01x10 - Haven

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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01x10 - Haven

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 41294.5.

Our destination, the Class-M
Beta Cassius planet known as Haven.

It is so renowned
for its peaceful beauty

that some believe it to have
mystical healing powers.

We will rest and relax...
all too briefly, I fear.

Such a beautiful world.

Legends say it has been known
to mend souls and heal broken hearts.

Legends which are
totally unsupported by fact, Captain.

Such legends
are the spice of the universe,

because they have a way
of sometimes coming true.

Lt Yar to Cmdr Riker,

your presence is requested
in transporter room one.

Sorry, ladies. Duty calls.

- You needed me?
- An object's beaming in from Haven.

- What?
- We're not sure.

Surface station approval's coming in.

Alright, let's bring it in.

Odd looking.

What's going on?

I hold a message for Deanna Troi.

Lwaxana Troi and the honorable
Miller family will soon arrive.

The momentous day is close at hand.


What's going on?

Jewels! Look at these jewels.

They're bonding gifts,
what you would call wedding presents.

Who's getting married?

I am.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds...

...to seek out new life
and new civilizations...

...to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

I was certain it would never happen,

The years I'd spend on this mission,

the distance it has taken me
away from home.

As you must have heard, genetic
bonding is a Betazoid tradition.

Steven Miller
was my father's closest friend.

Your father was human, Deanna.
The Millers are human.

Will you and your husband be
staying with the ship?

No, sir.


...I will just say
congratulations for now, Deanna.

You'll excuse me?


...more than anything in the world,

...you want to be a starship captain,

- That's not all I want, Deanna.
- I can feel that.

I know you care, within those limits.

- Did you hear what I said?
- Every word.

This whole thing is still bizarre.

I'm sorry.

Come dance at my wedding.

I'll try.

A message from planet Haven,

They wish to beam
the Miller wedding party aboard.

I'm Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of
the Enterprise. Welcome aboard.

Quite some starship you have here,

Look forward to this visit.

You couldn't be...

I'm Deanna.

Deanna, darling.
You probably don't even remember me.

Wyatt was absolutely right.
She is a beauty.

I'm Wyatt.

Isn't this simply beautiful?

I knew romance was still alive,

I'd like you to have
this chameleon rose.

It changes color
with the mood of its owner.

It's wonderful. Thank you.

When is my mother arriving?

Your mother is still on the planet.


Is there a place
for my parents to rest, Captain?

Well, we're not really tired, son.

I'd like to see some of the ship.

Steven, you know full well

Lwaxana Troi isn't about to
beam on board until we leave.

- So?
- You can see your quarters now.

Show the Millers
to their accommodations.

I shall join you later.

Two more are ready to beam in, sir.

So be it.

Wyatt seems a fine young man.

Yes, he does.
But I'm not what he expected.

I don't understand.

Neither do I, but I'm definitely
a surprise of some sort to him.

I should warn you, sir,

my mother is a little... eccentric.

Where is everyone? I hate that.

Hello, Mother.

Don't say it. Think it.
Use your mind, not your mouth.

Hello, Mother.

Deanna, shame.
What has this life done to you?

No, don't tell me,
you're the Captain.

Deanna explained
your telepathic abilities.

That wasn't telepathy,
just common sense.

Who else would they send
but the Captain?

You may carry my luggage.


No, that's quite alright.

I'm indebted to your mother
for the fine counselor she...

This way.

It's inappropriate...

Yes, you seem to be struggling.

A man your age must keep in shape.

Mother, I won't go another step.

A starship has its customs,
just as we do.

If you're my mother's valet,
then please valet.

Don't let me keep you
from your duty.

I apologize for her behavior.

- You've embarrassed your Captain.
- No.

Anything to avoid a quarrel
on this occasion.

It's amazing how your accent
reminds me of your father.

Your last valet
tried to rid me of it.

What happened to Mr. Xelo?

I had to terminate his employment.
Xelo was attracted to me.

His thoughts
became truly p*rn.

The thoughts of Wyatt's father
were almost as vulgar.

- But he doesn't have...
- Passenger accommodation.

He doesn't have Xelo's imagination.

Between him and that woman's inane
chatter, it's a wonder I made it.

- How do you like the Millers?
- Very pleasant...

It's shocking how they've changed
since my husband and I knew them.

It's probably because
I've grown beyond them.

You realize that with Betazoids,
our ability to read thoughts

does see us grow faster
than the typical plodding human.

Mother, that's enough!

So, you're not
totally out of practice.

Good. Very good.

We hope you find this comfortable.

Yes. The room is adequate.
Small, but adequate.

You will adjust the temperature
to a civilized level?

I'll see what I can do.

Now, if you will excuse me, I'm sure
you have much to talk about.

Yes, Captain. You may go.

You've been slack, little one,
allowed your mental powers to rust.

Only to avoid confusion, Mother.

Humans constantly think one thing
and say another.

They do, don't they? Poor dears.

Our style of complete honesty
frightens them.

On that subject, Mother,

there is such a thing
as too much honesty with humans.

If they'd only say what they think
instead of hiding it.

A shipload of such inconsistency
could drive one insane.

Darling, I'm terribly sorry about
what happened here. Truly I am.

Steven Miller tracked me down
and reminded me of our vows.

Mother, I'm having trouble believing
in those vows as once I did.


But I'll honor them, of course.
I'm a Betazoid.

You may find Wyatt an unusual person.

I've sensed
remarkable depths in him.

Message coming in from Haven.

On screen.

I'm Valeda Innis, First Electorine
of Haven. Capt Picard?

Greetings, Electorine. I'm Picard.

Your presence honors us,
and your timing's fortuitous.

In what way?

An incoming vessel has bypassed
our stargate, violating our law.

It has refused
any attempt at communication.

- Do you believe it to be hostile?
- Not communicating is hostile.

We have no defensive capabilities.

Our treaty with the Federation

specifies your obligations
in that matter.

Agreed. But let's hope
it doesn't become a defense matter.

Of course, Captain, but I am
very happy we have you here.

Come in.

I wanted to apologize
for my mother's behavior.

Your mother's honest.
I respect that.

Yes. She never lets up.

I'll admit,
her honesty is a bit persistent.

I never heard it described better.
But it is a Betazoid trait.

I'll try to be only half as annoying.

Let's see...
What can I tell you about myself?

I'm a medical doctor,
for what that's worth.


If you were sensing my thoughts,
you'd know.

- You can do that, can't you?
- Sometimes.

This must be
what Mother felt about you.

We could read each other eventually.

- Can I take that as a compliment?
- Absolutely.

I only ever felt this...

with someone who's on this ship.

- Do I have competition?
- No.

What he wants most
is to captain a starship.

What I want is to cure people.

Well, I'm a practicing psychologist.
Maybe we could work in concert.

We are going to be together
a long time.

Yes. That is the point
of marriage, I suppose.

I really thought
you'd tell me you were an artist.

I just felt your mind
very much on these.

They are your work, aren't they?

I can see that it'll be hard
to keep secrets from you.

This is why you were surprised
when you first saw me.

This woman.

You thought I would be this woman.

I have seen this face...

...ever since I was a boy.

When I closed my eyes at night,
I could hear her whispering my name.

Knowing you were Betazoid,

I assumed it was you
projecting yourself into my mind.

- I'm sorry I'm not what you wished.
- No.

Please don't mistake a childish
fantasy for disappointment.

You are so beautiful.
I feel honored.

- You've no idea who she is?
- It doesn't really matter now.

Captain's personal log.

I trust my concern over
the problems of Counselor Troi

are not based merely on losing
a highly valuable crew member.

But I feel that she's trapped
by a custom of her world

which 24th-century life
has made unwise and unworkable.

I wish I could intervene.

On the viewer, Captain.

Unidentified vessel traveling
at subwarp speed, bearing 235.7.

It's several hours away, then.

Let's take a look.
Enlarge to maximum.

Increasing magnification, sir.

Mr. Data, is that the trouble
I believe it is?

If you mean a Tarellian vessel,
sir... it is.

Aren't the Tarellians all dead?
What are they doing here?

Picard to sickbay.
Dr Crusher to bridge, urgent.

They must not be permitted
to destroy us. Or the planet.

Captain's log supplemental.

It has been believed
the Tarellian race was extinct,

an assumption contradicted by one
of their vessels approaching Haven.

Its present velocity
suggests a possible answer.

A damaged vessel could explain it.

Without warp speed,
it would take this long to get here.

Go on with your briefing, Mr. Data.

Tarella was Class-M, like Earth,
with similar humanoid life forms.

hatred overpowered intelligence.

There were hostilities?

Between the inhabitants
of two land masses.

One group unleashed a deadly
biological w*apon on the other.

In the end, both became infected.

Makes one question
the sanity of humanoid forms.

Can you identify
the origin of the infection?

They had reached Earth's
late 20th-century level of knowledge.

That's all you need if you're a fool.

A deadly, infectious virus
which is not difficult to grow.

We learnt the story in training.
Some Tarellians went to other worlds,

but d*ed along with
the populations they infected.

It's well covered
in Academy training.

Many tried to avoid civilized worlds,

only to be hunted down and destroyed.

It was believed
that the last Tarellian ship

was destroyed eight years ago
by the Alcyones.

Yes, sir.

Exactly when will they arrive?

Exactly 13 hours,
9 minutes, 22 seconds, 350...

Thank you.

Which creates
a difficult problem for us.

Our treaty requires us
to protect Haven,

and Federation policy requires
that we assist life forms in need,

which must include the Tarellians.

I shall want you
to help find answers. Thank you.

However, there will be time
for a second, voluntary assignment,

the pre-joining announcement
of Counselor Deanna Troi...

...and Wyatt Miller.

We've talked it over,
and the ceremony will be tomorrow.

And Captain, would it be possible
for you to perform the ceremony?

Of course, if all parties request it.

All parties do not request it.
It's out of the question.

You are not practiced
in the ways of Betazed joining.

- That's quite true.
- So you are totally unqualified.

He is qualified
to lead a traditional Earth ceremony,

which is what this will be.

I thought you had no sense of humor.
Earth wedding? Ridiculous!

We live on Earth now.

So that's why
you want that backward ritual.

Terrible to see a woman
go downhill like this.

- Mother!
- Downhill?

The matter is settled.
Mr. Homn will conduct the joining.

But... Homn can't even talk!

No matter,
he is adept in sign language.

The matter is closed.

Who are you to tell us
what we should do?

Your ignorance is astonishing.

I am Lwaxana Troi,
daughter of the Fifth House,

holder of the Sacred Chalice,
heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed.

Who are you?

It is a Starfleet tradition
that at social gatherings,

disputes are not permitted.

I hereby declare therefore
all disagreements resolved.

A toast. To the young couple,
and their families.


And may this union
be a productive one.

Hear, hear.


Considering the rate
at which you imbibe, sir,

is your lineage
at all mixed with human?

Is it true, Captain, that there's
a Tarellian ship headed for Haven?

- Yes, it is true.
- That's amazing.

I've read everything about them.

Virus analysis was my favorite
subject at medical school.

Then I'd very much like
to confer with you.

I'm pleased to have
a medical colleague on board.

Yes, ma'am... Doctor.

Would it be possible
to prepare medical needs

geared toward the Tarellians' needs?

Then beam it over to avoid infection.

What do you think?

It's a very considerate idea.
Our sickbay is at your disposal.

Thank you.

Mr. Data?


You're circling the room
like a buzzard.

Perhaps being human yourself,
you do not find them as...

...intriguing as I.

Must he do that?

It is the Betazed way
of giving thanks for our food.

You giving thanks?
Besides, you never did this before.

I do it now.
Unlike some people, I am in growth.

Victoria, I've forgotten
whether you enjoy pets or not.

Love them, of course.


Poor baby, did she hurt you?

If you'll excuse me,
I'd like to spend time considering...

...the Tarellian situation.

- Yes, of course.
- Ladies and gentlemen.

Mrs. Troi, I'm very interested in
the Betazed ceremony you mentioned.

- Could you tell us more?
- I'd be delighted.

It's an ancient ceremony, regarded as
the most beautiful in the universe.

After the couple
remove their clothing...

- Bride and groom go naked?
- All guests go unclothed.

It honors
the act of love being celebrated.

Don't worry.
Your body's not that bad.

Besides, your husband quite likes
the idea of seeing me unclothed.


You did know he's attracted to me?

Untrue. I don't...

Stop this petty bickering,
all of you! Especially you, Mother!

Could you please continue
the petty bickering?

I find it most intriguing.

May I join you?

I will miss you, Deanna.

I'm no longer Imzadi to you?

You taught me
that word means "my beloved."

And the human heart is too small
to permit that feeling now.

Have you discussed this with Wyatt?
I think you should.

It's also damned unfair to me.

I understand.

I should've realized.

young human males particularly,

have difficulty separating
platonic love and physical love.

The problem is...


...I couldn't. Not now.

Call it an old...
an old Earth tradition...

...habit of the beasts, whatever.

Hello, you two.

- We were just talking about you.
- This is incredible!

- Yes. And in that discussion, I...
- Actually...

Bill was concerned
that you might be upset

that I care deeply for him, too.

You're the one
who wants to be a starship captain.

I've heard that bonding would
complicate things in that case.

To each his own.
Good luck with that ambition.

And I very much respected
what you did tonight.

All I did was lose my temper.

- Excuse me.
- Of course.

Running all this is a big job.

In fact...
you shamed them into compromise.

So they've decided that the joining
will be half Betazed, half Earth.

The Captain will do the ceremony
and Mr. Homn will be my best man.

And we'll take half our clothes off?

Some of us still go naked.

You do, I do, your mother, my father,
but not my mother or the guests.

Capt Picard will be very relieved.
How did you manage it?

Your mother relented.

And I caught my father practicing
naked in front of his mirror.

And so...

...a question
I should've asked before.

Deanna, do you really want
to go through with this?

Yes, I want to.

I'm a very lucky man.

Captain's log, supplemental.

All attempts at warning off
the Tarellian ship have failed.

They still refuse to communicate,
and I'm growing concerned.

How do you know they're receiving us?

Our sensors show a responder echo
on the frequency they once used.

We have a message, sir,
coming in from Haven.

On viewer.

Captain, the plague ship
is approaching transporter range.

We are aware of that.

Do you realize they can turn our
wonderful world into a graveyard?

Please, take action now
before it's too late.

We recognize your situation.

- Please destroy them now.
- We will not fire on them.

You must.

I'm certain I could disable
their ship with a phaser burst.

And then, Lieutenant?

They're within transporter range.

Then we can't delay any longer.
Ready the tractor beam, Lt Yar.

Target the ship. Activate on command.

- Tractor beam ready.
- Engage.

Got them, sir.

Are they secure?
Can they beam out to the planet?

Negative, sir.
They can't leave that ship.

I know they can receive us. They
can respond with lights if necessary.

Unless they've all d*ed and the ship
was brought in by automation.


It's the woman in Wyatt's drawings.

Captain's log, stardate 41294.6.

Orbiting Haven with a Tarellian
vessel locked in our tractor beam.

Question. What strange
combination of circumstances

has caused a woman from someone's
imagination to appear on the ship?

Enterprise to Tarellian vessel.
Are you receiving us?

My name is Wrenn,

and before I enquire why your
tractor beam has trapped us here,

is there one aboard your vessel
named Wyatt?

Captain, I don't understand.

It's astounding.

Ariana was right.
He is here, daughter.

Wyatt, you've come,
just as you promised.

How could I be so accurate?

Except for the dreams,
I've never seen her.

Sir, our concern is with the thr*at
your vessel poses to the planet.

If you still carry the infection
that destroyed your world...

We still carry it, Captain.

My daughter, I, all eight of us.

- Eight?
- All of us that are left.

The rest passed on during
the years it took to reach Haven.

If you've come here
because of the legend

about planet Haven
miraculously healing the sick...

We don't ask to make contact
with those living below.

All we ask is to be...
on the edge of some sea,

an unpopulated island,
a faraway peninsula.

This is not our planet, sir.

But I will present your needs
to those who do govern here.

Present the fact
that we intend to die here, Captain.

And if we die while caged by
your tractor beam... so be it.

how do you like my new hairstyle?

It will look much better
when I'm naked.

Can we talk about something serious?

I'm always serious. Only my pleasant
nature makes it seem otherwise.

Please, Mrs. Troi.

Yes, that was puzzling.

A woman from another place
who insists she knows you.

- And...
- Who you've dreamed of for years.

I was hoping that you...

Fascinating, Wyatt, how easily
your thoughts come through.

The answer to the puzzle
of Ariana and you is so simple,

- it's too simple for most humans.
- Too simple?

It's something
they know instinctively,

but try to reject or build
complicated superstitions about.

All life, Wyatt, all consciousness
is indissolubly bound together.

it's all part of the same thing.

Yes, I have wondered
if something like that...

That weren't so.

And no doubt so has Ariana, which
helped you two to make contact.

tell me something seriously.

Which of these
would look best on me naked?


- Are you feeling alright?
- Just wedding nerves.

I'll take the supplies
to the transporter room.

I'll notify the Captain
they're ready.

Look at your father.

He can't wait to strip off his
clothes for that barbaric ceremony.

Please take care of each other.

You are beautiful.

But you looked the best of all
in the desert on the holodeck

when we did this.

You can put the supplies on the pad.

Dr Crusher had me
set the coordinates.

All we need is the Captain's order.

Captain, someone's transporting
over to the Tarellian ship.

- Override.
- I can't, sir, it's too late.

Hello, Wyatt.

We always thought you were a dream.

You're not surprised?

Did you know I'd beam over?

Once we saw you were real...
we knew.

You are a doctor?

I've brought medicines and supplies.

And I knew you would be this brave.

How could you let this happen?
My son, surrounded by those lepers.

If I could've prevented it, I would.

- Beam him back.
- He can never come back, Mrs. Miller.

You may turn off your tractor beam,

We will not be going to Haven.

We have... what we really came for.

- Wyatt?
- Mother.

Mother... forgive me, but I must...

I'm going to try to continue
the work to cure these people.

And Wyatt will do it.
I've believed that all along.

I knew I was coming to Haven
to meet my destiny.

I thought it was to be with you,

It was Ariana who drew me here.

I'm sorry.

Wyatt... I'm happy for you,
and for Ariana too.

You've done very well
for a human, Wyatt.


Captain... my respects.

And mine, sir.


Keep the chest.
You'll have use for it someday.

Shame to waste the trip. Perhaps I
should stay and join with a new mate.


Well, the Captain's highly attracted
to me, but he's a little too old.

Perhaps I should choose... you.

He has other obligations, Mother.

Very well. It's his loss.

Mr. Homn.

Thank you for the drinks.

Try and remember your heritage,
little one.

Captain... even Xelo
never had such thoughts about me.

You may energize.

That was meant as a joke, Captain.

I was not amused.

- Take us out of here, Mr. Riker.
- Aye, sir. Warp two, helm.

Heading 57.

Mark 319.

Our destiny is elsewhere.

But I'm happy that yours
is with us, Counselor.

Warp two, sir.
Heading 57, mark 319.

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