02x30 - Bastet's Mariah, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x30 - Bastet's Mariah, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning!

How are we feeling today,
Mr. Kakyoin?

Well, this new way of life
has certainly set me on edge.

Any further discomfort?

The painkillers must be working.

Good. That's excellent news.

Morning, Kakyoin.

Doctor, these bandages...

How much longer
do I have to keep them on?

I don't have much time.

Kakyoin, you will recover,

but this is nothing
to take lightly.

You will need to remain in our care
for a little while longer.

For how long, well, I'm afraid,
I'm unable to say.

Oh I'm kidding!

You need time to heal.

But, well, for some reason,

the Speedwagon Foundation doctors
recently contacted us.

They've asked that we entrust
your care to them.

Though I'm sure their state-of-the-art
medical treatments

will prove effective.

Who exactly are you, anyway?

The Speedwagon Foundation
is world-famous.

I can't imagine they'd want
anything to do

with an ordinary
high school student.

Let's just say I have
a very dependable friend.

Thank you, Mr. Joestar.

I guess it won't be long
before I see you after all.

Jotaro, Polnareff, Avdol, Iggy...

Hang in there.


Located along the Nile
in Southern Egypt

is the city of Luxor.

To the ancient Egyptians,
it was the site of Thebes.

And it is here,
on the west bank of the Nile,

where the pharaohs
were once laid to rest.

Today we call this sacred site
the Valley of the Kings.

The tomb of the great
Tutankhamun lies here,

in the Valley of the Kings.

Wow, this place is full of history.

some residents of this area

still dig beneath their houses

in search of treasure without
permission from the government.

You think there are
any undiscovered

tombs or treasure left?


Hey, where'd the old man go?

To the bathroom.

He's with Iggy, so the dog will
alert him to anything unusual.


Do you need to go?

If it's a normal bathroom.

It's so arid here,

the crap dries up
and turns to dust...

Instead of water,
this toilet uses wind?

And there's no toilet paper.

Wait, is this...

some kind of sand bidet?

You wipe your ass... with sand?

Desert sand is sterile.

I think I'll pull a Polnareff

and wait until
we get back to the hotel.

What's the point of this shack?
Might as well go behind a rock.

This is weird even for Egypt.

This makes no sense.

Why is there an electrical outlet
in the rock?

I wonder what it's for?

There's no electricity here...

It shocked me...

Mr. Joestar, are you all right?

It's time to leave.

Huh? Right...

Got it. I'll be right there.

That scared the living daylights
out of me...

I can't believe it was live.

I guess the cables run

God only knows.

This place is surreal...

Card of the Goddess Bast
Stand User: Mariah

You know what they say...
Curiosity k*lled the cat.

We could make it to Cairo
in two days,

but we're all injured
and exhausted.

Why don't we take tonight
and tomorrow in Luxor

to recover somewhat?

Sounds good to me.
Ever since we got to Egypt,

the enemy Stands
have been getting stronger.

We've been winning by a hair.

Hey, Mr. Joestar,
is something wrong?

My prosthetic's acting up.

I probably just need
to oil the joints.

Hey you! That radio's busted!

That's odd. It's made in Japan,
and I just bought it...

It's just static!
Turn that thing off!

Mr. Joestar?

Yeah, I suppose we should
rest up before heading to Cairo.

But don't let your guard down.

All right. Let's find a hotel.

How strange.

Thanks, mister.

Come again!

Hey, now it's working again!

What the...
The hammer's so heavy...


The nails! It hurts...

Did you bang your finger with
the hammer or something?

Watch out!

You can't just go throwing
hammers around!


Mr. Joestar...

Mr. Joestar... Wake up.

Hey, hurry up!

Polnareff won't stop blathering
about getting breakfast.

Hurry and wake him up, Avdol!

Tell him he's got five minutes!

I thought old people get up early!

Damn smart-aleck. Has no respect...

Tell him I'll be down in a minute.

As you wish.

Did my watch stop?

But you know, Mr. Joestar...

For a man of your age,

your sleeping habits
are quite remarkable.

You're facing the wrong way.

You went to bed facing south,
but woke up facing north.

A sign of youthfulness, perhaps?

I'll be downstairs.

Something's strange...
Ever since yesterday afternoon...

My hand's still acting up, too.

What's wrong with this chair?
It's moving on its own!

Could these floors be slanted?

For such a pricey hotel,
it's sure made on the cheap.

Where should we go today?

Karnak was amazing,
so I'd say something like that.

It's a little far, but how about
the Valley of the Queens?

What do you think you're doing,
you old pervert?


What just happened...

Oh, my. You naughty man.

You need to work
on your approach, but...

You're j-u-s-t my t-y-p-e...


Something wrong!
Something's really wrong!

Things have been off
since yesterday afternoon!



It's stuck...

Is metal sticking to me?

Is that why metal objects
are flying toward me!

Has my body...

My body...

has it turned into a magnet?


Is this...
The work of a Stand?

But why?
Why can't I see it?

How could these knives and forks
fly at me without a Stand nearby?

Could it be...

Is this because of the socket on
that rock from yesterday?

That shock?

I can't pull free...

Oh, no!
This escalator's made of steel!

The magnetic pull is getting
stronger by the minute!


Hey, you!
You in the micro-miniskirt!

You've got to help me!

Your chain's wrapped around me!

I'm getting pulled into
the escalator!

Push the emergency stop button
down below!

Hurry! The chains are
pulling me tighter...

This thing's gonna rip off
my hands and feet!

Hey, are you listening?

Have fun, Joseph Joestar.

What? So it's you...

You're the Stand user!


So it's you...

You're the Stand user!

Once you've made contact

with the magnetic field
of my Stand, Bast,

there's no escape.

Someone stop the escalator!

That's it!

I'll push the emergency
stop button...

With my Hermit Purple!

What? Where's the stop button?

Does this escalator not have one?


This escalator doesn't have
an emergency button!

I'm getting pulled in!

My neck!

It's gonna cut off my head!

I'm done for!

-It's gonna sever my head!

-This is it! I'm gonna die!
-Mr. Joestar. Ahem!

Hello, Mr. Joestar.

-I'm gonna be decapitated...

...by the escalator!

The escalator stopped
quite some time ago.

I pushed the emergency
stop button.

It's on the side.

All good!

I just finished inspecting
this escalator.

Nothing's wrong!

The emergency button
works just fine!

Oh, are you the manager
of this hotel?

Could you sign here please?

What's going on, Mr. Joestar?

It's a Stand.
An enemy Stand's got me.

My body is like a magnet now...

She turned me into a magnet!
Metal sticks to me!

Pull this thing off me!

The magnetic pull
keeps getting stronger...

That's her!
That woman is the Stand user!

-We have to stop her!

I have to somehow get rid of
this insane magnetic pull,

or I won't be able to move!

Let's get Jotaro and Polnareff!
They're outside.


-It's... so heavy...

There's no time to get them!

She's getting away!

Mr. Joestar, don't stay! Go!


I have to get a good look at her!

This is...

She went into
the Ladies' Room.

Now what?

I'm going in.

My life's on the line!

-I have to catch her!
-Mr. Joestar?

The old man's still not back?

Yeah, Avdol went to get him,
but he's not back, either...

Oh no!

They sneaked off...

to have an amazing
meal without us?

He's just taking his time
in the john.

Look, if they don't show up
in the next five minutes,

we'll go look for them.

Oh, yeah. The bathroom.
You're probably right...

Come to think of it, the bathrooms
in this hotel are spotless...

Mr. Joestar,
now that we're in here...

Just as I expected.

-We've got a problem on our hands.


Forgive me, but I haven't a clue...
Which one do you think she's in?

She's got amazing legs.

Her legs?

Yes! Look for those legs!

You can't miss them.

We're going to peek?



And no again.

Mr. Joestar, here!

Come here! Are these her legs?

Oh, my. You're that handsome fellow
from before.

You've come looking for me here?

Ooh! Such a filthy man...


It's that hag again!
But she was on the second floor!

This isn't good!

We got the wrong person.
This is very troubling...

How could you screw that up?

-Avdol, run!


I don't deserve this!
Polnareff's the one who should be

getting called a pervert
in the Ladies' Room!

-Dirty old man!


How scrumptious!

She's headed that way!

Damn it. How'd she get so far?

After her!

Avdol, I forgot to tell you,

but don't touch
any electrical outlets.

No matter where they are!

That's her Stand!

You'll get zapped,
and then the magnetism will get you!

I'm afraid I already did,
Mr. Joestar.

What? Where?

When I pushed the emergency
stop button on the escalator...

There was a socket next to it.
It got me!

That little tramp...

Mr. Joestar, could you please
give me some space?

I can't run with you
stuck to me like this.

You move, Avdol!

What are you talking about?

You're the one
who's running close to me!

Two magnets
next to each other will...

stick together!

I can't believe she turned me
into a magnet too...

Mr. Joestar, we're in...

...big trouble, I know!

She's so...

She's so...


My body, too, became a magnet...

We can't help it!
We're both in her power now.

What a strong woman!

What should we do? At this rate...

I've never backed down
from a fight!

I'm just going... to keep on fighting!
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