01x04 - The Debt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
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Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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01x04 - The Debt

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Upbeat music plays ]

Darwin: What do you want to do today, Gumball?

Gumball: I'm waiting right here for mom to drive me

to Elmore Senior Talent Show,

Mr, Robinson's headlining,

Anais: But it doesn't start for another hours,

Darwin: And you're not invited,

Gumball: I don't care,

Tonight's the biggest night

of Mr, Robinson's life,

and I have to be there!

Ah, tonight's the night, Margaret,

This town is finally going to see

the real Gaylord Robinson,

[ Scoffs ]

Why can't you ever be happy for me?

Darwin: There he is now!

[ Brakes squeak ]

[ Transmission grinds ]

Gumball: [ Screams ]

Save yourselves!

It's too late for me!

Darwin: Just get over here on the sidewalk, dude,

Gumball: Please remember me, guys,

so I'll always be alive in your heart,

[ Crying ]

Oh, for crying out loud,

Gumball: My whole life is flashing before my eyes!

And it's boring!


[ Parking brake clicks ]


Darn kids,

Gumball: You saved my life, Mr, Robinson!

I didn't save your life,

I just didn't run you over,

Now get out of my way!

Gumball: No way!

I am not leaving your side

until I have saved your life in return,

Get off my car!

Gumball: I'll never ever leave your side,

Don't make me shout at you,

I got to save my voice for tonight,

[ Grunts ]

Gumball: [ Screams ]


Oh, dear universe above me,

thank you for the gift of Mr, Robinson,

I swear on my life, I will repay this debt,

[ Whoosh! ]

- What did he say? - I don't know,

Whose turn is it, anyway?

Eh, Mine,

I spy with my little eye,,,

♪ Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi ♪

[ Coughs ]

Well, Margaret, since you won't take care

of my precious instrument,

I'll get the cough drops mys--

what are you doing here?!

Gumball: I'm here to save your life,

Not today, of all days,

Just get away from me, kid,

I mean it!

Here they are,

"Antiseptic action,"

Gumball: What's this hazardous object doing

in the middle of a floor?

Mr, Robinson could trip over it,

There, Safely out of the way,

What?! Oh!

Gumball: Mr, Robinson!

Ugh! He's out cold!

Ooh, now's my chance to save him!

Stand aside, I know CPR,


[ Breathes deeply ]

No! No!

[ Grunting ]

Ugh! No!

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Sputtering ]

I sure hope that hasn't affected my vocal chords,

[ Clears throat ]

♪ La la la ♪

[ Clears throat ]

♪ La la la ♪

[ Clears throat ]

Gumball: Mr, Robinson! You're choking!

Gumball, what the --

Gumball: [ Grunting ]

[ Heart b*ating ]

That's my heart,

[ Groans ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Grunts ]

Gumball: So, I saved your life, right?

No! You darn near ended it!

Now leave me alone!

Ahh, A healthy glow

will make me look my best for tonight,


Gumball: [ Gasps ]

Mr, Robinson!

[ Gasps ]

Oh, no! I'm too late!

Why wasn't I here to save you?!


[ Crying ]

No, No!

I refuse to let you go!

[ Muffled music playing ]

He looks so peaceful,

[ Electricity charging ]


[ Grunting ]

[ Sizzle! ]

What do you think you're doing?!

Gumball: I'm bringing you back to life,

But I was alive!

Gumball: Better safe than sorry,


[ Electricity buzzes ]

[ Grunting ]

Gumball: Welcome home, Mr, Robinson,

I booby-trapped your front door,


Gumball: To protect you from intruders,

All they have to do is ring the doorbell, like so,

Wait, Why would an intruder --

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Grunts ]

Gumball: Are you okay?

Listen, kid,

This is the most important night of my life,

I'm gonna shine like a star,

And I don't want you around to ruin it!

Gumball: But I've got to be there

to save your life,

Just leave me alone, kid,

[ Crying ] Just leave me alone,

Gumball: [ Sighs ]

I'll never repay my debt to Mr, Robinson,

I failed you, universe,

[ Crying ]

Anais: Poor Gumball,

Darwin: What can we do to help him?

Anais: [ Gasps ]

I got an idea,

Gumball: [ Crying ]

[ Whoosh! ]


Anais: I said throw it near him,

not at him,

Gumball: Aah!

That's so painful!

Aah! Oh, man, that hurts!

Oh, I'll try to walk it off,

[ Crunch! ]

Oh, bad idea,

[ Gasping ]

Ow! Ow!

Ooh, There's a note tied to it,

Ah, Let's see,

"Mr, Robinson will be a,,,"




Anais: "Assassinated,"

Gumball: "Assassinated at the talent show"?!

This is terrible!

No, wait,

This is what I've been waiting for!

Mr, Robinson!

Well, Margaret, it's nice that you finally decided

to show your support for me tonight,

[ Muttering ]

What do you mean you're only coming to see me fail?

Gumball: But, Mr, Robinson, you can't go

to the talent show tonight,

You're gonna be assassinat--

he's so brave,

Take it away, Bert!

[ Upbeat music playing ]

[ Tapping ]

[ cr*ck! ]


[ Clapping ]

Wake up,

Anais: Okay, Darwin, here's the plan,

We drop heavy sandbags near Mr, Robinson,

♪ La la la la la ♪

What the --

Anais: Gumball will notice,,,

Gumball: [ Gasps ]

Anais: ,,,and push him out of the way,,,


[ Cheers and applause ]

Anais: ,,,just in time to save his life,

- Anais: Got it? - Darwin: Got it!

We drop these heavy sandbags

onto Mr, Robinson's head,

Anais: No! We don't actually hit Mr, Robinson,

Darwin: Hit Mr, Robinson,

Okay, I understand,

Anais: Maybe I should try reverse psychology,

Okay, Darwin, The plan is we throw all this stuff

at Mr, Robinson's head,

Darwin: That's what I just said,

Anais: Ugh! Just do what I do,

Gumball: Oh, man,

[ Thud! ]


And now, ladies and gentlemen,

would you please welcome to the stage

our second and final act,

Mr, Gaylord Robinson!

Good luck, dad!

[ Clears throat ]

♪ Up till now, my life's been good ♪

♪ Treated me well, I can't complain ♪

♪ Met a woman, raised a kid ♪

♪ And every day, just felt the same ♪

♪ But there's something deep inside of me ♪

♪ That always wanted to be free ♪

♪ And now I think the time is right ♪

♪ To show you what I me-e-e-e-e-e-an ♪

♪ I want to sing ♪

♪ I want to dance ♪

♪ I want to touch the sky with my own two hands ♪

♪ If I sing to the world, it'll set me free ♪

♪ And let me be who I want to be ♪

♪ Dance ♪

♪ Dance and sing ♪

♪ I'm gonna give it,,, ♪

Darwin: What's he doing?

Anais: I don't know, but it's pretty good,

Now's our chance to assassinate,

♪ As I whisk you off to a wonderland ♪

♪ I'll hip-hop and jive,,, ♪

Anais: Did Gumball see any of that?

♪ Twist a-bump to the rock 'n' roll ♪

Darwin: Maybe he'll notice the trapdoor,

♪ I'll fly like a bird if you set me free ♪

♪ Like the skylark on the wing ♪

♪ A rosebud in the spring ♪

♪ Like a gangster and his bling ♪

♪ Like fish bait from a sling ♪

♪ Like a puppet with no string ♪

♪ Like an english feudal king ♪

♪ Like all those kinds of wonderful ♪

♪ Wonderful thi-i-i-i-ngs ♪

Gumball: Show yourself, assassin, and fight like a man!

Anais: Let's try the special effects,

[ Clicking ]

Gumball: Under the seats?

[ Vocalizing ]

Whoa, Who is this guy?

That's my dad!

Rock on, dude!

♪ I want to be fre-e-e-e-e ♪

Gumball: Huh?

[ Vocalizing ]

[ Glass shatters ]

[ Glass cracks ]


[ Vocalizing ]

Gumball: [ Gasps ]

[ Slow-motion ] N-o-o-o-o!

[ Grunts ]

Mr, Robinson!

Please come with me now!

It's not safe here!

Oh, go away!

[ Vocalizing ]

[ Metal creaks ]

[ Crash! ]

[ Panting ]


Oh, my gosh,

[ Grunts ]

You really did save my life,

But that doesn't excuse you for ruining my performance!

[ Clapping ]

[ Whistles ]

Darwin: Hooray!

Anais: Awesome, Mr, Robinson!

Way to go, dad!

Whoo-hoo! Bravo!

Thank you, everybody!

Thank you!

Thank you so much,

I don't deserve all of this,


Thank you! Thank you!

I love ya!

Oh, your love means so much to me!

Gumball: Thank you, infinite universe,

for sending us our very own star, Mr, Robinson,

[ Crank! ]

[ Whirring ]

Thank you, everybody,


I love ya!

You put me where I am today!

Thank you so much!

Thank --

[ Grunting ]


Darwin: Oh, no!

I think we squished Mr, Robinson,

[ Grunting ]

Anais: Nah, He's okay,

Let's go home,
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