02x26 - Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'Doul, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x26 - Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'Doul, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Everyone, hold on!

Oh no!

It sunk into the sand...
Don't move!

Don't make a sound!

It's much too late now.

I know exactly
where each of you landed.

Four... Five steps.

You're walking ever so quietly.

But I hear you.

These "steps" must
have thrown him.

Cursed water Stand!
Go ahead and attack.

I'll vaporize you
with Magician's Red

the moment you show yourself.


He's here!

Wait. Why did he take
only five steps?

Why has he stopped moving?


Magician's Red!




He's so...

So quick...


Ingenious indeed.

I must pay more attention
to their vibrations.

Those weren't footsteps.

It seems he threw
ring-like objects.

And these burns...

It must have been Avdol.

But he'll be a problem no longer.

Good bye...

-It's back!
-It's back!


Hmm... someone is running now.

I don't believe it!
Jotaro's running?

His stride tells me
he is about ...

No, centimeters tall.

He has a youthfulness to him.
He's not Joseph.

It must be Jotaro.

But where is he running?

It dove in!

The water's after Jotaro!

So it's come to this.

It stopped attacking Avdol, but...

Jotaro! He's catching up!

I hear of all our enemies' Stands,

Jotaro's Star Platinum is
by far the fiercest.

Master Dio will be delighted
if I m*rder him.

With every fiber of my being,
for Master Dio,

I shall defeat Jotaro!

Jotaro just picked something up
off the sand.

What was at that location?

What was it...

No, it's not inanimate!

It's the dog!
Jotaro grabbed the dog.

He knows!

So that's your game.

You jumped out of the car
before it was att*cked!

You can smell it! You know where
the Stand's coming from!

Don't stop, Jotaro!

Time to earn your keep, Iggy.

Where's it coming from?
Spill it, Iggy!

Or else we die together.

You won't get any gum
from me, either.


He can fly?

Not so fast!

Go ahead, pant all you want.
You're not getting out of this one.

My Star Platinum is fast.

You let me go,
and I'll snap your neck.

What? He jumped and then nothing.

They haven't landed anywhere.


That's brilliant!

Jotaro's using Iggy
to find the Stand user!

If we can find whoever's
controlling the Stand,

we might actually have
a chance of defeating him!

He's gone...

I can't hear Jotaro's footsteps.

Where is he? Where did he go?

Why can't I hear his footsteps?

They're flying lower and lower...

Looks like The Fool can't fly
long distances.

It's gliding like a paper airplane!

My legs are about to
touch the ground.

Hey, quit tensing up like that.

You're farting again.

You'd better not
let loose a big one.

I guess I have no choice.

Time to get a little more air.

That brought us a lot closer,

but the sound of that kick
just sent us back some.

Now he'll know we're flying.

So that's it! The dog's Stand...

can fly.

And they're...

heading this way!

I must k*ll Jotaro before
he gets any closer!

His Stand is going after Jotaro!

He figured it out when
Jotaro struck the ground!

All we can do now is trust Jotaro.

He's getting closer.

Sure, he was able to
bring down a copter,

but he won't find
our exact location.

Iggy's Stand makes barely a sound.

If I can just find the Stand user
before touching the sand,

it'll be lights out for good!

Found him!

The Stand user's about
meters away!

Seems our enemy is blind.

It's sand!
Sand's falling from the sky!

That's why he's hurling sand
into the air!

Not good!

He's locating us by listening to
the sand bounce off the wings.

Just like a submarine uses sonar!

I can hear you... I can hear
the sand bouncing off you.

I've found your coordinates.
I know your altitude...



sh**t him!

Star Platinum!

Star Platinum's speed
means nothing.

If you can't determine
my direction of attack,

my Stand has the advantage!

Here comes another!


You damn dog...

That dog is dragging Jotaro
right into my Stand's grasp!

It'll do anything
to save his own hide.

Even abandon his master!


-You little piece of...

That's what you get for relying on
such a fickle creature, Jotaro.

The end has finally come.

Now, to put an end to your misery...

What? He's thrown something at me!

This wind shear...

What was it?

It's Iggy.

Come on, now.

You'd better use your Stands
to defend yourselves,

or you'll both end up one big mess.

Such incredible velocity...

Damn! It's going to crash into me!

I can't believe it!
He threw the dog...

Blast it! I was so close
to finishing Jotaro...


I lost Jotaro's location
because of that damn dog!

Where is he?

He's not moving...

He's staying absolutely still.

This must be part of his plan!

Where are you, Jotaro?

Where? Show yourself, Jotaro.

Right here.

I see...

I didn't realize
you had slinked so close.

If I hadn't protected myself
with this water shield,

you would have already
struck me from behind.

I suppose I no longer need
this cane to hear you.

But I'll need it
when I return home.


You knocked off my hat.

You know, I kept that hat on
even when I was scuba diving.

Don't worry. I went easy on you.

You'll live.

What? You used your own Stand to...

Why did you do it?

You thought you could
get me to talk...

tell you about the other
eight Stand users, didn't you?

I know Joseph Joestar's
Hermit Purple

can read people's minds.

I'll never tell you anything...

anything that you could
use against him.


Why are you all so loyal to him?

So loyal that you'd die...

Jotaro, I do not fear death.

My Stand has always enabled me

to live life unfettered
by a fear of death.

I could win any fight.

I could have and do whatever
I wanted. No one could stop me.

k*lling, stealing...
it meant nothing to me.

I'm sure that mutt
knows how I feel.

He was the first and only person

to instill in me a desire to live.

He was so strong, so wise,
so beautiful.

He was the only one who saw
a purpose to my existence.

I waited so long to meet him.

I will gladly die, but...

I will not disappoint him.

Evil needs an evil savior.

I'll tell you just one thing.

My name is N'doul.

My Stand hails from Egypt,
birthplace of the Tarot.

One of the great Ennead,
the nine gods of Egypt...

It is called Geb, god of Earth.

The nine Egyptian gods?

What do you mean?

I will tell you about
my Stand only...

After all, you are the one
who defeated me.

The rest stays with me...

Dio is like some charismatic
cult leader...

Just who is he?

And the nine gods of Egypt?

It's all a mystery.

But we have to continue onward.

Hey, no need to be defensive.
I'm not mad or anything.

I doubt you wanted to be

dragged out into the desert
and forced into some human fight.

Guess I don't blame you
for being pissed.

Here, Iggy. Want some gum?

Calm down. I said I'm sorry.


Good grief.
That dog's a pain in the ass.

Stay out here in the middle of
the desert for all I care.


Well, what do you know.
You picked up my hat for me?

Maybe you're not so bad.


Gum. Damn mutt...

You're no ordinary pooch.



Jotaro! Are you all right?

Good grief.

Oh? Is that a comic book?

Never seen one here before!

So Egyptians read comics, too?

Want some mini-donuts?


Hey... Um, can I see that?

I'm a comic book artist searching
for inspiration.

I love rare books and comics.

Here, I'll let you use
my binoculars.

What's this? "Zenyatta Mondatta
Brothers Adventure."

I don't see the author's name


Such weird pictures.

Great print quality,
and in full color!

There once lived two brothers
who got along very well.

"My name is Zenyatta."

"My name is Mondatta."

Mondatta, the younger brother,
was very shy

and wouldn't do anything
without Zenyatta.

He was always alone.

One day, while his big brother,
Zenyatta, was away,

Mondatta met a very kind traveler.

The traveler gave Mondatta
yummy snacks,

and let Mondatta
look through his binoculars.

Mondatta had so much fun.

"Oh, it's : !"

But the very kind traveler...

was impaled on a telephone pole
and died.

What a weird comic.

Is this comic popular here?

This book is so weird.

The rest of the pages
are all blank.

Nothing's printed...

Must be defective.

Somehow this comic has
totally pulled me in.

I know this sounds crazy,
but could I buy this book from you?

-It's not for sale.

My brother's book isn't for sale!

Now get lost.


Didn't you hear me?

I told you not to
talk to strangers.

There are lots of bad people
out there, ya know.

Last call! The bus for Aswan
is about to depart!

Let's go.

I heard they're heading

to the hospital in Aswan
to drop off their friend.

I see...

I guess we can't do
much about that.

Then we'll have to wait
for the next bus.

We are unstoppable brothers!

Who's there?

It's me, Polnareff.

Jotaro, what happened
to your uniform?

You're acting weird today.

Could it possibly be that you're...

-Could it be...
-Could it be...

Zenyatta, the predictions
are absolute.

Do your best!
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