01x12 - Moon Drip

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x12 - Moon Drip

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Let's go on an S-Class quest, Lucy!

And that's how Lucy dragged us to Galuna Island,

known as the isle of demons!

You invited me!

Then we found a dog, eyebrows,
sideburns, and a giant frozen monster!

That makes no sense...

Yes, we can do it! Let's go,
with a lot more unanswered questions!!

The door to the magical
is right before your eyes

This entire world is a wonderland

And we're already wondering!!!

When that sense of nervousness
turns into excitement...

...isn't it wonderful?!

Who am I? What is reality?

Why can't I see into tomorrow?

The more curious you are, the more you level up

The everyday lives we share aren't so bad, right?

Tell me! Sense of Wonder

Life is training!

So we can make it! Let's go,
to find even more unanswered questions

I can't bear having so many answers

A spell's been cast on this wonder life

Our future is wondering!!!

It's easier to do your best when you live

doing the things you want to do!

Let's Wondering!!!


This is the demon your master sealed away?

Yes. No question about it.

You're saying this was brought here
from the northern continent?

Could this demon be
the cause of this island's curse?!

It's definitely possible.

This demon is still alive and all...

All right!

In that case, I'll give it a b*at-down of my own!

Why is brute force the only
solution you can ever think of?

Just watch!

Gray hit him!

Though that's nothing out of the ordinary!

Hey, you...! What the hell was that?!

Stay away from this ice, fire wizard!

If the ice melts and Deliora wakes up,
no one will be able to stop him!

What?! You really think it'd be that easy to melt?!


Are you okay?

Hey! That punch was for nothing, then!
Man, you're violent!

You're one to talk?

My master Ur cast a spell
called Iced Shell on this demon.

It's an unmeltable ice.

Not even the most powerful
expl*sive flame spells can melt it.

So why would they carry
this off if they knew that?

Maybe they don't know.
Maybe they're trying to melt it somehow.

For what, though?!

I-I don't know...

This is all too much.
Who would bring Deliora here, and why?

That's simple. We go after those guys.


We'll wait here.

--For what?
--For the moon to come out.

The moon?! But it's still the middle of the day!

No way! We'll die of boredom!

What is this about, Gray?

I get the strong feeling that
the island's curse and Deliora

have something to do with the moon.

They said something about
"moonlight being fully gathered soon", too.

Oh, right.

I am curious to know what's
happening and what they're up to...

I can't sit here! I'm going after them!


--That was fast.

"Moon Drip"
Moon Drip.

"Grrr" "Growl"

"Grrr" "Growl"
He acts purely on instinct, doesn't he?

Aye. That's how Natsu is.

In a way, I'm jealous...


Can you keep up, Gray?

My training is tough, you know.

Yeah! I'll do whatever I have to!

I know I agreed to wait, but this is so boring...


I know!

Open! Gate of the Harp Constellation!


Long time, no see, Lucy!

--Hi, Lyra!
--Sheesh! You hardly ever call me!

I want to help lots more! You're such a meanie!

Meanie? I'm only allowed to
call you like three days a month.

Huh? Really?!

Another weirdo...

So, what should I sing for you today?!

Anything. I'll let you decide!

I want a fish song!

Okay! Then I'll just sing whatever! Yay!

Lyra's a really great singer!

So is Mira. She even sings fish songs for me.

♪ Some words are born... ♪

♪ Some words fade away... ♪

♪ Some words live on inside you... ♪

♪ When it seems you're about to come to a stop... ♪

♪ ...they transform into courage... ♪

♪ Now, walk forth... ♪

♪ Because you have grown stronger since then... ♪

♪ Don't feel lost anymore... ♪

♪ Have faith in those words from then... ♪

Wha...? Gray?

Yeah? What?

You were crying...

Lyra is good at singing about
what people are feeling, but...

--You were crying.
--I was not!

Sing something happier, Lyra!

Huh?! You should've said so!

Now that I think about it, be quiet!
What if someone shows up?!

--What's that sound?
--Is it night?!

--There's light...
--...coming from the ceiling!

Purple light... Is it the moonlight?!

What is this?! What's going on?!

--It's shining on Deliora!
--This is no coincidence!

Let's go! Find the source of the light!


There was a magic circle
in the middle of these ruins?!

Higher up!

--What is that?!

The moon...

These guys really are collecting the moon's light?

And they're shining it on Deliora... But what for?!

It's Moon Drip, a Belianese spell.

You're still here?!

Ah. So that's what's going on.

What? What do you mean?

These guys are trying to use Moon Drip

to revive that underground demon!


That's impossible! Iced Shell ice is unmeltable!

Moon Drip can melt it.

Focused moon energy can break any spell at all.

You can't be serious...

They have no idea how horrific Deliora is!

I think Moon Drip is the cause

of the phenomenon the islanders believe is a curse.

Concentrated moon energy can
contaminate people's bodies too.

That's how powerful this magic is.

--Those bastards...!
--Hold it!

Someone's here.

Damn. I'm sleepy because
we woke up during the day.

We didn't even find the intruders.

Were there even any?!

It's sad, Cold Emperor.

It appeared that there were intruders
during the day, but they got away.

I am unfit to speak of love.


So he's the Cold Emperor?!

He sure looks high and mighty,
especially with that weird mask!

Really? I think it's cool!

Is Deliora's revival still incomplete?

From the look of it,
it will be today or tomorrow...

Which one?!

At long last...

As for the intruders... I've come too far
to be interfered with now.

Yes. The only people on this island
are in the village on the outskirts.

Go eradicate the village.

--Yes, Sir!


The villagers have nothing to do with this!

Got no choice, then...!

I'm not fond of blood, but...

That voice...

No... It can't be...!

All right! I'm sick of sneaking around!


We're the ones who came to interfere!

Urgh! He always has to play it by ear!

What should I do? Sing?

--You can go back.
--Aww, you're no fun.

That emblem! He's from Fairy Tail!

I see. So the villagers asked the guilds for help.

What are you doing?
Go and eradicate the village.


Those who stand in the way,
and those who concocted said scheme...

They are all the enemy.


Why, you...!

Stop your stupid ceremony
or whatever this instant!

He uses ice too?!



Damn you... Do you even
realize what you're doing?!

It's been a while, Gray.

What is the meaning of this?!

To think that you were one of
the wizards the villagers called here...

Did you come here knowingly?
Or was it sheer coincidence?

Not that it makes any difference...

An acquaintance of yours, Cold Emperor Lyon?

Get going. I can handle this myself.

Yes, Sir!

Oh, no, you don't!

Stop, Natsu! Don't move!

--Happy! Take Lucy out of here!



Damn! I can't move!

Happy! You're going to abandon Natsu?!

He's surrounded by a type of magic
that chills empty space!

We would've turned into ice next
if we had stayed there!

But if we don't help Natsu, he'll...!

Who'll save the village if we all get beaten?!

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were
fighting back the urge to help him...

I'm sure Natsu will be fine!
Ice is nothing to a Salamander!


So you created an opening
for the girl and cat to escape...

No matter. I doubt those two
can stop Sherry and the others.

I wouldn't underestimate
Fairy Tail wizards if I were you!

What's the big idea, Gray?!

I see you're still as reckless as ever.
Isn't he your friend?

That spell can destroy the ice
and everything inside it if you feel like it.

Which is why you sent it
outside the range of my magic?

You're pretty clever, after all.

Could you quit acting like
you're my superior, Lyon?!

You're not Ur's student anymore!

Neither are you, Gray.

Because Ur is no longer of this world.

She sacrificed her life to seal Deliora away!

You're trying to destroy her legacy!

Don't delude yourself. You k*lled Ur.

I'm amazed you've had the nerve to live, Gray.

Gray! You jerk! I'll get you for this!

Anyway, why the heck can't my fire melt this ice?!

But this is no time for that!
I gotta hurry to the village!

Crap! It's hard to run like this!

Wh-Why do you want to
go to that horrible island?!

--I-If you don't mind my asking...!
--Just steer.


C'mon, lady! I mean, Ma'am! I beg you!

Galuna Island is cursed!
They say people turn into demons there!

I've no interest in that.

Y-Yes, Ma'am...!

I'm simply on my way to punish
some rule-breakers. That's all.

--So cool!
--You're wonderful!

--Let's go, Big Sis!
--We'll follow you anywhere you go!

--Good. Then please hurry.
--Aye, Sir!

L-Let me join in too, Big Sis!

--Steady as she goes!
--Steady as she goes!

I'll say it again.

You k*lled Ur.

It is presumptuous of you to speak her name!


What's the matter?
Feeling too guilty to fight back?

In that case, please stay out of my way.
I'm going to revive Deliora.

I won't let you!

That's more like it.
Let's play again, for old times' sake.

Ice Make: Eagle!

Ice Make: Shield!

Static Ice Making, creating objects,
was always your specialty,

while dynamic Ice Making,
creating animals, is my specialty!

Have you forgotten my ice can move about?!

Ice Make: Hammer!

Ice Make: Ape!

What a joke! I see you still use
both hands for your Make magic.

That's what Ur taught us!

Single-handed Make magic
is incomplete and unbalanced!

I'm an exception.
I surpassed Ur's level long ago.

Don't act so cocky...!

I say the same to you.

Tell me, did you ever once hit me with an att*ck?

Don't mistake those times with now!

Ice Geyser!

Nothing has changed.

I was the elder student,
and I was stronger than you.

I learned to use single-handed
Make magic, but you never could.

Nothing has changed.

Our paths are different,
but our time remains frozen and unchanged.

That's why I'm going to melt the ice.

To follow a path that was sealed off.

Ur was my goal. Surpassing her was my dream.

But you took that dream from me.

I thought I would never be able to surpass her.

But then I realized there was a way.

If I can defeat Deliora, the demon
that not even Ur could vanquish...

...then I will have surpassed her.

I can have the rest of my dream!

Are you insane?! That's your goal?!

Even you know how horrific Deliora is!

Stop this! You can't do it!

"Stop? You can't do it?"

We said those exact same words to you then.

Surely you haven't forgotten!

Ur d*ed because you challenged Deliora!

You aren't fit to say Ur's name! Begone!

Disappear forever!

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Morning comes as I chase after
the profile you left behind

Without waiting for a reply,
you said you never want to see my face again

Tears trickled down your cheeks

You must've really fought
your tears back each time you were about

to be swallowed by waves of contradictions

Everyone overestimated
how strong of a person you are

so at some point we lost sight of your true self

The sun, that should've been
right by your side, set and stopped shining,

blotting out truths and lies from times gone by

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Ironically, morning comes as
I chase after your profile

"Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course"
Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!

Today, I'll tell you the secrets
behind Natsu, the fire wizard! Uppa!

Natsu was raised by a dragon named Igneel.

He uses rare Dragon Slayer magic
that lets him eat fire and hit with fire!

And, as you know,
his only weakness is riding vehicles.

See you next time!

Rise! Bow! Aye!

"Fairy Tail"

Man, that Deliora thing was huge!

Yeah, it was as big as about 100 fish.

Hmm. What do you eat to get that big anyway?

Fish, I bet! They are full of calcium and all!

Really? I prefer meat over fish!

"Next Episode: Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User"
Next episode: Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User.

But you'd get arrested
right away if you got big, Natsu.

Huh? What for?

Because you'd be likely to destroy
an entire town like it was nothing.
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