02x28 - Anubis, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x28 - Anubis, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Any improvement with
your injuries, Avdol?

Yes. But I am relieved to know
you will be all right, Kakyoin.

Well I...

Luckily my cornea wasn't damaged,

so they expect me
to make a full recovery.

I remember when
I was in middle school,

and my classmate was
struck by a baseball

directly in the eye.

It turned out he was
fine the next day.

The eye only lost a bit of fluid.

Are you serious?


The bandages will come off
in a few days.

I'll catch up with you later.

It's less than kilometers
to Cairo... and Dio.

Everyone, you must be vigilant.

Hmm, what language is
this hospital bill in...


Man, it's so confusing!

The is supposed to be five...
The decimal is zero, and seven is a six?

And this wormy-looking one is...

A four. So, the amount we owe is...

Forty-six thousand three hundred fifty
Egyptian pounds?

That's insane!

He's adorable!

What is he I wonder?

He's so funny looking!

What in the world?
He's chewing gum.

He must be waiting for someone.

Such a good little doggy!

And here I thought
he was waiting outside.

Good grief.

So he's a hit with ladies, is he?

I wonder why he's chewing gum.

What a weird little puppy.

Um, hello?

Let me give you some advice.
You'd best step away from that dog.

He may seem charming,

but he basically hates people.

If you're not careful,
he'll make your--

Damn mutt!
Get off of m--

-You stinking...
-Ew! He tooted!

He's so cute!

You get along so well.

We don't get along at all!

Damn it, Iggy! Get off of me!

Catch you later, lovebirds.

Mr. Joestar?

Hey, hang on!


You nasty little mutt!

In ancient Egypt,
the dead were always buried

on the west bank of the Nile,
where the sun sets.

That's why all Egyptian cities
stand on the east side of the Nile.

On the west, you'll find
graves and mortuary temples.

But our enemies
don't care about east or west.

They'll come from all directions.

Your cows are far too lazy.

They're strong, though,
I'll give them that...

Chaka! Get a move on!

Stop falling behind!

Damn it!

What kind of man are you?
Are you really my son?

Your cows and your son
are just like you!

A sword?

What's it doing here?

Hey, look! It's a sword!

Give me that!

What? Someone must've dropped it.

Amazing someone left it!

This is incredible!
It must be worth a fortune!

Hey, maybe the owner's
still around.

He must've been in a major panic.

You don't think, it might
be some kind of artifact?

Are you going to
turn it in to the police?

Idiot! This could fetch us
loads of money!

But I found it...

But if it's blunt,
it won't be worth anything.

Come on! Pull it out.


What's wrong?

It won't come out!
It won't budge!

Give it to me.


Hold that end.


It's no use.

The blade hasn't moved
one centimeter!

Let me have a try.

Shut up!

How are you going to do it,
if I can't, idiot!

My hand!

My hand! This gaping wound!

How? How did it cut me?

The blade wouldn't even come out!

The only thing I grabbed
was the hilt!

There's something strange
about that sword...

Um... How about if I try now?

Fine! Go ahead
and try already then!

It just came out.

But I didn't put
any effort into it.


I can hear the blade ringing...

I don't know much about swords,

but I've never seen a blade
this beautiful.

It's like a Japanese katana!

It glistens, like it's cloaked
in ice-cold water...

What an amazing find!

Hey! Give it to me!
You shouldn't be holding it!

Hand it over!

Hey, wha...

Why did you do it?

I don't know...

You were standing
behind me, Father.

It's not my fault...

What are you doing?

We have to take him to a doctor!

This sword is evil!

It's like it has a mind of its own!

Be calm.

Let your heart grow still, Chaka.

Their deaths mean nothing.

Who are you?

I can't see you,
but I hear your voice...

I am the Stand of the God Anubis.

Ruler of the underworld...

Deity of embalming,
Lord of the dead...

You have unsheathed me.
You shall be my Stand user...

You are my flesh!

You are a virtuoso.

I shall make you master
of the sword.

No one is stronger than you.

Wield me, and k*ll!

Father and that man
both deserved to die.

I think I'll hack you
to pieces, too.

Hey, Chaka, stop!

Please stop!


The cow's unharmed...

Slaughter Joseph!
Slice Polnareff!

Cleave Jotaro in two!

You are a fighting genius!
A master of the sword!

No one is stronger than you!

The world is no match
for your blade!

Kom Ombo?

Do we really have time
for this place?

Quit moaning.

They've allowed us passage
on their ferry.

We must show our respect.

Come on, I'm starving!
Let's get something to eat.

You never stop, do you? Here.
This'll tide you over for now.

That's Iggy's!

Don't worry about it.
Just take it.

By the way,
where can I find a bathroom?

Shall we investigate?

Hey, mister, over here.

Want to buy some papyrus?

Papyrus is the original paper!
Want a piece of Egyptian history?

Look, look! It's real papyrus!


I'll give you a good price.

It's the real thing?

Of course, my friend.

A famous Egyptian craftsman
drew this.


It's a fake. Real papyrus
would never rip so easily.

You can't fool me.


Where is Mr. Joestar
and the others?


Iggy? Why, you little...
Hold it!

Hey! Where's my money?

That stupid dog
just gave me the slip...


That's a pretty ballsy move...

Preparing to attack me
with so many people around.

Guys like you are rare.

Stand users don't usually
show themselves,

let alone face
their attacker head-on.

It's quite noble, really.

I didn't think any of you
were like that.

Tell me your name.

I am Chaka.

My Stand is Anubis,
Ruler of the Underworld.

Jean Pierre Polnareff,
your life is mine.

My life is yours?

You certainly don't mince your words.

Your boldness is impressive,
I must say.

Bring it on!

Let's see what your so-called
Anubis Stand is made of!


He's holding a sword, but...

Is he really going to fight me with
that instead of his Stand?

Something's strange.

His movements...
That grip...that stance...

They're the hallmark of an amateur!
Something's strange.

I need to be careful.

I need to keep my distance.


What the hell?

The sword passed
through the pillar.

And my shirt too!

He cut me without
cutting my shirt!

I would've been k*lled
if I hadn't stepped back.

You bastard! Chariot!

Stop hiding, and show... yourself!


How could I? I lost him.

He could be hiding behind
any one of these pillars.

His sword can pass through solid objects.

And my Chariot's striking range
is only about one meter...

He's tougher than I thought.

I can't believe
this jerk is giving me a run for my money

in sword fighting.

But you won't have
the advantage for long!

All right, Chaka, old pal!

Try and attack me now!

You can't sneak up on me
if I'm not behind a pillar!

You're not gonna pop up out
of the ground, are you?


The pillar...

My sword need not pass
through objects!

I can cut through
the pillar itself!

Die, Polnareff!

That was close.

Even Jotaro doesn't know
about that technique.

Silver Chariot
can launch its rapier.

I have one chance only.

If the opponent dodges,
I'm done for.

I use it only as a last resort.

No, I didn't k*ll you,

but I don't think
you'll be fighting again.

That's strange...

The sword's back in its scabbard.

Did it just slip back in by chance?

Now that I see this sword up close,

I see its beauty.

I must unsheathe it...

Hey, Polnareff. There you are.

You worried us,
going off like that by yourself.

We thought you'd been ambushed.


Huh? Oh.
It's you, Mr. Joestar.

My mind's so fuzzy...

Maybe it's from
being tossed around,

or maybe it's from
all these wounds.

Polnareff, why are you squatting?

You step in some poop?

Wait? Where'd you find that sword?
Did something happen?

I was just fighting that jerk.

What? An enemy Stand user?

It's over now.

He said his Stand
was the god Anubis.

It was a Stand that could
phase through objects and cut them.

He was a powerful opponent.

"But, of course,
he was no match for me."

Polnareff reassured himself.

He att*cked me with this swor--


It's gone?

Rats are running
off with the sword!


Talk about creepy...

So rats steal stuff here?

If you want to steal,
go steal some damn cheese!

That's odd...

Now the sword's stuck
in the scabbard.


I'm glad you're all right,

but don't ever run off
by yourself again.

It's too dangerous!

They'll attack if you're
alone for even a few seconds.

Oh, no! That's our ship!

Let's hurry.
We need to get to Edfu today.

Wait. Hey!


So you brought the sword?

I'm turning it in to the police.
It is a dangerous w*apon.

Good, we can't take any chances.

Who knows who might
pick it up at those ruins.

Besides, it's likely to be
extremely valuable.

Hey, Iggy! Quiet!

We could get kicked out of here!

What the hell is with you today?

Well, since this damn dog
won't shut up,

I think I'll take this
to the cops now.

Polnareff! I thought we told you
not to go off on your own!

I just told you!
Jotaro, go with him.


Shouldn't we get to the police station?

Oh, come on!

A man's got to look
his best, right?

Oh, right.

Excuse me, would you put
this sword over there?


That thing's a dangerous w*apon.

Anyway, I was rolling around a bit
and got kinda dirty.

Make this handsome face gorgeous
again will you, Mr. Barber?



Hey, watch it!
That razor's dull.

Sharpen that thing!

This is supposed to be
the most relaxing part!

Good grief.
What a prima donna.

That so? My apologies.


Much better.
Now that's a shave.

So very... glad to hear, sir.

Très bien!

Now under my chin, too.


Right here...

under your chin, yes?

Under the chin!
Right, Polnareff?


It's me, you fool.
The Anubis Stand!


The sword itself is a Stand!

I won't lose to someone
I've faced before!

He's strong...

The more I fight him,
the faster his att*cks become.

The look in Polnareff's eyes...

I'll have...

your head!
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