02x04 - Boys And Girls

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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02x04 - Boys And Girls

Post by bunniefuu »

(jaunty space music)

- Hooble doo, tiddily peeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to

find out all about

you for my great Hoobopedia.

Here they come!

(magical music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

- Iver

- Grooves

- And Tula!

- [All] We're Hoobs!

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Hey, hey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma is

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughs) Oh!

- (chuckles) Wa-hey!

- Ah!

♪ The Hoobs are here,

so what do you say ♪

- [All] Hoobs!

(jaunty acoustic guitar music)

(Groove humming)

- Hop, hop, hop.

Hop, hop, hop.

- Oh, I do so love to Hoobie

Hop, hop, hop

I love the way it

jiggles my twizzle-tuft.

Hop, hop, hop!

And the way I feel is I've got--

- Tula, do you think

Tiddlypeeps like elephants?

- Oh, oh yes, I'm

sure they do, Groove.

But you'd never get one

into your collection.

It would be way too big!

- I meant a toy elephant.

- Hooble-doop, Tula!

- Hop, hop, hop!

- Hooble-doop, Groove!

- [Tula and Groove]

Hooble-doop, Iver!

- Groove, what's all this stuff?

Oh, I like this.

- It's my new collection,

things that Tiddlypeeps like.

- Actually, Groove, you should

be making two collections.

- Two?

- Yes, one for girl Tiddlypeeps

and one for boy Tiddlypeeps.

- Well boy and girl

Tiddlypeeps like

the same thing, don't they?

- Ha, of course they don't!

- Yes, they do.

Don't they, Iver?

- Hm?

Oh, I've never thought

about it before.

- [Both] Well?

- Do boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same things?

- [Computer] Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba.

- Do boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same things?

Oh, what a

Hooble-dooble-duper question

for today's Hoob News!

- I know the answer to that

question already, Hubba Hubba!

It's no, they like

different things.

Hop, hop, hop.

- You're wrong, Tula.

The answer's yes.

They like the same things.

- The answer is no.

- It's yes.

- It's no.

- It sounds to me

as if you need to

do some finding out.

And when you find the

answer, I'll put it

into my great Hoobopedia.

- Yes, do you have

anything to get us started?

- Hm, I discovered some

pictures on HoobNet

of squiddily

Tiddlypeeps playing.

I'll download them now!

(upbeat synthesizer music)

Hooble doop! (chuckles)

Ooh, there's another

squiddily Tiddlypeep!

And another one playing

with a big bear!

Ooh, goodness me, that ball's

almost as big as they are!

Oh, another

squiddily Tiddlypeep!

- Aw.

(synthesizer whirs)

- It's hard to tell which

squiddily Tiddlypeeps

were boys and which were girls.

- You're right, besides, they

were squiddily Tiddlypeeps.

The question is

about Tiddlypeeps.

Do boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same things?

- Hang on, hang on.

There are two different

types of Hoobs, aren't there?

You and Roma are Shoober Hoobs.

Groove and I are Doober Hoobs.

- Which is just

like girls and boys!

So, do Shoober Hoobs like the

same thing as Doober Hoobs?

And the answer is no!

For instance, I

love Hoobie-Hopping!




(jaunty music)

♪ Why, why, why, why, ♪

♪ Why, why, why, why, why ♪

Because I'm a Shoober

Hoob, Hoobie-hop-hop-hop!

Shoober Hoobs like


And Doober Hoobs don't!

- But I am a Doober Hoob

and I love Hoobie-hopping!

- He does.

- Hop, hop, hop, oh, sorry!

- I'm confused.

- You're only confused because

you know I'm right, Tula!

Girl Tiddlypeeps and

Boy Tiddlypeeps like

the same things.

- No they don't!

- Yes, they do.

- They don't.

- They do.

- They don't.

- They do.

- Don't.

- They do.

(Iver sighs)

- [Computer] Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba!

- It's, um, it's Hubba Hubba!

- I've just heard from

Roma that she's been

discovering things

about boys and girls.

So while we wait for her report,

why don't you go and

talk to some Tiddlypeeps?

Well the question is

about them, after all.

- (laughs) Hoobacious

idea, Hubba Hubba!

- I'll go and talk to them.

- And I will drive!

Let's get those

Motorettes singing!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

(jaunty music)

They do like the same things.

- Don't!

- Seatbelts?

- Seatbelts!

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!

(bell chimes)

(upbeat music)

♪ Yee-haw ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road, we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

- They're smart!

- They're fun!

- They know!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues,

they tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

(van squeaking)

- Yee-haw!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, when,

why, where, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Yee-hoo!

♪ We're off to see the

Tiddlypeeps, on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ And how they know, yee-haw ♪

(energetic music)

- Hooble doop, Tiddlypeeps!

- [Kids] Look, it's Luna!

- Oh yes, do you want

to do a Hooby-hello?

- [Kids] Yes!

- [All] Hooble-doo

hooble-doo, woo woo woo!

- I'm so glad I found you!

You really seem to be enjoying

this kicking-a-ball-round game.

- Yeah, we really like it!

- Really, that's interesting.

Now, can you tell me

why you like it so much?

- Because you can run around

and get lots of fresh air!

- I see, so you

like running around.

Any other reasons?

- It's fun.

- Oh, yes, I can see that.

But you don't mind

getting wet and muddy?

- No, we like it!

- You like it?

Hoobie-galoobie, that's amazing!

But what about

when you fall over?

I saw you fall over,

d-d-did it hurt?

- No, not really.

It's all part of the game!

(Groove chuckle)

- Oh dear!

- Iver, Groove!

These Tiddlypeeps like

kicking a ball around!

They like getting dirty and

they don't mind falling over!

- Huh?

- And guess what?

They're all boys!

- No we're not, Tula!

Some of us are girls!

- Ah look!

- Ah, you see?

- You don't like playing

this game, do you?

- Yes, we love it!

- But I thought

it was just boys?

- [Kids] No!

- Oh, oh well, I

suppose I better

get back to the Hoobermobile.


- [Kids] Hooble-toodle-doo!

(happy piano music)

- I was right, I was right!

Boy Tiddlypeeps and

girl Tiddlypeeps

do like the same things!

- Hmm.

- I think we have

time for a HoobieBun

or two before Hoob

News, don't you?

(thoughtful music)

- I'm sure Groove is wrong!

There must be some things

that boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like that are different!

I need to find out!

But how?

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how ♪

♪ How, how ♪

- [Computer] Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba!

- This could be how!

It's a fantabby Hoobie story

I just received

from a Tiddlypeep

about a boy and a

girl and a castle

and some mattresses and a,

oh, oh, see what you think.

(synth whirs)

(stately music)

- [Narrator] There

were once two friends

called Peter and Petunia.



One day, they got

lost in the woods.

They wandered around for hours

until they came to a

beautiful old castle.

The castle was owned

by a kind old woman.

She gave them some supper

and offered them

shelter for the night.

(cups rattling)

(door squeaks)

The old woman showed the

children to their beds.

Petunia's bed was

made of mattresses,

piled so high that they

almost touched the ceiling!

Peter's bed, however, was one

simple mattress on the floor.

"Sleep well!" said the

old woman, and left.

Petunia tossed and turned.

Her bed was so lumpy

and uncomfortable.

"I can't sleep!" she cried.

"Don't worry!" said Peter.

"I'll swap with you."

(Peter snores)

Peter had no problems

sleeping on the mattresses.

And both children slept

peacefully until morning.

"Did you have a

comfortable night?"

asked the old

woman at breakfast.

"Not at first," replied Petunia.

"That high bed seemed

to have a tiny lump,

"right in the middle."

The old woman's face lit up!

She rushed to the bed

and took out a single pea

from under the bottom mattress.

"You are a princess," she cried.

"For only a real

princess could feel a pea

"under such a high bed.

"I've been waiting

for you to come along.

"This castle is your

home!" she told Petunia.

The princess rushed

back to fetch her family

and they all lived

happily together.

As for Peter, he

came to play with

Princess Petunia

every afternoon.

- Hooby-groovy.

- Aw!

- Ah, there you go!

Boy Tiddlypeeps do not

mind sleeping on a pea,

and girl Tiddlypeeps do.

- Right.

- Which means, they don't

like the same thing.

- No, it doesn't!

That wasn't just

a girl Tiddlypeep!

It was a Tiddlypeep

princess in a fairy tale.

- She was still a girl!

Boys can't feel peas under

a mattress, and girls can!

I expect it's the same for

Shoober and Doober Hoobs.

- Okay, let's test it.

- What?

- Let's see if a Shoober

Hoob can feel a pea

under a pile of mattresses

and if a Doober Hoob can't.

- Well, we haven't

got mattresses!

- Aha, but I do have a

large selection of cushions

in my collection of soft

and feathery things.

- Well, we could do

the test with cushions.

- Yes, I suppose we could.

- [Groove] Here we go!

- Ooh.

- Ow!

- Are you all right, Groove?

- 'Course I am, Tula.

I landed on all these cushions.

Didn't feel a thing,

and I know you'll

never a feel a pea

under this lot either.

- I bet I will,

let's stack them up!

Oh no.

- What's the matter, Tula?

- We don't have a pea!

There must be something we

can use instead of a pea.

- Oh, but what?

(upbeat marching music)

♪ Oh what, oh what, oh what ♪

♪ Oh what ♪

♪ Oh what, oh what, oh What ♪

♪ Oh what, oh what, oh what ♪

♪ What, what, what ♪

- Here's what.

A little bead from my

collection of small,

round, hard, things

with holes in them.

- Oh right, Groove, I'm

going to put this bead

under the cushions,

and you've got to

tell me if it's comfortable.

- Ha, you'll never feel it.

- Well, how do you like it?

- Ah, Tooby-groovy, yeah,

can't feel the bead at all.

- As I thought!

Right, my turn now,

come on, move Groove!

- You won't feel it,

Tula, you mark my words.

- Now, being a Shoober

Hoob, this should be

really uncomfortable for me.

- How bad is it, Tula?

- Yeah, can you feel the bead?

- No, I can't feel

the bead at all.

(Groove laughs)

- So does that mean

Groove is right?

- Yes!

- No, it just means that

Groove and I aren't princesses.

- Roma, Roma, Roma

- Oh that's Roma!

(synth whirs)

Hooble-doop Roma!

- Hooble-doop Hoobs!

I've come here, to a

playground, to find out

about the way boy and

girl Tiddlypeeps dress.

And I've discovered some

Hoobaciously interesting things!

Boy Tiddlypeeps like

to wear these things

wrapped around their legs,

they're called trousers.

- But what about girl

Tiddlypeeps, Roma?

What do they wear?

- Well, let's have a look, Tula.

Ah yes, dresses!

Aren't they fan-tabby Hooby?

- That's interesting!

Look, I'd love a

dress like that!

It's just my color,

don't you think?

I wonder where she got it.

- Um, Roma, hello?

Is that the only difference?

- Oh sorry, Tula!

Now, I've also

noticed a difference

between boy and girl

Tiddlypeeps' hair.

Boy Tiddlypeeps like to

wear their hair short,

but girl Tiddlypeeps

like to have long hair.

Oh, I wish I could grow

my twizzle-tuft like that.

So, Hoobs, that's

how you can tell

a boy Tiddlypeep from

a girl Tiddlypeep.

It's easy!

This is Roma Hoob,

off to find out

where I can get one

of those dresses!


- [All] Hooble-toodle-doo!

- And thanks Roma,

I knew I was right!

Boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like different clothes

and different hairstyles.

- Well maybe, but I've

known I've seen pictures

somewhere of boy

Tiddlypeeps wearing

something rather like a dress.

- [Computer] Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba!

- You've probably seen those

pictures on HoobNet, Groove.

Look, I've just found some!

(buttons beep)

(upbeat music)

- See, I knew it, I knew it,

I'm gonna print them out.

- Yes, but most boy

Tiddlypeeps we meet

wear trousers, don't they Iver?

- Well, that's true

Tula, but we have met

Hoob loads of girl

Tiddlypeeps wearing trousers.

- Well, all boy Tiddlypeeps

have short hair.

- No, that's not true, Tula!

I've seen girl Tiddlypeeps

with short hair

and now I think of it, I've seen

boy Tiddlypeeps with long hair!

Which proves that boy

and girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same things.

- You're wrong,

I'm sure you are.

(jaunty pop music)

♪ Groove, Groove,

listen to me, Groove ♪

♪ Sit right down and

listen to my song ♪

♪ Boys and girls like

different things ♪

♪ No Tula, I'm sorry,

but you're wrong ♪

- You're wrong

♪ Tiddlypeep girls wear

pretty little dresses ♪

♪ Tiddlypeep girls have

long golden tresses ♪

♪ No Tula, I'm sorry, these

are only wild guesses ♪

♪ You're wrong, I

say, you're wrong ♪

♪ Tiddlypeep girls

wear trousers too ♪

♪ And here's a boy in a kilt ♪

- That's true

♪ Tula, whatever's got

into you, you're wrong ♪

♪ I tell you, you're wrong ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ Stop, stop, both

of you, stop ♪

♪ Please calm down, I

don't want you to fight ♪

♪ But I ♪

♪ Wait, don't get in a state ♪

♪ But Iver, I'm telling

you, I'm right, I'm right ♪

♪ Tiddlypeeps all like

playing with toys ♪

♪ There are some toys for

girls and some for boys ♪

♪ But Tula, they all

like playing ball ♪

♪ There's no difference

between them ♪

♪ No difference at all ♪

♪ I'm right ♪

♪ No way ♪

♪ I am, I say ♪

♪ You're wrong ♪

♪ What rot, I'm right ♪

♪ You're not ♪

♪ We're in a spot,

don't know what's what ♪

♪ Are boys and girls the

same or are they not ♪

We must carry on looking

into this until we agree.

The answer must be out

there somewhere, but where?

(dramatic music)

♪ Where, where, where, where ♪

♪ Where, where, where, where ♪

♪ Where, where, where ♪

♪ Where, where ♪

- [Computer] Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba!

- Well I think you should go

back to see the Tiddlypeeps.

I mean, if they don't

know the answer,

then perhaps there isn't one.

- (gasps) No answer,

I can't believe that.

I'll go this time.

- I'll drive.

(upbeat action music)

- And I'll just stay

here, knowing I'm right.

(bell chimes)

(jaunty music)

♪ Yee-haw ♪

♪ We're off to see the

Tiddlypeeps, on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

- They're smart!

- They're fun!

- They know!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps, if

we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, when,

why, where, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ Yee-hoo ♪

♪ We're off to see the

Tiddlypeeps, on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps!

- [Kids] Hooble-doop Iver!

- Aw thank you!

Now, you are girl

Tiddlypeeps, is that right?

- Of course!

- Good, you see, Groove

is making a collection

of things that Tiddlypeeps like.

And I hope you're

watching this Groove.

- I am, Iver

- Thank you

So, it looks like

you girl Tiddlypeeps

like dolls and teddies.

And you're playing

quietly and gently.

Hm, okay, I wonder what

boy Tiddlypeeps like doing.

(gentle music)

He's playing quietly

with dolls too.

Tula, Groove, it

looks to me as if

boy Tiddlypeeps and

girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same things.

- Exactly.

- So I,

(instruments honking)

Oh, what a noise,

I just, oh, I just.

I thought boy and

girl Tiddlypeeps liked

playing quiet and gentle games.

Obviously, you don't, do you?

I'm so confused.

Can you Tiddlypeeps

help me answer

this Hoobaciously hard question?

- We'll try, what is it?

- Do boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same thing?

- Well sometimes we do,

and sometimes we don't.

- Oh really?

No wonder Tula, Groove,

and I've been so confused.

So you're saying, that

you all have things

that you like, and other

things you don't like?

- That's right, Iver,

we're all different.

- Oh, and it doesn't

make any difference

whether you're a boy Tiddlypeep

or a girl Tiddlypeep?

- Nope

- No, not really

- Oh, I see, Hooby-galoob,

Tula, Tula, Groove,

I think I've got the answer.

- Yeah!

- Well sort of, anyway.

Thank you Tiddlypeeps!

I'd better get back

to the Hoobmobile,

it's nearly time for Hoob News.


- [Kids] Hooble-toodle-doo!

(jaunty music)

- So, what's the answer

to our question, Tula?

Yes or no?

- Well, I don't

think it's either.

- Does that mean

we're both wrong?

- No, I think it means

we're both right!

- Yay!

- And just in time for

Hoob News, come on!

(gentle music)

♪ Girls and boys,

come out to play ♪

♪ The moon does shine

as bright as day ♪

♪ Leave your supper

and leave your sleep ♪

♪ And join your

playfellows in the street ♪

♪ Come with a whoop,

come with a call ♪

♪ Come with a good

will or not at all ♪

♪ Up the ladder

and down the wall ♪

♪ A hay penny loaf

will serve us all ♪

♪ You'll find mill,

and I'll find flour ♪

♪ We'll have a pudding

in half an hour ♪

- Let's sing it our way!

- [All] Yeah!

(upbeat rock music)

♪ Motorettes, come out to play ♪

♪ Singing and playing

a tune all day ♪

♪ Dance to the music

and rock to the beat ♪

♪ Clap with your hands

and stamp with your feet ♪

♪ You blow a trumpet

and I'll bang a drum ♪

♪ Three little Motorettes

having such fun ♪

- [Computer] Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba!

- Well Hoobs, are

you ready to give

me your Hoob News

for my Hoobopedia?

- We're ready, Hubba Hubba!

- Well off you go!

(jaunty music)

- Hooble-doop-woop to

all you Hoobs out there!

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today, we've been

asking the question.

- Do boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same things?

- [Groove] First, Hubba

Hubba found us some pictures

of boy and girl squiggly

Tiddlypeeps on HoobNet.

- [Iver] But they were

so little, we couldn't

tell which were the girls

and which were the boys.

- Besides, the question

was about Tiddlypeeps,

not squiggly Tiddlypeeps.

Then, I found some boy

Tiddlypeeps who liked playing

a Hoobly-groobly

kicking-a-ball-around game.

- [Groove] But then

Tula also found some

girls that liked

playing that game too.

- [Tula] Then Hubba Hubba

showed us a story about a girl

who didn't like

sleeping on a pile

of mattresses with

a pea under it.

And a boy, who

didn't mind at all.

- We tried to see

if the same was true

for Shoober and Doober Hoobs.

- [Tula] But neither Groove

nor I could feel the bead.

- So now we know

we're not princesses.

- Then Roma told us

she discovered that

boy Tiddlypeeps like

wearing trousers,

and girl Tiddlypeeps

like wearing dresses.

- But then, we

downloaded some pictures

of boys wearing clothes

that look like dresses.

And we know girls wear trousers,

and they can have short hair.

- In the end, the

Tiddlypeeps helped us.

- I found out that some boys

like playing quiet games,

and some like making

lots of noise.

The same goes for girls.

- So, just like Shoober

Hoobs and Doober Hoobs,

some girls and boys like the

same things, and others don't.

- So the answer to our question,

do boy and girl Tiddlypeeps

like the same thing,

is, sometimes they do,

and sometimes they don't.

- Ah ha, which goes to

show that not all questions

have simple yes or no answers.

- Yeah that's

right, Hubba Hubba!

This was a yes and a no answer.

- So it's thanks

once again to Iver,

Tula, Groove, and

Roma for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of Peeps.

And to all you Shoober Hoobs,

and all you Doober

Hoobs, have a nice day

and Hooble-toodle-doo!

- [All] Hooble-toodle-doo!

- Right, which would

you like to play with?

The teapot or the elephant?

(upbeat music)

Oh never mind, let's

play with both. (laughs)

- After you with the elephant!

(upbeat music)

♪ Hubba, Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughs) Oh!

- Hey-hey!

- Ah!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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