03x20 - Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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03x20 - Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella

Post by bunniefuu »

Nar: Yukako Yamagishi has been depressed lately.

GirlWhat? There's someone you like?

GirlYeah! We both like each other!

Koi: I went to the Angelo Stone the other day and

there were a lot of tourists taking pictures.

Josu: Wow, it's that famous now, huh?

Josu: What's wrong, Koichi?

Yuka: If I can just keep Koichi in my heart, that's all I need to be happy.

Yuka: I thought that once, but it's really hard...

Yuka: I wish he'd look at me, even just a little.

Yuka: But I just don't know what I'm supposed to do...

Sign: "My makeup will help you encounter love"

Yuka: Cinderella?

Girl: How lucky can I be?

Irl: I can't believe such a wonderful guy proposed to me!

Girl: Thank you, Dr. Aya! Thank you so much!

Aya: Phew...

Aya: I guess a woman's youth is better spent

happy and ugly than dark and beautiful...

Aya: Come in.

Aya: "My makeup will help you encounter love."

What's written on that sign is true.

Aya: If you're interested...

Aya: Welcome to Salon Cinderella.

Sign: Episode Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella

Aya: Please, come in.

Aya: My name is Aya Tsuji.

Aya: Phew... I'm the owner of this place and an aesthetician.

Aya: I talk like I have low blood pressure, but don't let it bother you.

Aya: Phew...

Aya: But I'm very motivated by my work.

Aya: Phew...

Aya: You...

are quite beautiful.

Aya: Phew...

Aya: I had no idea there was someone so beautiful in Morioh...

Aya: Now, please have a seat right over there.

Aya: Write your name and address on that form.

Yuka: I haven't decided that I'll do this yet.

Aya: Here's the price listing.

Sign: Makeup Menu Makeup to Encounter Love... yen Makeup to Capture Love... yen Makeup to Get Proposed to... yen Makeup to Make Men Submit... yen Makeup to Marry into Wealth... yen Makeup to Marry a Celebrity... yen Facial Menu

Yuka: "Makeup to marry a celebrity"?

Aya: This salon is a bit different from ordinary salons.

Aya: I'm an aesthetician who creates faces of happiness.

Aya: Physiognomy—that is, the shape of one's face—

Sign: High Brows

Sign: Double Eyelid

,Sign: Big, Wide Eyes

can change someone's fortune.

Aya: If you have a face that will be loved,

it'll heighten your luck with encountering love.

Aya: Hmm... Too bad.

The shapes of your eyes and eyebrows aren't good.


Yuka: I'm going to be blunt.

This is so stupid that I'm beyond disappointed.

Yuka: You're trying to charge money for this?

Aya: With that face, the more you love a boy, the more he's going to run away.

Aya: Am I wrong?

Have you not experienced that?

Yuka: You're wrong.

I've never had that happen in my life.

Aya: Oh, no? Very well, then.

Aya: In your case...

Aya: Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm not very accustomed to working with CG.

Aya: This is the face that will encounter love.

Yua: Wait... This is cosmetic surgery.

Yuka: You do surgeries?

Aa: This is a face we'll create using only makeup and beauty massage.

Aya: But it only lasts thirty minutes.

If you don't encounter love,

I will return the thousand-yen fee to you.

Aya: Would you like to try it?

Yuka: All right. If it's just makeup...

Yuka: I have nothing to lose, so I guess I can give it a try.

Aya: Thank you. Let's get started, then.

Aya: Close your eyes.

Aya: Make sure you don't open your eyes.

Aya: Don't move.

Aya: My hands may slip if you do.

Yuka: Koichi...

Yuka: This is the makeup that'll help me encounter love?

Yuka: Will my luck really change just by altering

the lines of my eyes and eyebrows?

Yuka: Koichi?

Koi: I-I've been looking for you, Yukako.

Yuka: Huh? Me?

Koi: Yeah... You passed by Rengatei earlier, didn't you?

Koi: You looked really sad back there,

Koi: a-and I sort of got worried...

Yuka: Worried?

Yuk: You were worried about me, Koichi?

Koi: Y-Yeah... A lot happened between us, but it doesn't bug me anymore,

so I don't want you to feel down about it.

Yuka: R-Really?

Koi: Yeah...

Yuka: I can't believe it...

Yuka: Is this really because of the makeup?

Yuka: K-Koichi...

Yuka: Rather than standing around,

why don't we find a place to sit and chat?

Koi: Huh?

Yuka: U-Um... Only if you want to...

Koi: Well...

Koi: I guess I am a little thirsty...

Yuka: Huh? Huh?!

Yuka: I really am lucky.

Things are really changing!

Yuka: I get to be near the cute, yet strong, Koichi...

Koi: I suddenly want to eat a chocolate parfait.

Koi: Does that make me seem girly?

Yuka: Huh? No! Not at all!

Yuka: That's what I wanted, too!

Yuka: This is like a dream...

Yuka: Physiognomy really does exist!

Yuka: I'm really on a roll right now.

Yuka: My luck is really on a roll right now!

Yuka: I... I can't believe it...

Yuka: I can feel Koichi-kun's warmth and beating heart.

Yuka: I'm so happy...

This is the happiest I've ever been.

Guy: Oh, It's PM! I can't believe it's this late!

Koi: H-Huh?!

M-My stomach hurts!

Koi: Ow...

Koi: Y-Yukako, I'm sorry!

Koi: I'm gonna head home.

Yuka: K-Koichi!

Yuka: Why...

Yuka: Why is it only thirty minutes?!

Guy: Hey, lady! Can't you see the light's red?

Yuka: Shut up!

Yuka: It's the light's fault for turning red!

Yuka: Why is it only for thirty minutes?!

Yuka: Make it longer!

Aya: You encountered love, didn't you?

Aya: You should be satisfied with that, and come back tomorrow.

Aya: All of my other customers have done that.

Yuka: No! I can't stand luck that only allows me to be with

Koichi for thirty minutes, and then rips us apart!

Aya: Phew...

Yuka: Next, do the one that captures love!

You can do that, right?

Aya: You really don't listen to others, do you?

Yuka: I said, "do it!"

Aya: Phew... Yukako.

Aya: Cinderella was able to encounter a wonderful love,

even though she was bullied, because she had a pure heart.

Aya: Which means you need to have the willingness for such a wonderful encounter to occur.

Aya: Are you able to do that?

Yuka: Willingness? What are you talking about?

Aya: Just changing your physiognomy isn't enough to change your luck.

Aya: Phew...

Aya: I became an aesthetician because I admired the fairy godmother in Cinderella.

Aya: I want to live giving happiness to others, just like her.

Aya: You're very beautiful, and I like you.

Aya: So I'll do this specially for you.


Aya: We're going to have to work on various parts.

Aya: Phew...

Aya: It's your whole body... The whole body

Aya: must be transformed into a body to capture love.

Aya: And the willingness you need to do that is this.

Aya: You need to apply this lipstick every thirty minutes,

except when you're asleep.

Aya: It's to maintain your body after I've worked on it.

Aya: If you can do this, you'll have the luck to capture love for eternity.

Aya: The price is , yen for hours.

Yuka: Fine. Do it.

Aya: Good... Now, don't move.

Aya: Make sure you don't open your eyes.

Yuka: I knew you weren't a normal aesthetician.

Aya: Th-This power...

You can see my Cinderella?

Yuka: I see... so they were Stand powers.

Yuka: But the more I think about it, I don't care.

Yuka: If you wanted to harm me, you would have already tried.

Yuka: I trust you. You're my fairy godmother.

Aya: You startled me...

Yuka: Just start already.

Aya: What a wonderful girl...

Aya: All right. I'll work my magic.

Aya: Cinderella is a Stand that transforms the body's image.

Aya: This perfectly completes the work on your body to capture love.

Aya: Yukako, your body has become invincible when it comes to love.

Koi: The pain in my stomach suddenly went away...

Koi: Oh, this is Yukako's bag! Whoops!

Koi: I have to go back and return it to her!

Yuka: Koichi.

Koi: Y-Yukako...

Koi: O-Oh, yeah. Here! This is your bag.

Yuka: Huh?

Koi: And this is mine.

Koi: I accidentally took it. Sorry about that!

Koi: W-Well, I'll see you later.

Yuka: W-Wait, Koichi!

Yuka: Look at me.

Yuka: Don't you feel something when you look at me?

Koi: W-Well... Well...

Koi: Well...

Roha: Hey! If it isn't Koichi!

Koi: Rohan-sensei!

Roha: I'm heading to the Kame Yu department store for research.

Roha: Come with me.

Koi: I was planning on heading home...

Rohha: It's embarrassing taking pictures in a department store by myself, you know.

Roha: So please?

JoJo-overlap,Yuka: What is this?

Koi: You're so needy... Ah.

Yuka: Wasn't I supposed to become the invincible heroine?!

Yuka: What happened to the effectiveness

Yuka: of your Cinderella's powers?!

Mom: Oh, Ko.

Aya: No, Koichi's heart definitely belongs to you now.

Kkoi: Oh, Mom. Sis.

Aya: But his reasoning is denying you.

: Did something happen between you and Koichi in the past?

Aya: That must be it.

Mom: Oh, this gentleman is a manga artist?

: He's lovely. May we join you?

Aya: But don't worry.

Aya: Luck will eventually take your side.

Aya: Cinderella is absolute.

Aya: By the way, it's . It's almost been thirty minutes.

Aya: Make sure you don't forget to apply the lipstick.

Yuka: Yes, I'm doing it now.

Yuka: Luck will take my side, huh?

Josu: What? You're going to Kame Yu? So are we.

Yuka: Huh?!

Yuka: What's with these people?!

Yuka: There are even more of them!

Yuka: And now the person I want here the least, his mother, is here!

Yuka: Luck is on my side, my ass!

Yuka: I'll k*ll that salon !

Roha: I guess I'll start taking pictures here.

Jose: H-Hey, are you using the flash?

Jose: This isn't good, Josuke.

She's been startled, and the stress is making her disappear!

Josu: H-Hey, Old Man! Head outside!

Jos: P-Pardon me!

Josu: Move out of the way, please!

Roha: Huh?

Mom: What's going on?

Koi: Ah!

Jose: Whoa! Sorry, Koichi!

Koi: Y-Yukako..

Yuka: K-Koichi...

Yuka: This... is luck.

Yuka: This is it!

Yuka: Our hearts are understanding each other.

Yuka: Koichi's heart is flowing into mine...

Yuka: This is my all...

Yuka: And my life is going to change starting now...

Signtop: Ci

Signtop: Cin

Signtop: Cinde

Signtop: Cindere

Signtop: Cinderella

Signbot: Aya

Signbot: Aya Tsuji

Koi: Josuke, Okuyasu...

Koi: I... ended up kissing Yukako. Yeah.

Flail,Sfx: Flail

Flail ,Sfx: Flail

Josu: What did she do to you?!

That must have tried to pull something again!

Koi: Calm down! It's not like that...

Koi: I just...

Koi: It seems I've fallen in love with Yukako.

Josu: Huh?

Koi: I'm starting to think that her personality isn't so bad...

Koi: It makes me feel warm inside.

Koi: Is this love?

Koi: I'm not really sure...

JoJo-overlap,Josu: Hey, Okuyasu, did you hear him?

Josu: Even a Stand would be blown to the moon if it heard that.

Josu: He and Yukako...

Gush,Sfx: Gush

Josu: Hey, hey, hey! You don't have to cry about it!

Josu: But, Koichi...

I don't know what led to this sudden ,

Josu: but if you and Yukako both have feelings for each other,

Josu: then there shouldn't be a problem.

Koi: That's not it, though...

Koi: Yukako has refused to see me ever since.

Koi: That's the mystery.

Koi: She hasn't come to school for two days.

Koi: She won't answer the phone...

She hasn't contacted me at all. Nothing. That's it.

Koi: Y-You mean ever since you guys kissed...

Josu: You haven't heard anything?

Koi: Not at all.

Oku: Hmm... That is very bizarre.

Oku: If anything, I admired Yukako for her dedication to love.

Josu: But honestly, I don't think you're going to

get an answer unless you ask Yukako in person.

Josu: We really shouldn't get involved...

Koi: Y-Yeah...

Oku: But if you're in danger, let us know!

We'll be right there!

Koi: Thanks. I'm gonna go now.

Josu: Yeah.

Oku: But...

Oku: Koichi! I can't believe he kissed a girl!

JoJo-overlap,Josu: Seriously, it's no reason to cry.

Koi: Th-That hair!

Koi: Yukako!

Koi: W-Wait, Yukako!

Koi: U-Um...

Yuka: You've got the wrong person.

Koi: U-Um... You looked just like her from behind, so...

Yuka: Actually, no, wait!

Yuka: K-Koichi...

Yuka: How dare you do this to me, you stupid foolishass?!

Yuka: My face just keeps falling apart!

Yuka: Even if I put on makeup, it just falls off!

Yuka: You assh*le woman!

Turn my face back to normal!

Aya: It appears

Aya: that you broke your promise.

Aya: That's too bad.

I persistently told you to reapply the Cinderella lipstick every thirty minutes...

Yua: I just forgot, that's all!

Yuka: Wh-What is this? My hands...

Yuka: They're turning into mush!

Aa: Your palm lines and fingerprints are disappearing.

Aya: You shouldn't have broken the promise.

aya: That lipstick was to guarantee your luck.

Aya: You need a lot of energy to change someone's luck.

Aya: And now that has gone away.

Aya: It's your own fault for underestimating your luck.

Yuka: D-Do you want to die?!

Aya: Die?

I'm not running a salon for the sake of ambition and money alone.

Aya: I wanted to be like the fairy godmother

in Cinderella who brings people happiness.

Aya: It is truly a shame.

Aya: I shouldn't have tried to make your wish come true.

Aya: Your face and your palm lines are now gone.

Aya: They've been eliminated from this world.

Yuka: What... did you say?

Aya: They've disappeared.

There's no use for someone who's missing parts.

Yuka: My face... is gone?

Yuka: What kind of life does someone with missing parts live?

Koi: Yukako!

Yuka: K-Koichi!

Why is he...

No, I can't... He'll find me out.

Yuka: N-No, you've got the wrong person.

Yuka: Dr. Aya, men aren't allowed in here, are they?

Hurry and throw him out, please.

Koi: It's that personality...

That insanely tough personality.

Koi: No doubt about it. You're Yukako.

Koi: I sort of fell for that personality...

Koi: And that lady is a Stand user, right?

Koi: And she did something to you...

Yuka: It's all over.

Yuka: I can't go on living.

Yuka: I'll k*ll you, Aya Tsuji!

Yuka: I'll k*ll you!

Aya: Calm down.

Koi: That's... P-Part of her face went flying!

Aya: There we go.

Aya: Phew...

Aya: So this is Koichi... Phew...

Aya: He was able to figure out that you were

Yukako Yamagishi, even though your face is different.

Aya: Even though you've denied yourself,

some people can see others' personalities.

Cind: All right, Yukako.

On his behalf, I'll give you one last chance as a fairy godmother.

Aya: Your last chance is to choose one of these.

Aya: Your real face is now gone,

but my Cinderella has memorized every face we have ever worked on.

Aya: Choose your own face out of these.

Aya: If you can pick your own face,

it's possible to return your face to normal.

Aya: Your palm lines and fingerprints will return naturally, too.

Aya: Just like Cinderella's glass slippers, pick the one that's the perfect fit for you.

Yuka: You should've let me do that to begin with, you foolishass!

Yuka: I can figure that out easily!

Yuka: I look at my face in the mirror every day!

Ayya: But if you choose someone else's face,

Aya: that face will never suit you.

Aya: In fact, speaking in terms of my own beauty standards,

Aya: I will warn you that your face will become hideous.

Aya: And your luck will be forever based on that face.

Koi: Y-Yukako...

Koi: Choose carefully.

Remember, your face in the mirror is reversed.

Yuka: R-Right...

Aya: The correct answer is that they're all wrong.

Aya: None of the faces there are yours.

Aya: If you can figure that out, I'll fix your face.

Aya: That is my rule as Fairy Godmother.

Yuka: Once I start second-guessing, others look like they might be mine, too...

Yuka: But...

Yuka: This is it! There's no doubt about it!

Yuka: I know, because it's my own face!

Aya: Are you sure?

You'll find out once you try to put it on.

Yuka: N-No... This isn't it.

My eyes look a bit more slanted.

Yuka: Wh-Which is it?

Yuka: I-I really can't tell after all...

Aya: What's the matter? Hurry up and choose.

Yuka: No, I'm not going to choose.

Aya: What?

Aya: What are you saying?

aya: You want to live your life without a face?

Koi: I'm going to have Koichi choose for me.

Yuka: Because... No matter what face it is or what luck it carries,

so long as it was chosen by Koichi, that's all I'll need.

Yuka: I can live with that.

I won't have any regrets.

Koi: B-But that's not...

Yuka: I don't care.

Yuka: Please choose, Koichi.

Koi: O-Okay...

Koi: This is it.

Koi: I don't know why, but I have a feeling it's this one.

Koi: But if it's not the right face...

Koi: That's Reverb, my Stand.

Koi: U-Um, use your Stand to hurt Reverb's eyes, and make me blind.

Koi: You said you wouldn't have any regrets,

Koi: but knowing your personality,

I'm sure you won't want me to look at your face if it's not your own.

Koi: Because I've fallen in love with you,

I would really hate for that to happen.

Koi: So I think the best solution is for me to not be able to see.

Yuka: Koichi...

Koi: All right, Yukako...

Yuka: Yes.

Yuka: L-Look, Koichi!

Koi: It fits perfectly!

Yuka: Koichi!

Koi: We did it, Yukako!

Yuka: It's because you chose my face for me, Koichi!

JoJo-overlap,Aya: Who would have thought he'd say

he'd go blind so he couldn't see her face?

Aya: I bent my rules as Fairy Godmother a bit, but I fixed your face for you.

Aya: If I took the eyesight of a boy who has nothing to do with this,

my reputation as Fairy Godmother would be tarnished.

Aya: Yukako, it seems that you do, at least, know a good man when you see one.

Nar: Salon Cinderella is currently open.

Nar: Her makeup will help you encounter love.
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