03x17 - Rohan Kishibe's Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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03x17 - Rohan Kishibe's Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »

Sign: You Are Here

Rohan: Koichi...

Rohan: Over here, Koichi.

Koi: Ah! R-Rohan Kishibe!

Rohan: Come on, now. You don't have to put up your guard like that.

Rohan: It's not like I'm going to harm you.

Rohan: Besides, when I read you with Heaven's Door,

I actually felt a lot of admiration for you.

Rohan: I have a feeling we have a lot in common.

Rohan: Don't you think so?

Koi: Uh...

Rohan: You see, there's something that I wanted to ask you.

Rohan: I lived around here from when I was a baby up until I was about four.

Rohan: I wanted to find the place where I lived then, for nostalgia's sake.

Rohan: It's also a manga artist's job to remember their childhood.

Rohan: But the memories would be from when I was three or four,

so I don't remember much.


Rohan: What I wanted to ask you about is this town map.

It's quite bizarre.

Rohan: Look.

Sign: Convenience Store Owson

Sign: Kisara Drugstore

Sign: Soba Shop Arisugawa

Sign: Tailor Tanaka

Sign: You Are Here

Rohan: Soba Shop Arisugawa, Kisara Drugstore,

and the convenience store Owson is how the shops line up from the right.

Koi: Huh?

Rohan: Now look at the actual shops.

Rohan: From the right, it's Soba Shop Arisugawa, Kisara Drugstore, and...

Rohan: Owson on the left...

Koi: Huh?

Koi: The road between Owson and the drugstore isn't on the map.

How lazy of them.

Rohan: Koichi, will you come with me for a bit?

Rohan: I'd be very grateful if you'd show me around here.

Koi: Huh? Well, I, uh...

Rohan: Even after I, Rohan Kishibe, have asked so courteously?

Rohan: I see.

So you're not even willing to walk ten or so meters.

Koi: You're so selfish. Ah...

Koi: Just five minutes, okay, Sensei?

Koi: Just five minutes!

Rohan Kishibe's Adventure

Roha: Isn't it bizarre?

Roha: This road isn't on this / scale map

of Morioh published by National Map Publishers.

Koi: Huh? Sometimes if you find errors in maps,

they'll give you a bookstore gift certificate.

Koi: Ugh...

Roha: Ah, this map is infuriating.

Roha: Look, Koichi.

Yonemori,Sign: Yonemori

Roha: These houses that say "Yonemori," "Honma," and "Onodera" aren't on it, either.

Honma,Sign: Honma

Numakura,Sign: Numakura

Onodera,Sin: Onodera

Roha: This map is filled with errors.

Two or three bookstore gift certificates won't cover this.

Koi: Rohan-sensei..

Koi: Looks like an empty house.

Rocky,Sign: Rocky

Koi: What a strange place.

Koi: It doesn't look like anyone lives in these four or five houses.

Roha: Even the electricity to the vending machine's been cut.

Koi: Huh?

Koi: That post box...

Koi: This is where we first turned.

Koi: How strange...

How did we end up back where we started again?

Roha: But we turned right, left, then right, so how...

Roha: It's possible that we're being att*cked by someone's Stand.

Koi: Huh? Stand?!

Roha: Koichi, would you have Reverb fly up to the sky?

Koi: I see!

If it looks down from above, we'll see which way to go.

Koi: Reverb Act !

Roha: What's the matter?

Koi: Th-There's something there.

Koi: Something touched it up in the sky.

Roha: I didn't see anything.

Koi: But something definitely touched it!

Reimi: Are you two lost?

Rei: Want me to show you the way?

Roha: A girl!

Koi: That girl's a Stand user!

Roha: Heaven's Door!

Roha: Don't even give her a chance to speak!

Victory to the swiftest!

Boom,Sfx: Boom

Roha: Now we're safe.

She won't be able to harm us.

Koi: That's amazing!

Koi: I-It looked like a drawing leaped out just now...

Roha: I guess that means I've matured a bit.

Roha: Though it wouldn't work on lame people like Josuke,

who don't like my manga.

Roha: We're on the same wavelength.

Roha: She's not a Stand user. She's just a normal girl.

Koi: Huh? Sh-She's not an enemy?

Roha: Right. You can't hide anything from Heaven's Door.

Roha: She's Reimi Sugimoto, age .

Her address is - , Kotodai, Morioh.

It's right over there.

Roha: She doesn't have a boyfriend. Her measurements are - - centimeters.

Roha: She has a mole on the side of her left nipple.

Roha: She had her first period the September after she turned .

Roha: The first time she kissed a boy, he forced his tongue into her mouth.

Koi: Hey! Hold on a sec, Rohan Kishibe!

Koi: If that girl's not a Stand user,

then I won't allow you to read any more about her!

Roha: All right, all right.

Roha: Don't get so angry.

"She'll forget everything that just happened." There.

Rei: Want me to show you the way?

Rei: A lot of people get lost around here,

since all the alleys looks alike.

Roha: We'll be fine if you could just tell us which way to go.

Rei: No, no. You won't understand if I just explain it to you.

Rei: I'll show you the way, so follow me.

Rei: Want one?

Rei: No?

Rei: Could you just grab the other end, then?

Sfx: Snap

Rei: Aw, you're going to get dumped by some girl.

Roha: What are you talking about?

Rei: It's Pocky fortune-telling. How the Pocky breaks tells me your fortune.

Rei: You're selfish, aren't you?

And you have a tendency to mess with people.

Rei: That's why you'll get dumped.

Roha: Did you hear that, Koichi? She's completely off!

Roha: She called me selfish!

Roha: If we're going to play that game, I know a thing or two, as well.

Roha: Light pink nail polish means you're a coward when it comes to love.

Roha: You let true love slip away at the crucial moment.

Rei: Huh?

No way...

Roha: This is a psychological test, not fortune-telling.

Roha: Other than love, there's something else scaring you right now, isn't there?

Rei: Apparently,

a m*rder took place at this house about fifteen years ago.

Koi: A m*rder?!

Roha: m*rder...

Rei: No one lives there now.

Rei: Do you want to hear about it?

Rei: I heard this from the old lady who lives next door.

Rei: The night of the m*rder,

while the girl who lived here was asleep in her bedroom,

Rei: she awoke to a "drip, drip" sound coming from her parents' room.

Rei: She wondered what the sound was, and called out to her parents,

but there was no reply.

Rei: But the girl wasn't that scared, because...

Rei: Her beloved dog was by her side.

Roha: Beloved dog?

Rei: Yes. He was a big guard dog.

Rei: Even in the dark, if she put her hand underneath her bed,

he would whimper and lick her hand.

Rei: She felt safe because Arnold was with her.

Rei: But she heard the dripping sound go on for more than ten minutes...

Rei: Finally, the girl decided to find out what the sound was.

Rei: And then...

Rei: She found her beloved dog Arnold dead,

hanging from the coat rack.

Rei: His blood was the dripping sound that she heard.

Rei: Suddenly, she heard a voice from under the bed say,

"Your hand is so soft and cute, Miss. Whimper, whimper..."

Rei: "I already k*lled your parents." And then...

Rei: The girl was k*lled, too!

Koi: I-Is that a true story?!

Rei: Did it sound like one? It was just payback for trashing my nail polish.

Koi: Whew...

Koi: Th-That stuff is bad for my heart... Ah...

Drip,Sfx: Drip

Roha: Wha—

Roha: That's...

Rei: Yes... That girl was me.

Rei: Both Arnold and I are ghosts.

Roha: G-Ghosts?

Roha: What my Stand, Heaven's Door, read

were memories from when she was alive, so I couldn't tell.

Rei: You two walked into the place where I d*ed fifteen years ago.

Rei: I guess we're on the same wavelength.

Rei: This is the border between the living world and the next.

Signtop: Re

Signtop: Rev

Signtop: Rever

Signtop: Reverb

Signbot: Ko

Signbot: Koichi

Signbot: Koichi Hiro

Signbot: Koichi Hirose

Roha: Let's get out of here, Koichi!

Roha: I-It's no use!

Roha: Use Reverb, Koichi!

Roha: Have it fly into the air and find the way!

Koi: She must have been what touched it in the sky earlier.

Roha: Just have it fly up already, Koichi!

Reverb: Wha—

Reverb: What?! There's suddenly a wall in the sky!

Roha: K-Koichi, Reverb is touching the ground.

Reverb: Huh?! Ah, what?!

Roha: Y-You're the one who went flying up into the air.

Rei: There's only one way out of this place.

Rei: And I know where it is.

Roha: H-How are we supposed to fight a ghost?

Koi: Please don't possess us!

Rei: Hey, hold on. Stop treating me like a vengeful spirit.

Rei: What did I do to you?

Rei: You're the ones getting all scared on your own!

Rei: I'm not the one who trapped you in here.

Rei: This is the border between this world and the next.

Rei: You two have strange powers.

They're called Stands?

Rei: I wonder if that's how you ended up here.

Roha: You're not our enemy?

Rei: You really don't trust people, do you?

Rei: I think I'm what they call a bound spirit?

Rei: I became a ghost that can't leave here.

Rei: For fifteen years, I tried to speak to various people who ended up here,

because I needed to tell someone.

Rei: But you're the first ones that I've been able to talk to this much.

Rei: I told you I'd tell you how to get out of here, and that's what I'm going to do.

Rei: After I finish the story, that is.

Koi: Story?

Rei: The rest of my story from earlier.

Rei: Before I could see the m*rder*r's face,

I was stabbed in the back with a Kn*fe.

Rei: It was late at night and dark,

and I was desperately running away.

Rei: The m*rder*r hasn't been caught yet.

Rei: He's somewhere in Morioh.

Rei: That's what I wanted to tell someone.

He's blended into this town.

Roha: Wait. Are you telling us because...

Rei: I'm not asking you to catch him.

Rei: But I want you to tell someone...

Rei: Someone who can catch him, like the police...

Roha: Whoa, whoa. Why should we have to do something like that?

Koi: Rohan-sensei!

Roha: It's fine. I just want to say the rational thing.

Roha: I do feel bad that you were k*lled...

Roha: But why should we have to find the m*rder*r just because of

your personal grudge and suffering?

Roha: I think, as a ghost, you'd be better off

cutting your ties to this world and passing on into the next.

Rei: Do you even know how many boys and girls have disappeared from this town?

Roha: Huh? No.

Rei: It's eight times the national average.

Rei: I'm not saying it's all of them, but at least some of them are being k*lled in secret.

Rei: By him.

Koi: W-Wait a second!

Are you saying these murders are still happening?

Roha: Hey! Don't make baseless claims like that!

Roha: You just said you didn't see the m*rder*r's face!

Roha: So how would you know that?

Rei: The souls of the m*rder*d fly above here all the time!

Rei: And they all have a wound just like this.

Koi: H-How cruel... It's so long and deep...

Rei: I can't talk to those souls going to the next world,

but I've seen them many times.

Rei: I know what he's into! I know!

Rei: These murders have been going on for

fifteen years here in Morioh, where I was born and raised.

Rei: It's frightening, and it wounds my pride.

Rei: When they catch the m*rder*r, my beloved Morioh

will be known nationwide as a town where a m*rder*r lived.

Rei: But we have to stop the m*rder*r as soon as possible!

Rei: Even now, he's targeting someone, and I can't do a thing.

Rei: Who's going to be k*lled next?

Rei: If you, the living, don't take back this town's pride and peace,

who else is going to do it?!

Rei: I don't know if you understand what I'm saying, but...

Rei: I'm done talking now.

Koi: A-All right. I'm very shocked.

Koi: But... Still, we have to do something.

Rohan: Hmph. Stop being such a goody-two-shoes, Koichi.

Roha: It's just going to be trouble.

Roha: But it might be good to go after the m*rder*r and interview him.

Roha: I might be able to draw a really interesting manga!

Roha: Is the exit this way?

Koi: If you think he's a good person deep down... well, you shouldn't.

Koi: He's pretty gray when it comes to being trustworthy.

Roha: Hey, are you listening?

Rei: All right. I'll lead you to the exit.

Koi: Huh? The exit? Where? Where is it?

Rei: If you turn left past the post box, it's right there.

Koi: Yay!

Rei: Don't rush!

There's a certain rule you have to follow to get past there.

Roha: A rule?

Rei: Once you pass the post box and turn,

you'll be able to see the exit about meters away.

Rei: No matter what happens,

until you get there, promise me that you won't turn around.

Roha: What? Why?

Rei: It's the rule for passing from this world to the next.

Rei: Even Arnold understands that.

Koi: Well, I guess we can promise to do something even a dog can handle.

Roha: What happens if we turn around?

Rei: Our souls will be pulled into the next world, which means you'll die.

Rei: Don't be frightened!

Just don't turn around. Simple, right?

Roha: R-Right when we passed the post box...

Koi: Something sh*t between our legs and went behind us!

Rei: Don't turn around!

Just keep walking slowly and calmly.

Koi: R-Rohan-sensei, something is following us.

Roha: I know.

Koi: Something's there...

Something is right behind my head!

Rei: Don't worry about it!

There's always something trying to make you turn around.

Rei: But as long as you don't turn and look at it,

it can't touch you, so just keep your wits about you.

Koi: N-Now a warm liquid is dripping down my neck...

Rei: You're almost there! That light is the exit.

JoJo-overlap,Roha: What?

Koi: Huh?

Koi: Th-The exit...

Koi: But I can't take it any longer!

Koi: Rohan-sensei, let's run!

Rei: Don't panic!

It's going to try to trip you.

Rei: You're safe now.

Rei: You got through it.

You can turn around from there.

Koi: That was so scary! I'm so relieved!

Rei: That was a lie, Koichi!

That wasn't really me just now!

Koi: Huh?

Roha: Impossible...

Rei: Not yet. Don't look back yet.

This didn't happen when I was by myself.

Rei: They didn't try to trick me!

Rei: Koichi!

Roha: Hmph. I don't really get it, but we just can't look, right?

Roha: You're lucky you're with me, Koichi.

Roha: Heaven's Door!

Roha: You won't be able to see, and you'll be blown away.

Crash,Sfx: Crash

Boom,Sfx: Boom

Roha: Calm down, Koichi.

Roha: I'll write that you can see again now.

Roha: The road between the convenience store and drugstore is gone.

Koi: W-We made it back...

Rei: We'll always be here.

Rei: Until the m*rder*r's caught.

Rei: The day that Arnold and I turn around to go

where my mom and dad are will be

when the pride and peace of this town are restored.

Rei: Until then, I can't leave here.

Rei: If you ever need to ask me anything,

Rei: come by any time.

Rei: We can see each other any time,

Rei: Rohannie and Koichi...

Rei: I thank you from the bottom of my heart

for listening to what I had to say.

Roha: That girl had some nerve, calling me "Rohannie."

Roha: She was getting too friendly.

Roha: But... Reimi Sugimoto, huh...

There's something admirable about how that ghost lives.

Roha: She's been fighting for fifteen years, alone, for the sake of the living.

Sign: Zero Clues Found in Family m*ssacre

Sign: Sugimoto Family Grave

Sign: Sugimoto Reimi

Roha: There it is! Sugimoto Reimi, age .

Roha: Not that I doubted her, but now I've got some clues.

Guy: Ah, could you be...

Guy: Rohan Kishibe, who became a manga artist?

Roha: You know me?

Guy: Rohan, you were only four,

Guy: so it's no surprise that you don't remember that incident.

Guy: Your house at the time was very near theirs.

Guy: The night of that incident, your parents had urgent business

they had to attend to and were forced to leave...

Guy: So they left you overnight at the Sugimoto household

because you were all very close.

Guy: That night, Rohan, you were staying overnight at the Sugimoto household.

Guy: And you were the only one to survive.

Roha: I was... there?

Sugimoto_Family_,Sign: Sugimoto Family Grave

Guy: When the police found you,

you kept crying and repeating the same thing over and over.

Guy: "Reimi snuck me out the window."

Guy: Reimi saved you before you could be found by the m*rder*r.

Roha: That little girl... No wonder she acted all friendly with me.

Roha: I can't read my distant memories nor my fate with my Stand, Heaven's Door.

Nar: If you happen to wander down this path,

do not turn around, no matter what.

Morioh_Landmark_,Sign: Morioh Landmark "The Path Where You Can Meet a Girl's Ghost" How to get there: Take the # bus from Morioh Station and get off at the Kotodai Shopping District. It will appear between the convenience store, Owson, and Kisara Drugstore at -chome. Warning: Most people won't be able to see it, but if you happen to wander down this path, do not turn around, no matter what.

Koi: I really met a ghost!

Koi: The girl in that picture is Reimi!

JoJo-overlap,Josu: Okay, we get it.

JoJo-overlap,Koi: So, I researched her,

I said I believe you, didn't I? Right, Okuyasu?

JoJo-overlap,: and she was also a student at Budogaoka High School.

Oku: She's cute... She's my type.

I wish I'd been born fifteen years sooner.

Josu: We should eventually go meet this ghost, too.

Josu: But, Koichi, if we tell Jotaro or Old Man Joseph about this,

they're probably going to ask one thing.

Josu: "Is the m*rder*r a Stand user?"

Josu: W-Well... I don't know...

Josu: Then we'll just have to let the police and the courts deal with it.

Koi: B-But there's a m*rder*r in Morioh!

Joosu: I know. And that's why I'm saying that Jotaro and the Speedwagon Foundation

won't just go after a normal m*rder*r.

Josu: Calm down.

He's managed to escape from the almighty police for the past fifteen years.

Josu: It's not like we'd run into him right away, like we'd hailed a taxi cab.

Josu: Let's stay calm and look into this carefully.

Josu: So what did Rohan have to say?

Koi: The same thing as you, Josuke.

Josu: Hey, look out, Koichi.

Don't cross the road when you're all spaced out.

Koi: S-Sorry...

Kira: Originally, Morioh was a resort filled with villas that belonged to samurai.

Kira: My ancestors were among them.

But we were ruined during my grandfather's time.

Kira: All that's left is the house that I live in now.

Kira: And I'm stuck working a trivial office job.

Kira: Hey, what did you do with the imported wristwatch I bought you?

Kira: Ah, it's in your bag. That's right.

Kira: It was a little too big for you.

Let's get it fixed tomorrow.

Kira: What's wrong? Why are you acting so shy?

Kira: Now... Watch your step.

Kira: Let's enjoy this weekend to the fullest.

Kira: Just the two of us.

Kira: You just dripped something...

How rude you are.

Kira: You need to clean that up yourself.

Kira: I can't remember what your name was, but that's all right.

Kira: Well done. You cleaned it all off.

Kira: Now, then...

Kira: Let's make dinner together.

Kira: What's the dish that you're best at?

Kira,Sign: Kira

Kira - Copy,Sign: Kira
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