03x04 - The Nijimura Brothers, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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03x04 - The Nijimura Brothers, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

kei: This arrow is very precious. It's the only one there is.

kei: It's my precious objective.

kei: I just have to retrieve it.

josu: Don't you dare pull out that arrow! It'll make him bleed even more!

kei: Because my little brother's an idiot,I have to k*ll you now.

kei: Which means it won't be good if something happens to this arrow.

kei: If the lady next door happens to see it,or if it snaps in half, that'd be bad news.

kei: I'm a very methodical type, you see,

kei: so I want to make sure I put the arrow away properly.

kei: When you're listening to CDs, you properly put the first one away in its case

kei: before listening to the second one, right?

kei: Everyone's like that.

kei: I'm like that, too.

kei: Oh? You're gonna come into this house?

josu: Think before you speak!

josu: If I don't come in, I can't kick your ass and treat Koichi's wounds!

oku: Bro! I haven't lost yet!

oku: Hold off on attacking him!

josu: att*ck?

oku: We ain't finished yet!

josu: Something's coming from...

josu: the darkness of the ceiling!

sign: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

sign: Diamond is Unbreakable

sign: Episode The Nijimura Brothers, Part

josu: Okuyasu...

kei: How stupid you are never ceases to amaze me.

kei: If you hadn't come staggering in here,

kei: my Worse Company would have att*cked Josuke for sure.

kei: And you actually walked into its att*ck trajectory.

oku: Bro...

kei: Your Stand, The Hand, is terrifying, but you're completely incompetent.

kei: I told you over and over,ever since we were kids,

kei: that incompetent people drag down everyone around them, didn't I?

kei: I told you over and over that people only have the right to live

main: ,if they keep growing, didn't I?

josu: What's with his injuries?

josu: What kind of att*ck makes youend up with wounds like that?

josu: Anyway, it seems that something's up there.

kei: Little brother,

kei: I think it's only natural that morons like you should die!

josu: It left a ton of holes again!

josu: What kind of att*ck is that?

josu: Shining Diamond!

josu: Are you trying to att*ck your brother, too?!

kei: Josuke Higashikata...

kei: I'm sure he won't abandon this brat he called Koichi.

kei: He'll most likely come in here again.

kei: I'll k*ll him, no matter what...

kei: I'll k*ll anyone who gets in the way of this bow and arrow's objective,

kei: no matter who they may be!

josu: Now, then... How about you tell meabout your brother's Stand?

josu: Tell me what his Stand really is!

josu: If you tell me, I'll treat your wounds.

oku: Like hell... I'm gonna tell you...

oku: foolishass...

josu: As I thought.

josu: Well, then... I guess I have no choice!

josu: I'm gonna go in there again,so just don't get in my way, Okuyasu.

josu: Koichi doesn't have much time!

josu: His Stand att*cks from somewhere within this darkness.

josu: Going in here is pretty dangerous.

josu: I've got no choice but touse all of my senses fully...

oku: Hey, wait a minute!

josu: Huh?

oku: Why, Josuke? Why did you treat my wounds?

josu: Shut up. I'll tell you later.

oku: I might att*ck you! I'm your enemy!

josu: You want a piece of me?

oku: After I hear your answer!Why did you treat my wounds?

oku: I'm not very smart, so you're gonna have to tell me!

oku: And that wound on your hand!

oku: You got that when you were pulling me outside, didn't you?

oku: I wanna know why you went through all that to save me.

josu: There's no deep reason.

josu: "There's no reason he has to die."

josu: That's what I thought back there.

josu: Koichi...

josu: The trail leads upstairs.

oku: I still have more questions, Josuke!

josu: What's your problem?!

main: ,I'm begging you, just let me save Koichi!

oku: Why?!

oku: Why don't you use your Stand's powers to fix your own hand?

oku: You should just fix it up like you did with my face.

josu: My Shining Diamond can'trepair my own wounds.

josu: It just means life isn't that easy.

josu: And, more than anything,

josu: I have no way of saving people who've already d*ed.

josu: Let me just say one thing, Okuyasu.

josu: If Koichi dies, I don't know what I'm gonna do to your brother.

josu: So don't hold it against me. It was your brother who caused all this trouble.

josu: You got that? If you do, stay outside.

josu: Koichi!

josu: it... This is definitely a trap.

josu: He plans to att*ck me from somewhere as soon as I get close to Koichi.

josu: But...

josu: Even if I know it's a trap,I have no choice but to go!

josu: Koichi doesn't even have seconds left!

josu: What?!

josu: Okuyasu, !

oku: Josuke!

Glob,sfx: Gyaon

josu: Koichi just...

oku: Because I'm stupid, I just act on what's in my heart.

oku: Just once, just this once, I'll repay my debt to you.

oku: I won't do anything else.

main: ,I won't help out my Bro,or do anything to you, either.

oku: This is it.

josu: That's just great, Okuyasu.

josu: Hey, you were in great danger, Koichi.

josu: I'm glad you came to.

josu: How many fingers am I holding up?

koichi: Five...

koichi: I-I got my head trapped between the gates,

koi: and then, uh... um...

koi: Wh-Where are we?

josu: That dangerous situation we were in earlier isn't over yet, Koichi.

josu: I want to go down those stairs and go outside,

josu: but I wonder if Okuyasu's brother will let us do that safely...

josu: There's definitely something up there.

josu: Something's lurking in the shadows of the ceiling.

josu: What's that?

josu: Something really fast just went by.

koi: Josuke, what's going on?

josu: Koichi, I'm sure you have no idea what's going on right now.

josu: For now, don't ask any questions,and get closer to me.

josu: Earlier, it was creepy because I couldn't see it,

josu: but I feel a bit more at ease now that I've seen it.

josu: It just looks like a shrimp with very little power.

josu: This battle's gonna end with me sending Shining Diamond

internal/narrator: ,after that shrimp the next time it pops up.

josu: There you are!

josu: What the heck? There's a ton of them!

josu: And that uniform...

Gion,sfx: Burn

koi: Wh-What's...

josu: A bunch of guys that look like toy soldiers are falling...

josu: Are these Okuyasu's brother's Stand?

josu: Ow!

josu: You!

josu: I guess attacking two or three won't do enough damage.

josu: And the wounds are small, but their destructive power is the real thing.

josu: We're sure to get seriouslyhurt if we fight these things.

toy: Since Okuyasu decided to meddle and save that brat,

toy: my plan's been derailed.

tory: But they won't be leaving this house...

toy: Nor will they leave my Stand,Worse Company's, b*ttlefield.

signtop: Wo

signtop: Wor

signtop: Worse

signtop: Worse Co

signtop: Worse Com

signtop: Worse Compa

signtop: Worse Company

signbot: Kei

signbot: Keicho

signbot: Keicho Niji

signbot: Keicho Nijimura

josu: Worse Company?

koi: Josuke, wh-what's...

josu: Don't ask questions.

josu: I'm sure you don't get it, but just shut up and stay back!

josu: We're in real trouble right now!

toy: All units, halt!

toy: Ready, aim...

toy: Fire!

toy: Left face!

toy: Fire!

josu: As I thought, that's enough destructive power to blow off

main: ,our limbs if they hit us head-on!

josu: Lucky! There are some windows.

josu: Koichi, this is the second floor,

main: ,but we're gonna bust out those windows and dive out.

josu: I guess I was a bit naïve...

josu: Just great... They have helicopters, too?

josu: Those look like the Americanarmy's Apache helicopters.

koi: Look out! There's a t*nk!

josu: You're right. They have tanks, too.

josu: Koichi, be caref—

josu: What?

josu: Wh-What did you just say, Koichi? Can you see them?

josu: These soldiers, tanks, and helicopters...

josu: You can see them clearly?

koi: Yeah. I'm not sure what's going on, but I can see them.

josu: Could it be that since you were sh*t by that arrow, you became a Stand user?

koi: Oh? So the little shrimp

koi: has the power to use a Stand now?

josu: There you are, Okuyasu's big bro.

josu: You've got some guts,showing yourself like that!

josu: My Stand, Worse Company, has unbreakable defense.

josu: It's an army that won't let any invader leave alive.

josu: I'm sure you want to b*at me...

josu: But I can tell you right now that your Shining Diamond's att*cks

josu: will never reach me.

josu: Look! Do you see my army's beautiful formation?

toy: All units, maintain battle formation! At ease!

kei: It feels so good when they'reso beautifully together.

kei: Though I'm a bit annoyed that their formation is

main: ,a little off, since youkilled two or three of them.

josu: You sure are methodical.

main: ,You came out here just to explain that?

kei: No, the reason I came out here

kei: is to watch you, brat.

koi: M-Me?

kei: That's right.

kei: Koichi, was it?

main: ,It seems, despite my expectations,you had the aptitude to be a Stand user.

kei: Make your Stand appear right now, and show me what it can do.

kei: You might have the ability that I've been looking for.

kei: If you have that ability, I'll let you live.

koi: B-But...

josu: The ability you're looking for?

josu: What are you after?

kei: You're in no position to be asking questions, Josuke!

kei: My decision to k*ll you hasn't changed!

kei: Be thankful that you get to live a bit longer.

josu: That's just great.

kei: Hey, what're you doing?

kei: Make your Stand appear, brat!

koi: S-Stand? I have no idea what's going on...

kei: Oh? It's your first time? I see!

kei: Fine! Josuke, show him how to make a Stand appear!

main: ,Huh?

kei: Your Shining Diamond's range is less than one meter.

kei: If that shrimp's Stand's ability is able to compensate for yours,

kei: you might be able to escape my Company.

josu: True... It'd be great if it's a Stand that can kick your ass.

josu: Okay, getting your Stand to come out is easy, Koichi.

josu: You just need to feel like

main: ,you want to protect yourself, or you want to kick his ass.

koi: Huh?

josu: The rest is just instinct.

josu: A Stand that's unique to your mentality should come out.

koi: W-Wait! I can't understand all this out of nowhere!

kei: You don't understand?

main: ,Then I guess we'll just have to put you in a situation that makes you!

kei: Do it, Green Beret!

Smack,sfx: Boom

josu: What?!

kei: That's...

josu: Hey, Koichi, try moving it.

koi: M-Move what?

josu: That Stand!

koi: Stand?

koi: I-I made this appear?!

josu: What happens after this?

josu: What kind of abilities does this egg-shaped thing have?

koi: Abilities? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this is all I can do!

main: ,This is it!

koi: What? That's it?!

kei: This Stand...

kei: That's enough! That's all I need to know!

kei: All units, battle positions!

josu: Koichi, withdraw your Stand.

josu: If they att*ck that thing, you'll die, too!

koi: Withdraw? How do I make it withdraw?!

kei: Commence att*ck!

Crash,sfx: Kablow

koi: J-Josuke!

kei: Good. Now Koichi and Josuke have been separated.

kei: The cr*ck in that egg...

internal/narrator: ,The brat hasn't realized it yet,but it might be something worthwhile.

kei: The only one who's going to die right now is Josuke.

josu: Ow...

josu: Hey, Okuyasu's big bro,

josu: if you're going to use an att*ck flashy enough to destroy this house,

josu: I'm gonna do the same.

josu: Let's make this just great.

kei: Josuke Higashikata...

kei: Is it true that you hate it when anyone says anything insulting about your hair?

josu: Why don't you try insulting it?Just to test that out.

kei: No, there's no need.

kei: Because I'm going to declare that I'll

main: ,blow off the head that your hair sits on.

kei: First, my Worse Company is going to sh**t your legs.

kei: You won't be able to run away then.

kei: Next, we'll damage your arm.

kei: Then you won't be able to guard yourself.

kei: And then, I declare that I'm gonna blow your brains out, along with your hair.

josu: I see. That's a flawless plan...

josu: If you ignore the fact that it's impossible!

kei: I'm very methodical, you see.

kei: If I say I'll do something in a certain order, I will.

kei: That's what a declaration is.

koi: He's wide open...

koi: I just need to make that Stand thing appear again.

koi: It's only an egg-looking thing, but if I can make it ram into him,

koi: I might be able to b*at him!

koi: I-I'm going to do it! Be confident!

koi: I'm going to b*at him!

kei: I'm very interested in your Stand,

kei: so I won't k*ll you just yet.

josu: You!

kei: All units, charge!

josu: Just like Moses, who parted the Red Sea and walked across its floor,

josu: I'm gonna make my way throughthis army and b*at you down!

kei: You fool! My plan is going exactly as I have declared,

kei: Josuke Higashikata!

josu: A l-landmine?!

kei: First, damage to your legs!

kei: And now, Apaches, fire your missiles!

josu: My arm...

kei: First your legs, then your arm.

main: ,It feels so good when things go as I've declared.

kei: Let's see if you can stay in one piece as my Worse Company

kei: fires all its missiles, shells, and rounds into that damaged arm of yours!

kei: You've lost, Josuke Higashikata!

kei: All units!

kei: Get ready to fire at once!

kei: What do you think you're doing, Josuke Higashikata?

kei: Are you surrendering?

kei: Are you asking me to let you go?

kei: That's not happening.

kei: All units, fire!

josu: My plan is already finished.

kei: What?!

kei: My missiles that just att*cked Josuke's arm...

josu: Did you forget?

main: ,My Shining Diamond can repair what's been destroyed.

josu: If you forgot, then write it down.You know, methodically.
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