05x146 - The Spiral of Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x146 - The Spiral of Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Natsu and friends came face-to-face
with the Neo-Oración Seis.

Powerless against these foes,
the team lost the Infinity Clock,

and an attempt to retake it failed as well.

The seal held in place by celestial
wizard body links was fully lifted,

and the Infinity Clock revealed its true form.

After this, time began to turn chaotic.

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

Whenever I see you cry, I can't help but smile

and feel glad that I love you

So all I ask is that you stay close
enough for me to reach you

because I'll gently wipe away
your tears when you do weep

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

But it's okay to use tears
for yourself too, you know?

So all I ask is that you stay
close enough for me to reach you

When you do need to cry,
I'll do the crying for you instead

So, please, stay by my side

It was Cardinal Lapointe who
allowed the Neo-Oración Seis

to escape their imprisonment?

Yes. I'm certain of it.

I ask that I be allowed
to investigate the matter.

No, it is not yet time for that.

Huh? Why not, Sir?!

You do not understand the size
of Zentopia's organization.

You can't be serious...

Doranbolt. I'm sorry to say...

I heard.


I can't believe this.
I've come to despise myself.

If I can't take action in
an emergency situation,

then there's no point in my leading
the Custody Enforcement Unit.

Don't give up. We just
gotta do what we can do.


It's the archbishop!

Please tell us, Your Excellency!

Why has time turned chaotic?!

Why has the Infinity Clock appeared?!

Does this signal the world's destruction?!

Please tell us, archbishop!

There is nothing to fear.

This is Zentopia's way of rectifying the world.


After the rectification, the world will
be reborn and follow a new path.

World rectification...

Using the Neo-Oración Seis to destroy churches,

eliminate the body-link celestial wizards,

and plunge time into chaos...

Is that truly a way to rectify the world?

Yet, without an answer to that,
I find myself duty-bound

to sacrifice this Lucy girl and
protect the Infinity Clock...

"Time Spiral"

"Time Spiral"
Time Spiral.

"Time Spiral"


Ms. Lucy and Natsu.

I, Ichiya...

...together with this elite Fairy Tail team,
will save you without fail!

That's manly, all right!

This is also for my big sister,
who took on Racer so we could keep going!

We're coming for you, Lucy. Natsu.

I hope they'll be all right...

They'll be just fine! I know it!

How can you be so sure?

I have faith. It tells me Natsu'll be fine!

What about Lucy, then?

If Natsu's all right, Lucy will be too!

Yeah. I get that feeling too.

Mira will definitely be okay too!

Believing that makes you manly!

Talk about a simpleminded bunch.

O Christina Advance,

our guild's magic bomber and celestial
horse known throughout the land!

The Grand Cathedral of
Zentopia is close at hand!


Where are we going?!

To the archbishop!

What for?

For payback!

If this archbishop guy is the one who
used Michelle for this stupid stuff,

then I'm gonna kick his butt!

The archbishop's butt?

--Are you all right?!


Lackeys! Let's put our spirit into this!


You guys are still here?

True scoundrels never
run away empty-handed!

If we can't take the Infinity Clock,
we'll just take a different treasure!

Whatever. Suit yourselves.

We will suit ourselves.

Lackeys! Let's get treasure-hunting!


I don't even need to use
Rupture Magic-Wagic on you guys!

You haven't seen the last--

Who is this guy?

Gutman, the Cleaner.


You seem to have quite
a lot of magic power-wower!

Be careful! He's an extremely
dangerous opponent!

You don't say?

Now I'm fired up.

Captain! Combat deployment is complete!

Okay! Commence...


Ahh! Captain!

You didn't repeat my orders.

Yes, Sir!

Commence firing!

The military is very chaotic too, man.

Is this a result of the Real Nightmare too?

Screw this!

Thish ain't nuffin' at all...

--This ain't no time to be playin' around!
--You're no one to talk!

And you call yourself a man?!

Wh-What's going on?!

Wait, you're all grown up, Wendy.

And you're a raccoon dog, Charle.

And you're a dog, Happy.

Not good. Everyone's being
affected by the Nightmare!


Then why am I still fine?

That's it! Is it possible...?


Using this ancient w*apon to ward off evil,

I will excise the Real Nightmare's waves!

You seriously hit us with it?!

We're normal again!

I thought the archbishop's sleeping
quarters would be heavily guarded...

But we got in surprisingly easily, huh?

Hmm? What's that?

Huh? What in the world...?


The archbishop is here!

This is getting annoying.
It's time to get direct.



You're the archbishop, huh?

There is nothing to fear.

This is Zentopia's way of rectifying the world.


I got stuff to ask you.

Could you give me straight answers?

There is nothing to fear.

This is Zentopia's way of rectifying the world.

Hey, are you even listening to me?

There is nothing to fear.

Well, this is pointless. What's his deal?

...way of rectifying the world.

Could someone be controlling him with magic?


Lapointe, a Zentopian cardinal.

If memory serves correctly,
you're Gildarts of Fairy Tail, yes?

Oh, I must be really famous now,

if even a Zentopian cardinal knows my name.

But I can't give you my autograph.

I'm busy right now, you see.

I commend you for making it this far.

But I'm afraid you won't be leaving alive.

Amusing. Let's see what you're made of.

I am fast.

No one... can keep up with...


Stay away!

Stay away!

Just give up. This fight is over.


Make me... faster!

What have you done?

His speed's increased even more?!

I'll admit, you are fast...



How... can you be...

...faster than me?

You're running away from something.

I'm moving forward.

Fighting with the desire to save my
friends is stronger than running away.

What are you trying to run away from?

Run away...?

What... was I... running from?

Running away...

I was... always... running away...

You were running from yourself, weren't you?

From... myself?

Yes. From your own past.

Pain, frustration, fear...

You bear a difficult past you want to run from.

I once did too.

I kept running from my painful past.

So I understand your heartache.

No one's chasing you anymore.

You don't need to run away.

Someone's calling me...

I need to find this person.

So, Racer has fallen.

Cobra. Angel.

Stop them.

One must be absolutely faithful
to Zentopia's doctrine-woctrine.

Never doubt. Doubt never.

What if someone does doubt?


...go boom!

What the...?!

A Rupture Magic spell?!

It instantly expands a target's internal
magic power until it rupture-wuptures!

Stay strong...

Anyone who defies Zentopia's
doctrine must be "cleaned" away.

That's what you think...

This is nicey-wicey!

--Stop it!
--Time for you to dance too!

What nice ruptures!

You'll keep going dancey-wancey
as long as you have magic power!


We don't got time to mess with this guy!

In that case, I'll start with
little Natsu's last dance!

I-I can't movey-wovey!

That's 'cause I totally immobilized you!


What are you doing-woing?

Like, I thought everyone who
opposed the archbishop was evil,

but with guys like you and the Neo-Oración Seis,

I totally can't tell who's evil anymore.

I'm not sure what to do anymore...


I don't need to move to
use Rupture Magic-Wagic!


Like, immobilizing people...

...isn't all...

...that I can do!


--Go, you guys!


See for yourself what's right and just.
Even if you have to alone.

Now go!


Let's go!

It's Fairy Tail!

Keep them away from the cathedral!

Fire! Fire!

Don't underestimate the Christina Advance!




So Fairy Tail has come.

My faith in Zentopia may be
on the verge of wavering,

but I will not let them have their way.

Go, Kanaloa!

A measly octopus is no match
for the Christina Advance!


It deflected all our sh*ts...

Th-This is...

...a perilous parfum!

Knock it off the ship!

I leave this to you, Kanaloa.

I must go and question
the archbishop in person.

Not good!

Unless we do something, this will
be a repeat of seven years ago!

Drat! Deploy Spiral Anchors!


I'm going to take down this octopus...
and the Christina Advance with it.

You must escape before then!

But, what about you?!

Just go!

Let's go, everyone!


Go, my friends.


Mr. Ichiya...

That jerk, trying to act all cool...!

He's the manliest of men!

Stubbornly surviving the most
dangerous of situations

is what Ichiya does best.

Now let's go rescue Natsu and Lucy!


There is nothing to fear...

This is Zentopia's way
of rectifying the world...



Oh? You broke out as well, Coco?

Your Eminence...


I know who you are.


Natsu Dragneel. A dragon wizard.

I know this smell...

You smell just like Master Zero!

Master Zero?!

I dunno if this creep is Master Zero or not,

but he is the one who's been
controlling the archbishop.

What is it?!

I just heard Gildarts!

Apparently Cardinal Lapointe has
been controlling the archbishop!


Th-The archbishop, under Lapointe's control?

Meaning he's been using
the archbishop's authority

to take advantage of me as well?

Curse you! You'll pay for this, Lapointe!

If you were controlling the archbishop...

...that must mean you're also the
one who used Michelle to fool us.

And if I am?

Then I'm gonna destroy you, obviously!

Hey, now.

--I'm the one who gets to destroy him.
--Gildarts! Let me do it!

What a stifling lot you are.


If you love to fight that much,

you two can fight each other.

Say what?!

Defy me and she dies.


Hey, now! This ain't funny!


How dare you deceive me, Lapointe!


They're coming.

Your caring friends are coming, Big Sister.

My... friends...

You mean the guys from Fairy Tail?!

But they will lose their lives.

What do you mean? Why are
they going to lose their lives?!

--Because of you, Big Sister.

They're going to die because
they care so much for you.

You can't be serious!

I won't let anyone have you, Big Sister.

You... belong to me!


It isn't about excuses and "what ifs"

Time simply moves toward
the future, equally and always

It's okay to take a long way around;
it doesn't need to be a shortcut

Even now, a tiny light shines in the distance

Not everyone will find and
grab hold of their dreams

but you'll be fine - you have your friends

Just keep following your dream

and shout your unconquerable spirit
from the bottom of your heart

All your problems and all your worries

are there to help you shine someday Oh

So I give to you my "yell" of encouragement

Time's being twisted around!
We gotta stop it before things get really bad!

What exactly do you mean by "really bad"?

Huh? You wanna delve into that?

I can't get fired up if I don't understand why.

Uhh, what about Lucy being captured
and all the other reasons to be motivated?

"Next Episode: To the Infinity Castle!"

"Next Episode: To the Infinity Castle!"
Next Episode: To the Infinity Castle!

No, it's just, like, I can't come to grips
with it or make sense of it, y'know?

Just go save Lucy already, will you?!

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