06x34 - The Future

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
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Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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06x34 - The Future

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Upbeat music plays ]


[ Suspenseful music playing ]




[ Eerie music plays ]



[ Gasps ]



Hey, do you mind if I put
a poster in your window?

It's for my mom.

She's missing.

Oh, gosh.
Go ahead.

[ Glass shatters ]

Thank you.

Maybe we need
a different pinning method.

[ Glass shards clink ]
Yeah, well, maybe we need
a different poster.

This photo
isn't even of her.

Sorry, but it's just
advertising 101, man.

That's what sells --
babes and babies.

And what kind of slogan
is this --

"Banana Barbara -- 20% off
'cause she's past her best"?

That's my mom
you're talking about.

I told you
we should've gone with

"Banana Barbara --
the ripest on the market."

Look, I'm sorry.
It's just,

she's never been missing
this long before.

[ Both sigh ]
Don't worry, man.

Look, where did you
find her the other times?

Well, she once spent
half of December

in a Christmas stocking.

[ Rumble ]

[ Festive music playing ]

You'll find my tooth
under the pillow.


I'm not the tooth fairy,

I never said
you weeeere.

Banana Joe: Another time,
we lost her at the airport,

and we found her
in a Japanese karaoke video.

[ Woman singing in Japanese ]

Then there was the time
we found her

playing a chicken
in a TV show.

Wow, I knew she could
paint the future,

but I didn't know
she can act.

Eh, it was more
of a musical act.

[ Clucking ]

[ Sighs ]
Where is she?

Don't worry, buddy.
We will find your mom.

[ Whispering ] How?

[ Whispering ]
I have no idea.

So, what does Barbrama Barnara
usually do during the day?

Dude, her name
is Banana Barbara.

That's what I just said --
Barmaba Banambram.


-Spell it.


Oh, Barbara.
Got it.

So, what does
your mom usually do?


How much?
For what?

Everything you're wearing
right now.

$100 million.

[ Stammers ]

Ticktock, Larry.

Charity work.

[ Rip! Snip! ]

Oh, what
a pretty baby.

She said, while in truth,
she thought

it looked like
an old monkey's kneecap.


Do you think
it's possible that

maybe your mom suffers
from some kind of head problem?

I don't know about "suffers."
She seems to really enjoy it.

But, yeah,
she's full-blown bananas.

She wasn't always like that,

It sort of happened
a few years ago.

[ Panting ]

Crumpled Paper Boss:
Barbara, coffee.

[ Sips ]
Too hot.

[ Blows ]

[ Sips ]
Too cold.

[ Sips ] Too perfect.
[ Mug shatters ]

Barbara, I've got a song stuck
in my head. What is it?

Okay, uh, so, are you gonna
hum it, or --

Darn it, Barbara.
I'm not a jukebox.

Figure it out yourself.
Right away, sir.

Barbara, move my 4:00 P.M.
to 10:00 A.M.

It's already 3:00
in the afternoon, sir.

Figure it out, Barbara.

Invent time travel.

Barbara, the sun's glaring
on my screen.

I'll close
the blinds.

No, I hate the blinds.
Move the sun.

Uh, shoo, shoo.

Barbara, hurry up
and bedredge my heddegedy.

I-I'm not sure those
are real words, sir.

Don't question my management.
That's $100 off your pay.

But, sir,
I'm an intern.

Then you owe me $100.

Barbara. Barbara.

[ Growing distorted ]
Barbara. Barbara. Barbara.

The doctor said
it's called a burnout.

It happens when you get
too stressed at work,

though I think
hers was quite a big one.

[ Echoing ] Barbara!

[ Screaming ]

[ Squish! ]

[ Calmly ]
I feel like painting.

[ Pop! ]

Oh, so that's why
she always wears a bow.

It just holds together
whatever's left up there.

Ah, anyway,
how do you catch a banana?

[ Gasps ] You make
the mating call of the banana.

[ Inhales sharply ]

No, dude, you've gottta think
like a banana.

[ Both grunt ]

[ Squish! ]

[ Upbeat music plays ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

No. No, no, no!
The future!

I want you
to paint the future --

what happens next!

That can't just
be the end.

I need your power.

[ Chuckles ]
Now, come on, Barbara.

One more time.
Work your magic.

Paint the future.

That's it.


No more static!

[ Gasps ]
I'm gonna give you
one last chance.

You're gonna tell me
everything you know.


[ Inhales deeply ]
Your stomach produces

a new layer of mucus
every two weeks,

it'll digest itself.

A blue whale's
toot bubble

is large enough
to enclose a horse.

No! No!

[ Whispering ]
Hippopotamus milk is pink.

Why, you --
You're gonna take this,

and you're gonna paint
what happens next,

otherwise that face of yours
won't be so a-peeling.

Wait. That came out way lamer
than I expected.

Just paint!

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunts softly ]

And how does this
help us find my mom?

It's simple.

If we follow
her mental process,

we'll retrace
her steps.

So, what would
she do next?

She'd definitely be licking
that public-pay-phone receiver.

[ Slurps, gags ]

How'd it taste?

Like a brown rainbow.

It's working, though.

I am definitely
seeing things.

Me, too. It's like
that shadow's pointing the way.

Now, what would
your mother do?

Definitely go
in the opposite direction.

[ Upbeat music plays ]

-Hey, Barbara.
-[ Gasps ]

You better get going.


[ Splat! ]
Ugh! Oh!

Sorry, it's just,
with only the one eye,

I've got really bad
depth perception,

and you know --
Get back to work!

[ Humming ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Upbeat music plays ]

Wait! Look!

My finger.

Both: Oooooh!

[ Groans ]


[ Gasps ]
Look at that speech bubble!

"I'm here, Banana Joe."

Of course.

Barbara must be
inside this wall.

[ Squeak! Honk! Honk! ]

[ Squeak! Honk! ]



[ Suspenseful music plays ]


[ Whoosh ]
[ Gasps ]

You can -- you can
alter the paintings.

You can change
the future.

Only what's left.

What does that mean?!

Talk to me, Barbara!
Come on!

Spill your guts!


[ Retching ]

[ Groans ]

Oh, you --


[ Screaming ]




[ Huskily ] You made
a big mistake, my friend.

You might've thought I was
a harmless clown, a joke,

but you messed with
the wrong guy's mother!

[ Thud ]
[ Grunts ]

[ Thump ]

[ Both panting ]

[ Chuckles ]


[ Both screaming ]

[ Car creaks ]

[ Metal clanks ]

[ Both scream ]

[ Both breathing rapidly ]

[ Chuckles ]



[ m*ssile whistles ]

[ expl*si*n ]
[ Screams ]


No, no.

[ Beep, magnet whirs ]

[ Metal clanking ]


[ Saw buzzes ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Bus creaking ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Whimpers ]

[ Crash, metal twisting ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Water splashes ]


[ Coughs ]

[ Whimpers ]

[ Chuckles ]

You should've drawn
the rest of...

[ Bubbling ]

[ Shark growls ]

[ Grunts ]

do something!

♪ Bom
[ Clicks tongue ]

♪ Bom, bom, bom, bom
[ Clicks tongue ]

Yeah, I meant
something helpful, Barbara.

Just walk away!

This is
more important than you.

Paint him out!
Erase him!

-Come on.

[ Both grunting ]





What did I say about
underestim-- [ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

I'm warning you.

Barbara, the brush.

[ Whoosh! ]


[ Whoosh! ]

No, no,
you -- you don't get it.

You're gonna get it.

No, please!

[ Echoing ] No!

[ Clank ]


I missed you.

And I miss
hard-core hip-hop.

[ Sighs ] I guess
all's well that ends well.

Except for the guy
we kind of

straight up erased
from existence.

Yeah, I feel pretty bad
about it right now,

but, you know, maybe
we'll laugh about it later.

Let's try.
[ Clears throat ]

Hey, remember
when we straight up

erased that guy
from existence?

[ Both laugh ]

Yeah, no.

can you paint him

back into existence,

Oh [chuckles] can you give him
something lame,

like a goatee or a third nostril
or something?

[ Chuckles ]

See ya
in the future, Rob.

[ Eerie music plays ]

But there is no future.



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