02x43 - The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 2 / The Miasma of the Void, Cool Ice, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x43 - The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 2 / The Miasma of the Void, Cool Ice, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

What the hell is that?

Why didn't Avdol's flames sense it?

Where are you, Avdol?


has been disintegrated.
He is dead.

You two are next.

Your arrogance will not last.

One by one, each in his place,

I shall strew your atomic fragments
across the void.

It's impossible...

Avdol can't be dead.

You lie!


Polnareff's Stand
can attack this swiftly?

And at such distances? Astonishing.

Look over here,
you good-for-nothing maggot!


What was that?

When we broke through the mirage,

I think I heard a wall collapse
deep in the mansion.

Do you think Avdol and Polnareff...

Damn it! I know I hit him,
but he's not dead.

He cannibalized himself
into the abyss.

He and his Stand!

Avdol... Damn it.

You said it yourself.

Polnareff! Iggy! Look out!

You told us to look out
for ourselves.

You said you wouldn't save me.

You liar!

You've been meddling
in other people's business

ever since we set foot in India!

Avdol! Why couldn't you
just leave me alone?

If I hadn't ducked just now,
I'd be a dead man.

It's fate;
something's telling me to carry on.

Avdol must be telling me
to fight back.

This room is way too dangerous.

We've got to get out of here, Iggy!

Come on, Iggy! Upstairs!

We're going upstairs!

The exit!
That's the door we came in!

But I can't leave.

Avdol sacrificed himself
to save us.

Because he believed in us,
that we can defeat Dio.

I can't... I won't let him down!

I refuse to turn back
like some coward.

I'm not running away.

I'm running to get closer to Dio!

And these stairs aren't
going to slow me down!

I expected him
to dash out the door.

Such a pity...

Impressive. He managed a hit.

Polnareff's mental fortitude
emboldens him

to conquer his own fears
and face immanent death.

I shall corner him
and obliterate his body.

There is no question.

He is no match for my Stand.

His Stand's jaws are the gateway
to an alternate dimension?

A dark, unimaginable abyss...

All I know is that he can move about
our realm without making a sound,

without leaving the faintest
scent or sign of life.

But how...

How can I beat him?

He cut us off!

He's close.

He's here!

Iggy, watch my back!

I'll watch yours.

He can't reach us
if he can't break through the wall.

As long as he emerges
from the dark beyond,

I can k*ll him.

Come at me, bastard!
I'll slice you in two!

You've got me pissed, which makes
my Chariot all the faster!

I've lost Avdol,
and I'm not letting you get away!

What? He's hiding in the crack
under my foot?


My foot!

That was so...

you can't run away!


Not so fast.

Mister Joestar!
It's that shaking again!

It has to be Avdol and Polnareff.

They've come in after us,
and they're fighting somewhere.

Come on!
We have to find them, fast!

You've managed
to hide amid the chaos, Polnareff.

Such futility.

With that injury, you won't go far.

You must be hiding
beneath the rubble.

You are helpless against me.
You shall die by my hand.

Now, where are you, Polnareff?

That's quite the ruckus, Cool Ice.

Lord Dio!

Take heed, my lord!

Polnareff and that mongrel
are hiding nearby.

Allow me to be of assistance.

You must not trouble yourself.

A fake Dio made from The Fool!
We got him!

Attacking from behind
might be cowardly.

You'd think I'd feel guilty.

But you k*lled Avdol from behind.

I'll show you no mercy!

This is the death you deserve!

Do it, Iggy!

Quarter the bastard,
shoulder to hip!

Fillet that scoundrel!

You're kidding!
He figured it out!

The sun enters this room.

Lord Dio would never...

enter this room by day.


The real Lord Dio
bestowed me with his trust.

He entrusted me
with the honor of k*lling you.

That is why Lord Dio would never descend
to the second floor!

No! He's going to k*ll Iggy!

He'll be swallowed up
into the abyss!

You damn, pathetic dog!

How dare you force me
to destroy Lord Dio's likeness?

What? He punched him!

He didn't use the void!

He punched Iggy
without k*lling him!

Do you have any idea...

I don't care if it was a fake
made of sand!

You made me destroy it!

I'll kick you to death,
you filthy mutt!

It would take only an instant
to absorb you into my dark abyss!

That won't satiate my fury!

It's your fault!

It's your fault
for making me angry!

It's your fault!

Time to learn your lesson!
How's that?

I'll teach you!
And this? Better?


Cool Ice is crazy.

He's insane!

He's lost it because
he destroyed that pile of sand

that looked like Dio?

His soul is the murky abyss!

His soul is the inky hell
that obliterates all!

Lord Dio said

the resolve of the human heart
must never be underestimated.

But you're just a filthy stray!

You have no resolve.

Your soul knows
nothing of pride!


Take that! And that!


How do you like that? And that?

Stop it, Cool Ice!

I will end this, Polnareff!


He disappeared!



Our Stand decoy
may've fallen through,

but your sand
might've just saved us.

Now I know how to find him!

I can see him.
I can see him moving!

How do you like that! We did it!

Damn you!

When you move,

you have to absorb
everything in your path.

So swallow this!

Take a big mouthful of sand
and come here, you piece of shit!

And when you peek out
from behind your Stand's putrid teeth,

I'll finish you off!

Bull's-eye! Yeah!
Eat that!

I found your weakness, Cool Ice!

Your attempt to pinpoint my location
leaves you vulnerable!

You can't see me without emerging
from your dark dimension!

Suck on this!

Suck on my sword and croak, bastard!

You bastard...

I've skewered your throat
and your brain stem!

Die, damn it!
You're supposed to be dead!

Hurry up and die!

Die, Cool Ice!

I cannot die.

I do not have time to feel pain.

I will k*ll you without fail!

I will swallow Iggy,
the Joestars, and anyone left!

I can die after that!

You bastard!

Good boy.
You've withdrawn your sword.

This time, I'll send you to hell!

Is this the vile arm
that stabbed me?

You bastard!

Damn it! I had no choice
but to shove him away!


Not so fast, buddy!

I got him! But...

Damn it! He got my leg.
I can't move.

But I can't think about the pain!

I almost got him!

This guy is different.

He's vengeful to the core.

And he's not just nuts.

He's consumed
with devotion to Dio!

I won't let him get the upper hand!

I can't die until I k*ll you!

Damn him! Here he comes!

Take this!

It's no use.
It got part of my sword!

It's impossible to attack him
when he's hidden in the abyss.

It'll just swallow me whole.

He's absorbing the building
at random! Damn it!

The bastard knows I'll attack him
if he shows himself.

So he's blindly attacking
from every angle!

He's good.

At this rate,
he'll hit me for sure.

I have to pull back Chariot.

Damn it...
Iggy's losing too much blood.

His broken ribs
must've punctured his lungs.

Talk about insane...
He's devouring the walls.

No... I was wrong!

This isn't random.
It's all part of his plan!

He's drawing circles around me,
smaller, concentric circles!

He's making a spiral.

Like a giant mosquito coil.
He's closing in!

It doesn't matter
if he doesn't know our location.

He doesn't have
to break out of the abyss.

He'll hit us anyway!

He's got us
right where he wants us.

There's no way
I can dodge him with this leg!

I've got to carve an opening
in the floor to get away!

I don't have enough time!

He's coming right for us!

Somehow I dodged...

But he's closing in
like a needle on a record.

In about five more rounds,
he'll be here!

The question is...

How do I dodge
with this injured leg?






If it were up to me,
option two would become my reality.

But I can't count on that.

They entered the mansion
ten minutes before us.

There's no way
they'll just appear out of thin air

like some American comic book hero,
swooping in to save the day.

For all I know, they might be
in the middle of a fight themselves.

Looks like option one
is my only choice.

Chariot! Pull me out of the circle
as fast as you can!

Damn it! Pull me faster!

It's no use!

Damn! So it's option three.

Life is a bitch.

Silver Chariot is a Stand
that fights with a saber.

It doesn't have the power
to pull my weight,

especially when I'm injured.

Blast it...

You're all torn up!
Just stay still, stupid!

If you move
or use your Stand's power,

your broken ribs will sink deeper
into your lungs and you'll die!

Just cut out the tough-guy act,
you idiot!

Are you trying to die beside me?

I'm the one
who's going to save you!

You have to live on

to tell Mister Joestar and the others
about this bastard.

You have to defeat him!

Avdol might've saved me,
but you sure as hell better not!

If we all die,
everything will be in vain!

One more loop and he's got me.

So it is number three.

Life is cruel.

Guess he wanted victory
more than I did.

So long, Iggy.

This blood is not your doing.

It is Avdol's.

I don't know the details.

I have really bad luck
with friends.

Not to the likes of you!

It happens every time.
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