02x59 - Jellal of Days Gone By

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x59 - Jellal of Days Gone By

Post by bunniefuu »

With all 88 heavenly bodies...



When I'm with you, my love and dreams

become magical

Now, let's cast the magic of a smile

I always sort of longed for a powerful world

filled with problems

Once-frozen time has begun moving again

ever since I met you

Why were we born? Why are we alive?

There's no need for complicated answers to that

Let's just laugh and cry,
while being true to ourselves

It's the simple feelings that
are the most important of all

They turn the tears we shed on sad nights

into strength

Now, I'm going to cast the magic of a smile

Huh? Why am I...?

What happened?



Oh, yeah! Natsu!

I refuse... to lose...

The Oración Seis...

...won't be beaten!

"Jellal of Days Gone By"

"Jellal of Days Gone By"
Jellal of Days Gone By.

What's going on?

I feel so out of strength...

And how did she get all torn up, anyway?!

One target, one k*ll!


Y-You missed!

Not you too?!


My prayer...

My prayer...

...is to vanish into the sky...

...just like an angel...

But I get water instead?!


Pull yourself together!

Give me your hand!




What are these?! Rapids?!

Oh, man!

You gotta be kidding me!



Not you too, Angel!

I won't let your deaths be in vain!

The light will soon come crashing down!

I'm not dead.

Jellal lives...!


No, why here?!


Erza. There is no such thing
as freedom in this world...

Let Erza go!

I'm not...

I'm not sure how I should feel...

Come again?

You say Nirvana alters people's personalities?

Indeed, yes.

And, during the initial stage,

that black light forcibly changes those
who waver between good and evil, yes.

Which would mean you were
wavering between good and evil then?

I did feel a little bad about what I was
doing in my quest to make money, yes.

I'm finding that a bit hard
to believe, to be honest...

It was for my long-lost younger brother, yes.

Finding him was my only focus!

And for that, I wanted money, yes.

The sight of you brings back old memories, yes.

You're not suggesting I look
like your brother, are you?

You look like a potato he and I once ate, yes!

A vegetable?!

Now, let's stop Brain and his
minions for the sake of love, yes!


What's the matter?

Why won't my magic work?!


Air Magic: Aerial Shot!

Missed again?!



That's two down.

How boring. Isn't there anyone tougher?

Maybe I shouldn't have come...

You're talking like that again, Wendy?

I can't help it...

Negative emotions will turn
your heart dark, you know.

I ran away and left Ms. Lucy
and the others behind.

Because there wasn't much you could've
done in that situation anyway.

I guess I really shouldn't have come...

But if you hadn't been there,
Erza would be dead by now.

But we didn't find Nirvana, either.

I wouldn't say it's all bad.

You seemed pretty happy
to see that Jellal fellow.

Well, that was...

Say, just who is this Jellal person?

You said you owe him,

but I've never heard about that before.

Oh, right. I never told you, did I?

It happened seven years ago.

Sky Dragon Grandeeney disappeared

and I was left to wander around all by myself...


Where are you, Grandeeney?

What's wrong?

She's gone...

She's gone!

And that was how we met.

He said he was on a journey
and had gotten lost too.

And so we traveled aimlessly
together for about a month.


I don't like rainy days,
but sometimes they're not so bad.


Where did you get them?!

Don't ask that.

--Now let's eat!

Just a sec.


Where do we go now?

Good question. Where should we go?

Can I stay with you?

Of course.

But, one day, he suddenly
said something strange...


What is it? What's wrong?

No! I'm coming with you!

You can't. It's too dangerous to come.


Jellal... I don't wanna leave you!

There's a guild beyond this forest.

I'll leave you there.




He ended up leaving me with
that guild, which was Cait Shelter.

So what happened to Jellal?

I never saw him after that.

I heard rumors later on about a council
member who looked just like Jellal

and, more recently, about how
he was doing very bad things.

But he was really nice back then.

I wonder if Jellal has forgotten about me...

Erza?! She's recovered?!

Damn! I can't believe
I didn't sense her approaching!

I won't let her take out Jellal
before Nirvana fully activates!



H-How did you get here?

I don't know...



That one word is all that I remember...

Can you tell me?

Who am I?

Do you know me?

Just who is Erza?

I can't remember anything!

He has no memory?!


Whoa! What are you doing, Gray?!

Charle, get behind me! Let me handle this!

I'll save Natsu!

Wait, everyone's gone...

What happened?

I can't remember anything!

He has no memory?!

--S-Stay away!

Stay away...

In that case, you come to me!

I'm Erza.

Now come here.

Your name is Jellal.

You were once my friend.


But you went mad, defiled
the dead, hurt my friends...

...even destroyed the Council...

...and k*lled Simon!

If you...

If you insist on saying you've forgotten that,

then I'll plunge a sword into your
heart and spell it all out for you!

Now come! Come to me!

I did that... to my friends...?

Please, no!

What have I done?!

What should...

What should I do now?!

Is this that Jellal?


Huh? I've been treated...

And what's with this outfit?!

That would be garb from the celestial spirit world.

Your other clothes were in tatters.


Where am I?!

Your dress matches Sir Natsu's as well.

That wasn't necessary!


Where's that light?!

We're close.

But is it me or has it changed color?

Yes, it changed from black to white
while you were both unconscious.

That was a close call! Thanks!

Wh-What brought that on?

In loooove!

Not that impression again!

Speaking of which, where is Happy?

I haven't seen him.

Lucy! Weren't you with Erza?

We all got split up...

Ugh, fine. Guess we'll just have
to go to that light by ourselves.

Princess. I should be going now.

Oh! Virgo!

She used her own magic to be here just now...

Could it be...?
Am I completely out of magic power?!


Thank goodness! You're all right!


Weren't you on Galuna Island?

Whatever happened to Dog and Eyebrows?

How far back are you going?!

Found you...

Fairy Tail wizards...


You idiot!


You guys okay?!

Let go!

Damn! You're still alive?!

You k*lled Sir Lyon!

She suddenly started acting
crazy after that light started...

--You were acting crazy too, you know!

Natsu. That wasn't really him.

You'll pay for k*lling Sir Lyon!

Who k*lled whom, now?

Don't count me out just like that.

Sir Lyon...

He's one tough guy, he is.

It was a close call, though.

His b*mb lacrimas were
more powerful than I imagined.

It took a while until I was
able to get on my feet again.

You really are tough!

I don't even compare to you guys, however.

--Say what?!
--That's something to snap over?

Thank goodness...

What the...?

Seems she really was possessed by something.

This... is Nirvana...

The black pillar has turned white!

What do you suppose is happening?


Hibiki! Wake up!

Guys... Please be all right...



I see you've lost your memories.

It's no wonder I couldn't hear your mind's voice.

One of the Oración Seis!

How did you get here?

And, why did you break the seal on Nirvana?!

I heard someone's voice while I was asleep.

"Must obtain Nirvana..." it said.

I could vaguely remember that
spell and where it was hidden...

This magic is dangerous.

No one can be allowed to have it.

That's why I lifted the seal--
to destroy it completely.

You intend to destroy Nirvana...?!

I've already set a self-destruction
magic circle in place.

Soon, Nirvana shall annihilate itself.

What kind of advanced magic circle is this?!

Nirvana's gonna be obliterated
unless I do something!

Jellal! Give me the disarm codes, dammit!


I sense kindness from that name...

Kindness, cheerfulness...

...and warmth...

I'm sure you will continue to hate me.

It can't be helped. It's only natural.

But the hatred will only rob
you of your heart's freedom

and eat away at you...


I can't go that far...

I can't reach you...

What is he--?!

Be free... from Jellal...

I'll take your hatred... and sadness... with me...

He placed a self-destruct
magic circle on himself?!


...free now!


I want to tell you now

that our hearts are connected

As I hold on tight to keep
my dreams from getting away

I have feelings hidden in the scars
deep in my heart that can't reach you

My footsteps tremble, yet I won't turn back

Instead, I'll take one step toward tomorrow

I want to tell you now

It's okay, hold my hand

Let's start all over again

and strive for the future we always wished for

What do we do?! Nirvana's been resurrected!

And it has legs!

--Is Nirvana an octopus or something?
--Of course not!

Then... a squid?

Sure, whatever. Let's just
"squid" talking and hurry.

Oh, Happy! That was a good one!


"Next Episode: March of Destruction"
Next Episode: March of Destruction.

I didn't mean to make a pun...

Don't try to hide it!
I'm giving you a compliment!

I think I'll leave you here and go alone, Natsu.
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