02x39 - The Guardian of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x39 - The Guardian of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure...


He blocked the exit with ice
when I wasn't looking!

The ice is coming this way!


It's starting to cover the tunnel!

I've got to get out of here!

What? My foot!

I can't get my foot out!


Hey, the sun's about to set.

Three hours, my ass.

Guess that cocky beggar

never did find Dio's mansion
like he said he would.

Eh, Avdol?

I just had a disturbing thought:

I'm beginning to hope
he hasn't found the mansion.

It's very possible
he hasn't returned

because he did find it.


I have a sinking feeling
that a Stand user is guarding Dio's lair.

We may have put that beggar's life
in grave danger.

Ah, come on!

My leg...

The ice caught my paw
like a bear trap.

I would've been dead meat
if I hadn't gnawed it off.

I'll hide here for a while.

I have to hide
and get him off my tail!

The Speedwagon Foundation
can make me an artificial leg.

Now I'm pissed!
Damn bird!

You're not getting away with this!

I'm gonna make you pay!
Just you wait!

That sound!

Something just dove into the water!

No, it can't be!

Birds are capable
of plunging into water.

Like any human or canine,
a bird has lungs to breathe.

But the average bird also has
some five to six air sacs

in its chest and stomach.

The air sacs allow a bird

to fly and remain conscious
where a human could not

at altitudes
of six to seven thousand meters.

Even when strangled,

a bird can survive
for several minutes

thanks to its internal air reserves.

Which means a bird can stay
underwater much longer than a dog!

Something's diving this way!

That's impossible!

I can't believe it.

It's heading right for me!

Is it? It can't be!

It's that bird!

How can a bird survive underwater!

That bastard, where'd he go?

He's closing in!
He's going to attack again!

More icicles. One, two, three.

Three are coming this way!

Right back at ya!

I did it. How do you like that?

The wall isn't leaking anymore.

The icicle's base
is freezing the wall!

What now?

I know what he's up to.

He's freezing the water

all around me!

And he severed my air pipes!

He's not trying to suffocate me.

He's trying to bury me alive!

It's no use.
It's gonna collapse!

It's too powerful!
I can't hold him off!

I'm surrounded by ice
and freezing water!

Damn it!

So much for a decent hiding place!

I'm just going to have
to dig my way out.

Man, today is really not my day!

I lose my leg,

and some psychotic demon bird wants
me flattened and flash frozen!

I can't hold him off anymore.
I'm going to be crushed.

I need to dig myself out, pronto!


What's that? Some kind of cave?

It's the bird!

He's gonna sh**t an ice m*ssile!

Crap! My Stand is behind me!

There's no way I can defend myself.

Nowhere to escape!

That's it!
There's no other way.

It's do or die!

I'll let the dome break

on purpose!

The air pressure will catapult me!

I did it. I finished him off.

Damn bird got what he deserved.

But I'm done for.

I've lost a ton of blood.

I don't have the strength
to swim to shore.

I'm gonna drown.

I was supposed to live
a trouble-free life.

Damn it,

I goofed up.

I can't believe it!

I was passing by and saw you
struggling in the river.

That bird got you, didn't it?
Just like he got my dogs.

You'll be okay.

The bird is gone.

You can't die! Hang in there!

I'll patch you right up.

"That bird": Pet Shop.

Stand: Horus.
Status: Deceased.


Damn that Iggy!
Where the hell did he go?

He's gotta stop doing this!

I'm worried.
He's been gone a while.

That stupid mutt!

What's the matter, Jotaro?

So someone is following us.

No I thought I heard a voice.
Like someone calling us.

A voice?



What happened to you?

He's got injuries all over!

Hey! He's missing his front leg!

Did he get run over by a car?

He's not the kind of dog
that gets into car accidents.

You were att*cked,
weren't you, Iggy?

Looks like someone
treated his wounds.

They did an incredible job.

It wasn't Iggy that I heard.

It was definitely a human.

It appears Iggy had a run-in
with the enemy.

We saw a boy holding him.
He was half-dead.

The doctors from the Speedwagon
Foundation tended to his wounds.

Just like...

my eyes.



It's Kakyoin! Hey!

Kakyoin, how are your eyes?

I'm glad you're all safe.

We missed you!

Were they able to treat you?

Yes. I'm fine now.

I've got a few scars,
but my eyesight is back to normal.

Thank goodness.


Hey, Iggy.
Where are you going now?

He may've been indifferent
toward humans and Stands before,

but it looks like he's trying
to lead us somewhere.

I don't know what happened
between him and the enemy Stand,

but now,
I'd say it's a matter of revenge.

Just where is he taking us?

Hey, Iggy, hold on.

That car!

It's the same fancy car
that beggar was driving.

This wreckage is...

What did this?

There's a huge hole,

like some gigantic pillar
tore through the windshield.

It's just as I feared.

I knew
we shouldn't have asked him.

Could this be the work
of the Stand user

that Iggy possibly encountered?

There seems to be little doubt.


Hey, what is this?

I'm in a cold sweat
all of a sudden.

I feel this oppressive doom.

Where's Iggy trying to take us?

I know this feeling.

This aura of evil.

This mansion.

The one from the picture.

Iggy! You were able to find it!

What lay before them was something
more evil and more sinister

than anything Jotaro and the others
had encountered before.

the source of their predicament,

the very embodiment of evil,
their destiny, was within grasp.

The path that had led them
here was long.

Mysterious foreign lands

and treacherous Stand-using
assassins met them at every step.

Every battle was
a struggle for survival.

And the journey touched everyone.

There were tears, and there was
laughter, sadness, and rage.

There was joy.

Nearly days has passed
since the team left Japan

on their quest to save
Jotaro's mother, Holly.

All to defeat Dio.
All to end the hundred-year curse.

Joseph was determined.

He was going to save
his daughter, Holly.

And nothing was going
to get in his way.

Kakyoin remained resolute.

He would defeat Dio,

not only to save Holly,
but to overcome his own weaknesses.

Avdol was steadfast.

He considered it his duty
to locate and root out evil

wherever it lurked,
wherever it thrived.

Polnareff was unwavering.

He would make Dio pay.

Pay for turning him into
one of Dio's puppets.

And pay for making him
go against his own principles.

Iggy was furious.

He knew Dio, the bastard,

was why he was caught up
in all this absurdity.

And he was going
to make him pay.


So, in other words, if we beat
the shit out of Dio in there,

it will all be over.

He's here. This scent of evil,
there's no doubt

he's inside the mansion!

Which means that we...

...have finally reached
the end of our journey.

Are you ready?

The gate's open.

We can just walk in?

It was closed yesterday.

Just as I can sense him,
he can sense us.

Entering this mansion
would be like walking into a trap.


What do we do now?

The door is opening! Stay on guard!

Hey, look at this corridor.
It looks like it goes on forever.

It can't be real.

It must be some kind of
trick or illusion

don't go through that door.

Dio's probably got one or two
Stand users left to fight us.

What the?
Something's coming this way!

What is he? Is he a Stand user?


Master Joestar,
we've been expecting you.

I am the butler of this house.

Allow me to wager

that Star Platinum's first attack
against me will...

Jotaro, blast him!

Take that corner at full throttle!

If we don't defeat you,
we won't be able to proceed.

Exactly! That is indeed correct.
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