclusion

of the Romulan Empire
from the treaty negotiations.

I wasn't aware the Romulans
had been excluded.

Every great power in the Alpha
Quadrant has been invited

to participate except for us.

Then there must be some mistake.

The mistake is thinking
the Romulan Empire will stand by

and allow such a betrayal
to go unchallenged.

Believe me, Doctor, if a treaty
is signed without our approval

it will mean w*r.

Still feel that I'm worrying
about nothing, Doctor?

Computer, transmit
a subspace signal

using a narrow
theta band frequency

shifted into
a background radiation domain.


I hope you're out there,

Unable to transmit signal

due to external interference
at all frequencies.

Identify source of interference.

Interference generated
by thermal radiation

from a subterranean
power source.

Locate power source.

Power source is located

four kilometers
beneath the planet's surface.

Coordinates 127 mark 3.

Can you identify?

Unable to identify due to an
unknown poly-metallic substance

within the surrounding rock.

Any luck, Major?

No, some kind of power source
is interfering with my signal.

Do you have any idea
what it could be?

I haven't a clue.

Are you all right?

I have spent the last two hours

rocks, flowers, trees--

I have been everything
in that... garden.


And nothing.

Oh, I can become
a rock all right

but I have no more of an idea
what it is to be a rock

than I did before.

I'm not really sure
what that means.

I'm not sure either

and that's... unfortunate.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to return to my bucket.

Commander, Admiral Nechayev
is here to see you.

Send her in.

You asked to see me, Commander?

I understand that the Romulans

haven't been invited
to the peace talks.

That's correct.

I was wondering
what prompted that decision.

The Founders requested
that they be excluded.

Did they say why?

They felt the Romulans

would be
a disruptive influence.

More disruptive
than the Cardassians?

They seemed to think so.

Do you have a problem
with this, Commander?

Whether I have a problem with it
isn't the point.

It's the Romulans
we have to worry about.

Commander, if this treaty
is signed

and I'm confident it will be

we'll never have to worry
about the Romulans again.

Are you sure of that?

Quite sure.

After all, what chance
would they have

against the combined power
of our new alliance?

They wouldn't have
much of a chance at all.

I'm glad we agree.

Believe me, Commander

the Federation carefully
weighed all the options

before entering
into these peace talks.

I realize that.

Then we have nothing
further to discuss, do we?

Why do you dislike
humanoids so much?

I know they have their flaws

but I've found many of them
to be kind, decent people.

Like Major Kira?

Yes, like Major Kira.

Then you've been more fortunate
than most changelings.


You recognize the term?

Hmm. I've been called
a "changeling" on occasion.

It's a name given
to us by the solids.

They meant it as an insult

but, in defiance,
we took it and made it our own.

Go on, please.

The Great Link tells us
that many years ago

our people roamed the stars,
searching out other races

so we could add
to our knowledge of the galaxy.

We went in peace,
but too often we were met

with suspicion,
hatred and v*olence.


The solids feared
our metamorphic abilities.

So we were beaten,
hunted and k*lled.

Finally, we arrived here.

And here, safe in our isolation,
we made our home.

Tell me... why was I sent away?

Because even in our isolation

we desired to learn
more about the galaxy.

You were one of 100 infants
sent off

to gain that knowledge for us.

But how could you be sure

that we'd find
our way back here?

You had no choice.

The urge to return home

was implanted
in your genetic makeup.

And now, thanks
to the passageway

you're the first one
to return to us.

We weren't expecting you
so soon.

When were you expecting me?

Not for another 300 years.

How long was I away?

A long time.

But now, all that matters
is that you're here.


different than I
imagined it would be.

Whatever you imagined,
I promise it will be better.

Odo, are you here?


I'm going to try to track
the source of the interference.

If I can't find it
and neutralize it

I'm going to have to leave here

and try to find
Sisko and the others.

I'm really glad
you made it home, Odo.

I know everything is going
to work out just fine.

I don't believe it.

I'm talking to a tree.

You're probably not
even here, are you?

Why would shape-shifters
need a door?

Kira to computer.

Scan the area dead ahead of me
for 100 meters.

Unable to penetrate
due to interference.

Excuse me.

Pardon me.

After you.

Look out.
Coming through.

Sorry to keep you
waiting, gentlemen.

That's two synthales,
on the house.

What's put you
in such a good humor?

I have inside information

that the peace agreement
is about to be finalized.

And where did you get
this information?

From one of your friends
on the Federation Council?

If you must know, I overheard
two Jem'Hadar officers.

And you believed them?

I don't see why not.

Oh, I know we got off
to a rocky start

but they're not so bad.


I think they have the gene.

What gene?

The gambling gene.

They've barely been
on this station a week

and already they can hardly
drag themselves away

from the dabo table.

How fortunate for you.

How fortunate for all of us.

You see, I have a dream...

a dream that one day
all people--

human, Jem'Hadar, Ferengi,

will stand together in peace...

around my dabo tables.

You're a regular visionary,

I am, aren't I?

You're in my way!


Now, look!

Gentlemen, please,
remember my vision.

That's enough.

All right.
What's going on here?

He addressed me
in a disrespectful tone.

That's a lie.

Easy, Doctor.
We're all friends here.

Tell him that.

I'll see this
doesn't happen again.

I expect you will.

Is that it?

You're just going
to let him walk away?

Our orders are to give
the Jem'Hadar a wide berth.

Look, I know
what the orders say

but he att*cked Chief O'Brien

and we have rules here
against that sort of thing.

I'm aware of station
regulations, Doctor.

the Jem'Hadar are not.

We have to allow them

some time to get used
to our customs.

So, in the meantime

they're free to do
whatever they want.

Remember that

before you get into
another brawl with them.

Dad, pass me the potatoes.


Yes, Jake.

The potatoes.


Dad, is something wrong?

Not really.

I'm just a little preoccupied,
that's all.

It's these Dominion

What about them?

Well, it's all happening
behind closed doors.

I... I guess I just feel...

out of the loop.

There's something going on,
isn't there?

Like what?

You tell me.

Come in.


Did you know about this?

Know about what?

I being transferred
to the Lexington.

I'm their new Science Officer.

There must be some mistake.

The orders are right here.

Let me see this.

I don't believe it.

Bashir to Sisko.

Go ahead, Doctor.

Commander, I need to talk
to you about the Jem'Hadar.

I want to know
what the hell is going on!

Commander, I don't appreciate
your barging in here.

I want to know
why my Science Officer's

been transferred
without my consent.

I want to know
why my Chief of Operations

is lying in the Infirmary

while the Jem'Hadar who beat him
is free to walk the station.

And I want to know
why the Federation is willing

to risk a w*r with the Romulans
to form an alliance

with a group of people that we
hardly know and barely trust!

Are you finished?

I haven't even begun!

Admiral, I think you

should tell Commander Sisko
what he wants to know.

All right, I suppose
he deserves

to be the first
to hear the news.

What news?

The Federation is pulling
out of this sector.

All Starfleet
personnel currently

stationed on DS9
will be reassigned

to other posts.

Yourself included.

What about Bajor?

Our plans for Bajor
are on hold for the time being.

From now on, Bajor will be
the Dominion's responsibility.

They'll be running this station.

And you're telling me that the
Bajorans have agreed to this?

We're confident
they'll have no objections.

And if they do object,
what then?

You send in the Jem'Hadar?

The Jem'Hadar are used
only against our enemies.

Bajor will be protected,

We'll see to it.

What about the Wormhole?

Will they get
to protect that, too?

It's the price of peace,

Well, if you ask me,
the price is too damned high.

What is the Federation supposed
to get out of all of this?

Our friendship.

Isn't that enough?

And you, Benjamin,
get a promotion...

Captain Sisko.

It's an important step

toward that Admiralcy
you've always wanted.

I want a chance to speak to
the Federation negotiating team

before this treaty is signed!

It's too late for that, Ben.

The treaty was signed
late this afternoon.

It's the beginning
of a new era, Commander

and you helped make it possible.



I've been waiting for you.


I have just had the most
remarkable experience.

For a few moments,
I actually felt what it was like

to be an Arbazon vulture.

The air currents
beneath my wings

the exhilaration of soaring
above the treetops.

Oh, it was all...
very stimulating.

I'm so happy fol' you

I know you are.

So, I guess this means
you'll be staying here a while.

I've enjoyed working
with you, Major.

I've enjoyed working
with you, too, Odo.

But, before we say good-bye,
I need your help one last time.


Remember that power source
I was telling you about?

The one preventing you

from trying to contact
Commander Sisko.

Well, I found it.

And what did it turn out to be?

I couldn't tell.

There was a door
blocking my path.

I need you to help me open it.

What kind of door?

It was composed
of some kind metal

that the tricorder
couldn't identify.

Other than that, it,
it's an ordinary door.

That's odd.

My people have
no need for doors.

They dislike taking
humanoid form.

I know.

Then who could be using it?

Ah, Commander.

I was hoping to see
you before you left.

I just wanted to tell you
how impressed I've been with you

during these past two years.

You've run this station

with strength, dignity
and compassion.

Well done.

Thank you, Mr. Garak.

But I'm sure you'll
be back before long.

Though from what I've heard,
it'll be to fight against Bajor.

I've heard the same rumors.

That Bajor has forged
a pact with the Romulans

to stand against
the Jem'Hadar...

and their allies.

Oh, the Bajorans have fought
for their freedom before.

It only makes sense that
they'd fight for it again.

So much for my peace mission.

Do I detect a note
of bitterness in your voice?

I wouldn't be surprised.

If it means anything to you,

I happen to share your feelings
about this Dominion treaty.

I've thought about it
a great deal

and the only explanation
I can find

is that our leaders
have simply gone insane.

It seems that way.

Unfortunately, there's nothing
you or I can do about it.

I suppose not.

After all, you have

your orders, and as for me,

I wouldn't dream

of opposing the wishes
of the Central Command.


I agree...

that it's a pity.

I thought you would.

Mr. Garak, I never knew
we thought so much alike.

Life is full of surprises,


Commander Sisko!

Ah! There she is!


Can I help you?

We're here to see
Commander Sisko.

Sorry, my orders are
no one sees him.

But we're here
on urgent business.

Well, you'll have to talk
to Admiral Nechayev.

She's in charge here
until the Jem'Hadar...

I'm afraid you have
a loose thread right here.

I'm sorry,
but we are pressed for time.

I'll get Sisko.

Doctor, if you'd be so kind
as to take his legs.

If I didn't know better

I'd say you were
enjoying yourself, Garak.

Oh, not at all, Doctor

but after years
of hemming women's dresses

a little action is
a welcome change of pace.

I hope you feel the same
way an hour from now.

The first thing we need to do is
to get our hands on a runabout.

It's already taken
care of, Benjamin.

The Chief's waiting for us
at Landing Pad C

with the Rio Grande

and a full compliment
of photon torpedoes.

How did you know we needed
photon torpedoes?

I know you.

You want to make sure
the Dominion

stays on their side
of the galaxy

and the only way to do that

is to collapse the entrance
to the wormhole.

I'm glad we're all in agreement.

Well, I guess this means

the end
of our Starfleet careers.

Oh, I wouldn't worry
about that, Doctor.

Well, that's easy
for you to say.

Oh, you misunderstand
me, Lieutenant.

All I meant was
it's a little foolish

to worry about your careers
at a time like this

when there's a good chance
we're all about to be k*lled.


Judging by this
locking mechanism

the purpose of this door
is not to keep people out

but rather to keep
whatever's on the other side in.

Do you think you
can get it open?

We'll see.


Put down your weapons.

I have them, I have them.

By all means, Commander,
do as they say.


Now you heard me, Doctor.

Well, I'm glad to see
the plan is going as scheduled.

What plan is that?

You mean no one told you?

You see, I pretend
to be their friend

and then I sh**t you.

Well done, Garak.

Well, it's just something
I read once in a book.

I'm sure.



Doctor, I'm afraid
I won't be able

to have lunch
with you today.

We've got to go.
Come on.

Move it, Lieutenant.

I'm right behind you.

Get us out of here, Chief.

What about Garak?

He's not coming.

I see.

Hang on.

We'll reach the Wormhole
in 30 seconds.

Prepare to launch
photon torpedoes.

We're being hailed.

It's Admiral Nechayev.

Commander, I'm ordering you
to stand down.

Return to the station

I'm afraid I'm going to have
to refuse that order.

Please, Commander

don't make us send
the Jem'Hadar after you.

Go right ahead,
but you better warn them

not to expect any reinforcements
for about 70 years.

Attack pattern theta,
Mr. O'Brien. Hard a-port.

Yes, sir.

Step back, Major.

Please, come in.


They can't hear you.

What have you done to them?

Nothing harmful.

We're just conducting
a little experiment.

What kind of experiment?

To see how they'd respond
to an attempt by the Dominion

to gain a foothold
into the Alpha Quadrant.

We were curious to see

how much they'd be
willing to sacrifice

in order to avoid a w*r.

And what have you found out?


...they're proving to be
just as stubborn as I'd feared.

I'm glad to hear it.

You are?

Well, that is a problem.

But, thankfully,
it's not one I have to solve.

But I do.

I don't understand.

You knew about this?


But how could you allow it?

You belong to the Dominion,
don't you?

Belong to it?

Major, the changelings
are the Dominion.

You're the Founders.

Ironic, isn't it?

The hunted now control

the destinies
of hundreds of other races.


why control anyone?

Because what you can control
can't hurt you.

So, many years ago,
we set ourselves the task

of imposing order
on a chaotic universe.

Is that what you call it?
Imposing order?

I call it m*rder.

What you call it is
no concern of ours.

How do you justify
the deaths of so many people?

The solids have always
been a threat to us--

that's the only
justification we need.

Well, these solids
have never harmed you.

They travel the galaxy in order
to expand their knowledge

just as you once did.

The solids are nothing like us.

No... I suppose they're not.

And neither am I.

I've devoted my life
to the pursuit of justice

but justice means nothing
to you, does it?

It is not justice you desire,

but order, the same as we do.

And we can help you
satisfy that desire

in ways the solids never could.

This will all
become clear to you

once you've taken your place
in the Great Link.


I admit this...
Link of yours is appealing

but you see, I already
have a link...

with these people.

I want you to remove
those devices

and bring them their combadges.

We can't allow them to leave.

And I can't allow you
to keep them here.

They're leaving.

And so am I.

It's taken you many years
to find your way back home.

Are you really willing
to leave it again so soon?

Unless you intend to stop me.

No changeling has
ever harmed another.

Whatever you do to them

you're going
to have to do to me.

They are free to go.

Thank you.

The next time, I promise you,
we will not be so generous.

Major... Constable.

What happened to the Rio Grande?

The last thing I remember
is collapsing the wormhole.

The last thing I remember
is being shot

by some Jem'Hadar soldier.

I'm sure it all
seemed very real

but the truth is you've
been held in this room

since the Jem'Hadar brought
you here from the Defiant.

Borath, what the hell
is going on here?

Your ship is in orbit.

You may transport back to it
whenever you're ready.

I'll be along shortly.

I'll stay down here
and make sure

that he gets back
to the ship.

Another shape-shifter.

Commander, you must leave now.

I give you my word
I'll explain everything later.

I'll look forward to it.

Sisko to Defiant.

Five to beam up.

I hope that one day
you'll return to us, Odo

and take your rightful place
within the Dominion.

I don't think that's possible.

Your link to the solids
won't last.

You will always be an outsider.

Being an outsider isn't so bad.

It gives one
a unique perspective.

It's a pity
you've forgotten that.

Then perhaps one day,
I'll come visit you.

The Alpha Quadrant seems
wracked with chaos.

It could use some order.

Imposing your type of order
on the Alpha Quadrant

may prove more difficult
than you imagine.

We are willing to wait
until the time is right.

We will miss you, Odo

but you will miss us even more.


Ready, Major.

Kira to Defiant.

Two to beam up.
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