01x05 - The Armoured Wizard

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x05 - The Armoured Wizard

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some
who make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain wizard guild
in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Oh yeah can you hear my voice?

Oh yeah even if I go hoarse I'll keep shouting

Oh yeah until your heart can hear it

Oh yeah Oh yeah

The moon and the sun high-five

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?

It's strange, without you

I can't even find something to want

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile

because we have time to
snuggle up and be together

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Welcome to Fairy Tail!


You wanna fight?!

These are Fairy Tail wizards?!

Erza's coming.

--Who's that?

The strongest wizard in Fairy Tail!

She's kind of like this.

--I got caught.
--Give Happy back!

--What? This makes no sense!

Mira! Three beers over here, please!

Coming right up!

Go on a date with me, Mira!

Not this again!

Oh? But...

...don't you already have a wife?

Don't do that, Mira!

All I ask is to drink in peace and quiet.

You drink too much.

We should really get to work...

Aye. We're running out of food money.

I knew we should've taken
that two million Jewel reward...

Come to think of it,
this month's rent is coming up!

I need to work, too!

"The Wizard in Armor"
The Wizard in Armor.

Finding a magic bracelet...
Breaking the spell on a cursed cane...

Reading someone's love horoscope...
Hunting a volcano demon?!

Wizard jobs sure come in lots of forms...

Just let me know if you find
one you're interested in.

The master's at a conference right now, you see.

A conference?

All the guild masters in the region
get together every so often

and report about things.

It's not the same as the council, but...

Reedus. Could I borrow a light pen?


A light pen is a magical item
that can write in the air.

The council is at the very top
of the magical world.

It consists of ten members and has
connections with the government.

Its purpose is to uphold all
the rules in the magical world.

Wizards who commit crimes
can also be tried here.

Just below that are
the different guild master leagues.

They pass on the decisions the council makes

and help all the different guilds communicate.

Basically, they hold us all together.
It's a really tough job.

I had no idea that guilds were
interconnected like that...

Yes, it's important that guilds cooperate.

If a guild doesn't focus on cooperation...

...the guys in black will come!

--You're such a scaredy-cat!
--Don't scare me like that!

There really are guys in black, though.

The dark guilds...

They're guilds that don't belong to any league.

They're malicious people
and are often involved in crimes.


Just choose a job, will you?

And what gives you the right to say that to me?

Well, we are a team and all.

We picked the job last time.
This time it's your turn.

Yeah, right! You know our "team" is disbanded.

You didn't care about me!
You just needed someone with blonde hair!

That's not the only reason we chose you, Lucy.

It was because you're nice!

Don't worry about picking a team;

I'm sure you'll get a ton of offers soon enough.

Gray. Clothes.

You're annoying.

Did you just call me annoying, fire freak?!

You're super annoying, you pervert!

--Feather face!
--Silky hair!

You're stifling!

--You stink!
--Here they go again...

Lucy. Won't you form a team of love with me?

--Tonight, just the two of us.

You really are beautiful.

Even with my sunglasses on,
your beauty is dazzling.

I'm sure I would go blind
if I saw you with my naked eyes.

Go blind. Fine by me.

--Y-You're a celestial wizard?!

Yeah. She has a cow and crab and stuff.

What a cruel twist of fate!

I'm sorry! We can never be together!

What's his deal?

Loke's bad at dealing with celestial wizards.

Rumor has it he had trouble
with a girl a long time ago.

I'm not surprised, he's--

Oh, my.

Knock it off, you guys...

He picked a fight with me.
I can't turn down his offer!

I told you. Your clothes.

You're the one who started it, droopy eyes!

When exactly did I start it, slanty eyes?!

--Talking underwear!

--Talk about petty...
--They're always like this.

This is bad!

It's Erza... She's back!

Erza? You mean the person
Natsu mentioned earlier?

You could say she's the strongest
female wizard in Fairy Tail now.

--It's Erza.
--Those are Erza's footsteps...

Erza's come back...

Given this reaction,
Erza must be one powerful wizard...!



I've returned. Is the master here?

--S-So pretty...!
--Welcome back!

--The master's at a conference.
--I see.

What is that humongous thing, Erza?

The horn of a monster I subdued.

The locals decorated it and
gave it to me as a souvenir.

--Is it a problem?
--No, not in the least!

I bet she's heard about
what happened at Mt. Hakobe.

O-Oh, crap... I'm a goner...

She's not what I imagined at all...

Listen up!


On the road, I heard that Fairy Tail
has been causing yet more trouble.

The master may not care, but I do!

Cana! How dare you drink dressed like that!

Cana! How dare you drink dressed like that!


Dance outside!

Wakaba. I see cigarette butts on the floor.

Wakaba. I see cigarette butts on the floor.

Nab. I see you're dawdling
in front of the request board as usual.

Do some work!


Say something!

Honestly, you cause so much trouble.

But I'll be kind and say nothing for today.

She's already said a lot, though...

--What is she, a disciplinarian?
--That's Erza for you.

Still, even if she is kind of a loudmouth,

she looks like an actually-mature person.

Surely there's no reason to be so afraid of her...?

--Are Natsu and Gray here?

H-Hi, Erza. We're good buddies as usual...!


Natsu's turned into Happy!

I see. It's natural for good friends
to fight sometimes, too.

That said, I like seeing you get along like that.

No, we're not exactly "good friends"...


I've never seen Natsu like this before!

A long time ago, Natsu challenged Erza
to a fight and got really b*at up.

Natsu did?!

She found Gray walking
around naked and b*at him up.

She b*at Loke up too for trying to hit on her.

--You reap what you sow.
--I would've expected as much from him...

Natsu. Gray. I have a favor to ask.


I heard about something bad while on my last job.

Normally, I would consult the master
about something like this first,

but I believe this is
a matter of the utmost urgency.

I want your help. Will you come with me?

--What in the world?
--Erza's asking for help?

This is a first!

We leave tomorrow. Make sure you're ready.

--Me and him...
--...on a team?!

Erza, Natsu, and Gray...
I never even imagined it before...

But this could very well be
the most powerful team in Fairy Tail...

"And then..."

"And then..."
And then...

Magnolia Station.

Why do I have to team up with you?!

That's my line! If Erza needs help,
I'm more than enough by myself!

Then go by yourself! I don't wanna go!

Don't come, then!
Let Erza b*at you senseless later!

I don't know them. I don't know them.

Why are you here, Lucy?

It's because of Mira...

Those two will fight when Erza's not looking,

so be there to stop them, okay?


--You aren't stopping them, though.
--I know, but...

I'm sorry. Did I keep you waiting?

Oh! Erza--!

So much stuff!

"So much stuff"

"So much stuff"
So much luggage!

Let's be good buddies today, as usual!

Aye, Sir!

Not again! It's Happy #2!

Yes. It's important to be on good terms.

So, who are you?
Didn't I see you at Fairy Tail yesterday?

I-I'm Lucy! I just joined!

Mira asked me to come with you too.
It's nice to meet you!

I'm Erza. It's a pleasure.

Ah, so you're Lucy?


The one who defeated a mercenary
gorilla with just your little finger?

It'll be wonderful to have you
on board. Thanks for your help.


"That's not quite what happened, but..."
M-My pleasure...

Erza. I'll come along, but on one condition.

--What is it? Tell me.

Fight me once we get back!

Hey! Don't get hasty! Do you want to die?!

Things are different from last time.

I can b*at you now!

It's true that you've improved.

I feel somewhat at a disadvantage, but all right.

I accept.

All right! Now I'm fired up!


Geez, you're pathetic.
This, immediately after picking a fight?

It's gotta be tough doing this every time...

Oh, all right. Come sit next to me.


Is she telling me to move?

--Just relax.

"Pretending not to watch"

"Pretending not to watch"
There. That should be better.

Th-This woman might be a little weird after all...

Erza. Isn't it about time you fill us in?

What exactly are we doing?

Right. We're going up against
the Eisenwald dark guild.

They plan to use a magic called
Lullaby for something big.

--That thing from before?!

The dark guild, Eisenwald.

--I hear Kageyama sent us word.
--Says he finally got the item.

At last, our big chance has come.

This is our only chance to achieve our goal;

the guild master geezers are
in the middle of their conference.

I see. So you've encountered Eisenwald as well.

Probably. They did mention
something about Lullaby.

It sounds like they were guild dropouts.

The plan must've been too much
for them, so they ran off.

And that plan has something to do with Lullaby?

It's only a guess,
but the shadow that dragged them off

was probably Eisenwald's main squad.

They must not have wanted the plan to get out.

What kind of plan are we talking about?

Allow me to explain everything in order.

It happened the other day,
on my way home after that job.

I stopped by a pub
in Onibas where wizards gather.

C'mon! Where's our booze?!

--Hey, just calm down.
--How am I supposed to be calm?!

We managed to find where Lullaby is hidden,

but we can't do a thing about that stupid seal!

--Not so loud.
--Don't sweat it.

I'll take care of it now.
You guys head back to the guild.

--Will you be okay by yourself?

Tell Erigor that I will be back
within three days with Lullaby.

Lullaby... Like a nursery rhyme, right?

Yes. The fact it's sealed away
likely means it's very powerful magic.

And they were members of Eisenwald too?


Like a fool, though, I didn't recognize
the name "Erigor" at the time.

He's the ace of the Eisenwald dark guild.

He only accepts assassination-related jobs,

for which he earned
the nickname "Erigor the Reaper".


The council outlawed assassination requests,

but Eisenwald decided
that money is more important.

As a result, it was kicked out of
the wizard guild league six years ago.

However, they disobeyed orders
and remain active to this day.

"Stunned silence"
I think maybe I'll go home...

--You're making lots of juice.
--It's sweat.

I was careless!

If only I had recognized Erigor's name then,

I could've pulverized them
and had them confess their scheme!


I see. So Eisenwald is planning
to do something with this Lullaby,

and you want to stop them because
it's obviously something bad?


I don't believe I can take
on an entire guild by myself.

That's why I asked for your help.

We're going to storm the Eisenwald guild!

--Sounds interesting.

I shouldn't have come...

--Lucy! Your juice!
--It's sweat!

Come on...

Just a little discount? Pretty please?

If it's not rude to ask,
what kind of magic do you use, Erza?

It's not rude.

Erza's magic is pretty!
It makes her enemies bleed a lot!

You call that pretty?

Personally, I think Gray's magic is prettier.


--Ice magic.

Oh! Is that why you two never get along?

Because Natsu uses fire and you use ice?

--Oh, I never thought of that.
--Does it matter?

Onibas Station.

Are the Eisenwald guys still in this town?

I don't know.
That's what we're about to find out.

That's going to be a wild goose chase...

Huh? Where's Natsu?

There it goes.

I was so absorbed in
our conversation that I forgot.

I can't believe myself!
He's terrible at riding vehicles, too!

This is my fault. Could you please hit me?!

Now, now...


What's this? Fairy Tail?
You're a wizard in a legitimate guild?

--I'm jealous!

Don't act big just 'cause you're
in an official guild, Mr. Fairy.

Do you know what we call you guys?

We call you flies!


Huh? You call that magic?

Real magic...

...is used like this.

That magic...!

Please don't do that!

Don't pull the emergency lever without permission!

It's for our comrade. Please understand.

You're absurd!

Please take our luggage to the hotel.

Why me?!

I guess everyone in
Fairy Tail is like this after all...

--Not me.
--Where are your clothes?!

I-It stopped.

Huh? What's that?

You've seen it!

Shut up! Now it's payback time!

Guard Shadow!

Damn you...!

Fly Punch!

Our emergency stop was due to a false alarm.

We will depart again shortly.

--Crap! I'm outta here!
--Wait, you!

You'll pay for messing with the Eisenwald guild!

You're with Eisenwald, huh?!
I'll teach you to mock Fairy Tail!

Let's take this outside!

A Magic-mobile. It's fast,
but runs on its driver's magic energy.



--Natsu! You all right?!

--That hurt, you idiot!
--Shut up!

How dare you leave me behind!

My apologies. But you don't
appear to be hurt. I'm glad.

That's hard!

Urgh! I'm not all right!
Some weirdo att*cked me on the train!


The one who dragged away
the guys who tried to eat Happy.

Said he was with Eisenwald...

You fool!

We're trying to go after Eisenwald!
Why did you let him go?!

This is the first I've heard of this...

I explained it earlier! Listen when people talk!

I think it was because you knocked him out...

--She's unbelievable in various ways...

That's Erza for you!

He was on that train,
you say? We're going after it!

--What was he like?
--He wasn't very distinctive, actually.

Oh, yeah. He did have some kind of skull flute.

The skull had three eyes.

--A three-eyed skull?
--That's creepy.

--What's the matter, Lucy?
--I know about that flute...

Lullaby... A cursed song...!

It's death magic!

--A cursed song? Like an incantation?

I've only read about them in books,

but there are some deadly,
forbidden spells out there, right?

Yes. Cursed black magic
that kills whomever it's used on.

Well, Lullaby is even worse than that!

This train belongs to Eisenwald now.

Kunugi Station.

Dump everything.
Including the luggage and the conductor.

Defy us and you die.


I heard you were returning aboard this train.

This wreckage, though... Did something happen?

I can explain later. First, have a look at this.

I managed to break the seal.


--So this is it?

This is the forbidden Lullaby?

This flute was originally nothing
but a simple death-cursing tool.

But the great black wizard Zeref
developed it further into a demon flute.

Its terrifying mass-death cursing
kills all who hear the sound of the flute.


Slow down, Erza!

Powering this thing takes
a lot of magic energy! Even for you, Erza!

This is no time for complacency!

There's no telling what Erigor might do

if he gets his hands on this death curse magic!

Curse them...

What is their aim?!

Let's begin! Let the operation commence!

"To be continued..."

"To be continued..."
Ready, go!

Take me away somewhere!

Just the two of us, riding a tin horse

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

My beloved dolls can't talk back

so it can get painfully lonely

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

I'm a crybaby and get tears in my eyes

every time I think of you...

On nights when the moon is out

I'm always

looking for the rabbit in the moon

I'm so at a loss for words

that it's like a spell's been cast on me

I can't wake from this dream

This love is a soliloquy

I'm so at a loss for words

because I really, really love you

What magic words can I chant

to let you know that?

I'm at a complete loss for words

I'm at a loss for words because of everything

because I love you like crazy

Someday I want to make you say

"I'm at a loss for words!"

back to me

"My place!!"
I'm at an utter loss for words!

"Fairy Tail"

Mira. Is Erza scary?!

No, not at all!

Really?! What a relief!

She might knock you a dozen meters into the air

or bury you up to your neck
if you make her mad, though.

Uhh, I would call that pretty scary...

"Next Episode: Fairies in the Wind"
Next episode: Fairies in the Wind.

Don't worry! You'll get used to her eventually!

She used to get mad at
Natsu and Gray all the time.

She's definitely going to get mad at me, too!
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